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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. @vincentdenkspel that's an interesting proposal. TBH I don't have too much experience with Affiliate and Referral. What is important here? Actually what is even the difference? Which modules are you using right now for this functionality?
  2. In general I rewrite quite a lot of functions, since I became a much better coder than I was back then. This is changed: Expiration of loyalty points (but not the history way) Stats for total value of outstanding loyalty points Functionality to hide players from leaderboard Functionality to show possible actions in FO I am thinking of: adding email support referral/affiliate functionality better handling of history (for example for product returns, cancelled orders)
  3. I am doing more rewrites than I was planning. Probably the new version will be released as V.2.0.0. So if there are any suggestions, it's best to do it now.
  4. I know this processes. We add almost daily orders to the BO. I am surprised, that you prefer it that way by default. We try as much, to push our customers, to order themself. It saves us time and nerves 😉 We do it the same way: prename.surename@shop-domain.ch. It's true that it makes no sense to set a passwort there. But it's also not a big deal to put something in this field. You write a lot about many seconds. I don't have such a big delay on my server. Probably your server is also slow. But true I also noticed that this process is not really quick. Not sure if there is any issue with the ajax post request, or if it just takes this time. A video of your process would help to understand, what you really mean. Yeah that's a bit ugly. We have created an account like store-customers@shopdomain.com. We add all orders there, that don't need any address. The address is then our company address. We use this account mainly for people who buy directly at our house. Yeah I believe this is worth considering. Especially in the BO, but I have heard, that some shops use such APIs also on FO. No idea what you mean. A bug report needs to be concret. And it's better to report bugs seperat, not mixing it up in a post, that is about improving/enhancing features.
  5. It's been a long time, since I last worked on krona. I started today a bit with v.1.2.0. I added: Expiration of loyalty points (but not the history way) Stats for total value of outstanding loyalty points Functioniality to hide players from leaderboard Hopefully I can test things with @SLiCK_303 soon. @datakick Is it possible to integrate an email warning conseqs module? Like your module checks, the loyalty_expire column in my module? What else are your expierences? Where is the module "weak"?
  6. Oh hopefully not. But he was recently online here 💪🐝
  7. @dynambee you seem to know the most about elasticsearch in combo with tb. Are you still using it somewhere live?
  8. @movieseals thanks for your update. It's a bit sad, that you had to switch away from the tb module, but ofc I understand your decision. Can I see your elasticsearch somewhere in action? Does this module offer facetted navigation/filter?
  9. I am actually not the right person to judge this, since I don't have this module installed. Still I could imagine that there is a problem with this layout. Have you tried to change "UPS" to something longer? Like the User above has something like "UPS class/priority".
  10. Haha very funny, that yesterday I tried this 😂 Search in your theme for product-sort.tpl and add: <option value="date_add:desc"{if $orderby eq 'date_add' AND $orderway eq 'desc'} selected="selected"{/if}>{l s='Newest first'}</option> Please respond, if this works out well for you.
  11. So I set up a token for all zones. But now I have to select a specific domain in your module. Is this correct how I am doing it? :S Edit: all clear. I just have to select a specific shop and then save...
  12. @cprats Please search for: {if $option.unique_carrier} {foreach $option.carrier_list as $carrier} <strong>{$carrier.instance->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</strong> {/foreach} {if isset($carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang])} <br>{l s='Delivery time:'}&nbsp;{$carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang]|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} {/if} {/if} And replace it with: {if $option.unique_carrier} {foreach $option.carrier_list as $carrier} <strong>{$carrier.instance->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</strong> {if isset($carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang])} <br>{l s='Delivery time:'}&nbsp;{$carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang]|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} {/if} {/foreach} {/if} Please confirm, if this works.
  13. I get your point. Ofc that would be nice, but who would be in such a team?
  14. Yes I could solve it, but it depends on your theme. You use one page checkout right? You have to edit order-carrier.tpl and move the closing foreach a bit. You could also post your code, if you can't solve it yourself.
  15. What do you mean with: I need to keep the design? You need to change a few lines in one file, thats all :S
  16. There is no such team. The problem is that devs can't test this all by themself. They never have the real environment. You can never forseen all issues. I don't understand why merchants shouldn't test anything?
  17. I would bet that it's this problem: I had it too...
  18. @SLiCK_303 you are a hero 🙂
  19. Yeah I thought so 🙂 But it works with multistore, right?
  20. Nice! One question: Does this purge cache only when I manually delete cache in tb or does it also work when I upload a js file trough ftp?
  21. It's not about the fix. It's about how you fix it. If people upload this fix, they will lose this in the next update. Why don't you propose this fix in github?
  22. I use a PS Module: Premium Google Tag Manager v2.1.3 - from ReactionCode But tbh I don't use GA too much for now. I mean the normal informations about countries your customer come from, browser, bounce_rate and so on are helpful for me. But the ecommerce stats aren't really too useful in my opinion.
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