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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. @30knees you are welcome. Btw this is not a tb issue. The module would also not work on prestashop (at least not 1.6). The fact, that nobody reports, shows, that it isn't used a lot from ps merchants. As far as I can see they don't even have a topic there in the forum...
  2. Ok I played a bit around. I am still on 3.1.0. So I tried to update (on testshop ofc). It failed. Not sure where exactly as the error message from tb was somehow missleading. I also tried to uninstall the module and then reinstall complete. Of course it says it's sucessful. But actually as I expected there is no mol_countries table. In Short: This module is broken in both ways - update and clean install! If you have a working version stick on it.
  3. I believe the quality of this module went down, since it's no more maintained by Martijn and Michael: https://github.com/mollie/PrestaShop/commit/fb5bd9f287bae5d393a934c21e9244d9d30daa70#diff-a50a9e2177492d1e4d64e6d84a7f8ceb Here is the update, where it should happen. There arise multiple questions to me: Why is the prefix mol and not mollie (as mollie_payments table)? Why is the mol_countries not in the installer sql? Why was the table still not added, since you both upgraded? Well since I anway want to leave from mollie, I won't fix any of this ofc.
  4. Is the module just broken? What table should mol_country be? I have never heard of that... I also can't see it in the sql installer of mollie: https://github.com/mollie/PrestaShop/blob/master/sql/install.php
  5. @Theo Right now it's not possible. But you are right, that it's hard to maintain links like that. For our own shop I have created a little Shortcode System. Which replaces links in FO like [link blog="12"] or [link product="34"]. But this won't work on other system as it depends on blog module for example.
  6. I dont think this will work anywhere in the BO. TB has no such Shortcode System...
  7. Well it really depends on the context you want to generate such a link. It's different in smarty than in php file. I dont know what URL in Menu admin means.
  8. Yeah you are right, this isn't the place to discuss it. Still I am sad to hear, that good merchant are suffering that much with their shop system.
  9. @vincentdenkspel that sounds bad and shouldn't be the case... Are these external module that are breaking?
  10. Thanks for your inputs @dynambee @vincentdenkspel For now I am still at the rewriting part. The player history is trickier than I thought. Nobody of you was using this module until now?
  11. Ja ich würde da jetzt sicherlich auch noch nichts grosses unternehmen. Mal abwarten bis alles etwas klarer ist. Ich gehe persönlich auch mehr in die Richtung auf externe Cookies zu verzichten. GA nutzen wir noch. Facebook habe ich aber bereits entfernt.
  12. Danke für den Link. Ich denke, dass hat keinen Einfluss auf TB Core oder? Handelt sich doch um notwendige Cookies oder? Abgesehen davon lassen mich solche Dinge relativ kalt... 😂
  13. @vincentdenkspel yes you are right with the FIFO and also with the merchant friendly/customer friendly. As most merchants seem to prefer merchant friendly than customer friendly (😜), I want to add both possibilities. Ofc the merchant can set, after how many days the points should expire...
  14. @dynambee and @30knees you two asked for expiration of loyalty points with a history right? I am rewriting the module right now and maybe this is possible to integrate. Still I don't understand the logic for sure. An example: Customer places order_1 and earns 20 loyalty points. (exipration date end of october) Customer places order_2 and earns 30 loyalty points. (expiration date mid of november) Customer places order_3 and uses 15 loyalty points - what happens now? Will any expiration date change? Or is this just always fix? If it's fix, it means, that this customer has now 3 expiration dates left (5 from order_1, 30 from order_2, and some from order_3). I would call this the "fixed way". On the other hand I plan to add the "refresh way". (which I like more). In this way when customer places an order all his loyalty points are updated to a new expire date.
  15. @Gotabor good post sir! I agree with videos. For me this is between content marketing and social media marketing. They are very powerful. The problem is tough, that they arent really updateable. For example if I do a list like: "best boardgames for fanatasy nerds". In a video this list gets outdated. In a blog post you change a few lines and the blog post is again up to date. Of course not all kind of videos get outdated, but it can happen quite often. Also when your products change a little bit over time.
  16. Well I also have to say, that I personly hate ads. And I believe most people do. And there is a big difference between ads on youtube/facebook compared to google. When you are on google. You search something. So you really looking for something out. If my ad solves your problem, why not? But ads on facebook, youtube, news articles are just disturbing the viewer. Nobody is asking for them. That's just my personal view on things. I believe there are really sucessful stories on social media. But the idea, that every shop will make good revenue by using facebook ads, is a myth in my opinion. I consider, to hire a pro in the future, who manages this field for a few months for me. Only this can give me the final conclusion.
  17. Yeah this is possible. I tried it a bit. But it didn't convert well for us. Ok I am also no expert in social media and their ads system... But with Google Ads it's working quite good.
  18. Yeah I agree on that! In our case content marketing just seems to work better. But if you can combine them, you surely get the most benefit from it. But as a small shop it's really hard to handle this all.
  19. Well we do a lot of content marketing. So we get traffic by: Search Engines Organic Google Ads (Google Shopping works good for us) E-Mail clicks Even some direct visits (either they know our website or our content was linked somewhere). Btw if sombody has examples of good working social media marketing (from small shops), I would like to learn from them 🙂
  20. To be honest: almost nothing. We have facebook pages for our stores. There was a time we also worked with facebook ads to get page likes. But this plattforms are changing alogrithms always to their benefits. Facebook Pages are dead. Even when your customer like your FB page, they won't see most of your FB post. For us it's just a waste of time an money. We focus to bring the people directly to our website and give them everything they need. Ofc there are other niches (glamour, clothes and so on), where Social media is more interesting. If you have serious influencer, I would maybe try to work with them.
  21. Maybe it has to do with your SSL certificate. This doesn't seem to work correctly...
  22. If you speak english, I highly recommend to post it in english. You will have a much better chance to get an answer. Auto translate: Si hablas inglés, te recomiendo encarecidamente que lo publiques allí. Usted tendrá una oportunidad mucho mejor de obtener una respuesta.
  23. Ok I believe that for most people referral programm is more interesting, right? Customer gets a code and his friend is typing this code when he orders. Then one or both of them get a reward. Is it that, what it should be like?
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