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Everything posted by 30knees

  1. I use the opt-out version. Quite a few people opt-out, but some don't and some of them leave reviews. 🙂
  2. Looks correct to me: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/blob/1.0.x/classes/order/Order.php public function getTotalWeight() { $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue( (new DbQuery()) ->select('SUM(`product_weight` * `product_quantity`)') ->from('order_detail') ->where('`id_order` = '.(int) $this->id) ); return (float) $result; }
  3. I have an order consisting of 10 x 1kg of Product A, so the total weight should be 10kg, but in the order class it's given as 100kg. I noticed this because the DHL shipping module I used wanted to calculate with 100g instead of with 10kg. I contacted the module developer and they checked and said it's a bug in thirty bees, because the order class says 100kg and that's where the module takes the weight from. How can I help find where the issue is? Note: It was only one order out of many, so if it's a tricky issue it might not be worthwhile digging too deep to find where the bug is.
  4. Der Support hat sich gemeldet und die Punkte haben sich geklärt!
  5. Eine Rückmeldung, dass das Modul funktioniert und wir grundsätzlich damit zufrieden sind. Es hat einige Bugs, aber hoffentlich werden die gröbsten im Laufe der Zeit behoben. Leider ist der Support von Shoprunners nicht sehr zügig. Seit dem 6.2. warte ich, trotz zwischenzeitlicher Nachfrage, auf eine Bestätigung von ein paar Bugs. Darunter ist auch ein Bug, der eine Zustellung verhindert, weil manche Adressfelder nicht übernommen werden. Es ist leider auch nicht das erste Mal, dass ich Wochen auf eine bloße Bestätigung einer Email warte.
  6. I can highly recommend the premium version. We've noticed how many more people are now leaving a review thanks to the auto-login functionality.
  7. What I do is write something along the lines of: - I saw you started an order. For technical reasons, your data was saved. I would like to inform you that we are deleting it for data protection reasons with X hours. If you experienced any technical difficulties and do not want us to delete the data, please let us know.
  8. The problem hasn't surfaced since using 3.3.5. They weren't able to figure out what caused it originally. Also, Mollie confirmed that they decided to stop providing a plugin for thirtybees.
  9. A problem that I have is that customers are marked as having an abandoned cart even if they don't. Often it is because they visit the page again after having already placed an order (though without adding anything to their cart).
  10. Mollie is still looking into the problem. But they said I can use the 3.3.4. PS version, which I've now updated to 3.3.5.
  11. That's bad news. I'm talking to Mollie support at the moment. I'll ask whether they're blocking tb now. Did they tell you they're blocking tb? I'm running the PS 3.3.5. version and don't have any problems beyond the (still unsolved) one with some orders being cancelled after ca. 25 days. Mollie is still looking into the problem:
  12. And I see you've also added the functionality that customers don't have to manually log in to submit a review when clicking on a review request email. Nice! I've noticed that customers click on the link but don't actually submit a review. I think it's because they don't want to write actual text. Would it be feasible and a good idea to already capture the star rating and save that as a review/rating in case they jump off when they click on the stars and are then taken to the text part of the review? Even though I let customers rate without submitting text, they still have to enter the title and click submit review.
  13. We sell products with expiration / best before dates. How do you manage this? We'll have 10 on stock with EXP 11/19 and then get a new deliver of 15 with EXP 05/20 and we ship using FIFO. It would be great to be able to track this and have EXP date reminders, eg by email. I got this module https://addons.prestashop.com/en/stock-supplier-management/16828-traceability-management-dlc-bbd.html ages ago, but it's horrible and doesn't work.
  14. I'm still getting orders cancelled despite the setting being set. After some questions, Mollie also stated they only need that setting for Klarna, which I do not use. Their support often doesn't seem to be very thorough or attentive to details, though always quite friendly and they reply within 24h. Mollie is still looking into it.
  15. Nice! In addition to excluding the theme, as lesley said, all the things datakick mentioned further above should be excluded, too.
  16. I'm still talking to them because I think it's a stupid setting. I'll post the outcome of the discussion - and whether we can use the 3.3.4 PS version that's out.
  17. Die Statuse sind richtig gesetzt. Ich verwende die Mollie-Funktion nicht (siehe Screenshot). Womöglich interpretiert das Mollie dahingehend, dass nicht versendet wurde? Und nach X Tagen bedeutet das, dass die Sendung storniert wurde? Bei PayPal wurde aber nichts erstattet. Weiß jemand, wie das mit den "Versandinformationen" von Mollie funktioniert? Sendet Mollie eigene Emails mit Trackinglinks? @wakabayashi Zur Zeit eine andere Zeitzone als MEZ. 🙂
  18. @wakabayashi I had some problems with the original PS version, so they gave me a beta to test. But it's interesting that @Pedalman has similar problems in that Mollie doesn't recognize if an order has been shipped and then cancels the order. I'll pass on this information to Mollie and report back what they discover.
  19. @PedalmanAha! Sehr interessant. Ja, vermutlich liegt da irgendwo das Problem. Ich schreibe in dem anderen Thread weiter.
  20. I think it's the Mollie module. The timing is pretty much in sync (only a couple of minutes off) with the original PayPal payment, only with Sofort is it different: Paid Cancelled 12.12.2018 08:56:50 09.01.2019 08:55:18 (PayPal - Mollie) 15.12.2018 18:56:05 12.01.2019 19:00:07 (PayPal - Mollie) 16.12.2018 08:44:49 13.01.2019 08:45:19 (PayPal - Mollie) 16.12.2018 15:20:29 13.01.2019 15:20:15 (PayPal - Mollie) 16.12.2018 21:14:52 14.01.2019 10:51:54 (Sofort - Mollie) 17.12.2018 18:47:13 14.01.2019 18:50:09 (PayPal - Mollie) I'll drop Mollie a support request.
  21. Shoprunners says it's not their module. No idea ... .
  22. Thanks, Lesley. Couldn't find anything by looking for the id number. Thanks, wakabayashi. I also think it's not Mollie. I've been using Mollie for longer. I think it's the DHL module, but I don't know how to figure out whether that's really the case. I hope the developers respond soon. I'll definitely update this thread.
  23. Hi @Pedalman! Hast Du zufällig diesen Beitrag gesehen? Mich würde interessieren, ob Du ein paar Bestellungen als storniert vorliegen hast, die Du nicht selber storniert hast. Danke!
  24. I use this DHL shipment module: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/shipping-carriers/30182-dhl-connector.html But I did a search of the module for "order_history" and couldn't find anything. But it actually has the possibility to change the order status. I've contacted the module developer, shoprunners.de, but I haven't heard back from them yet.
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