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Everything posted by 30knees

  1. 1.03 to 1.06 worked flawlessly and quickly! Brilliant job!
  2. Nope, wasn't able to solve it. I'll also try the tip.
  3. Wir verwenden Collmex und machen das händisch. Wir würden uns auch eine automatische Lösung wünschen.
  4. I tested it with your demo account and have only one comment: When I select a different carrier than the default one I am taken right away to the payment selector. That's really nice. However, if I keep the default one I have to click "Select payment method" to be taken to the next stage. It's the same for the payment selector. Would it be possible to not have anything preselected so that the customer must make a selection and is then taken automatically to the next stage of the checkout? Otherwise the customer has to click eg "Select payment method" to be taken to the next stage. I'm not sure that's so intuitive, but I'd like to hear from others here in the forum what they think. Apart from that, it's super nice!
  5. You might also want to take a look at this thread: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/757/recommended-amazon-sync-seller-modules/12 I'm not happy with the Common Services module, though @spidawebs apparently is. Lots of times inventory sync doesn't work. The module itself isn't that polished. Support is awful.
  6. Thanks for the update. He has been working incredibly hard. Good that he's taking a (well-deserved) break. I'm also happy that he's still with tb.
  7. By the way, has @Traumflug (thanks for all the good work!) jumped in for @mdekker, who seems to no longer be working on tb? Or are both working on tb now? I ask because lately I've seen lots of commits from @Traumflug but none from @mdekker anymore.
  8. @datakick said in Help me develop killer One Page Checkout module: @30knees I pressed 'enter' after entering my email address so the other personal data fields appeared. I think this could be non-intuitive for some users. Is there a way to change this? I could display some please wait text when user press enter, is that's what you ask? I meant more that I would not have thought one needs to press enter. Normally, when I fill in fields, I use tab to jump from field to field and then at the very end I expect a submit button. Because of that, I'd expect here either a submit button or that the email address is automatically captured without the need to press enter. What do you think?
  9. Beautiful and elegant as always! Some comments: I pressed 'enter' after entering my email address so the other personal data fields appeared. I think this could be non-intuitive for some users. Is there a way to change this? Can we support the VAT field? @mdekker has a VAT module for B2B. The 'secure payment' button doesn't lead anywhere for me / doesn't work in Opera, latest version.
  10. Hi, The catalog price rules are great and permit you to give discounts across categories and brands. However, this doesn't seem to be communicated properly to the customer. An example to explain what I mean: All products in category A receive 5% discount if 3 or more are bought. When the customer visits a product page in category A, she will only see Volume Discounts like this: This doesn't indicate anywhere, though, that the customer can mix and match any items within category A to receive the discount. Is there a way to dynamically have this? So if it's across category A it'll say that, if it's for manufacturer M it'll say that?
  11. @pedalman said in Order Management Module – Edit Order: Silbersaiten in Germany have this module in their range of products since years. Anyway, this is one of the few developer stores I would never buy a module from. I am sorry to say so but after all the issues I had with their modules (I bought some over the years there) I think I have to publicly warn you. Anyway I still use a pretty old version of their order edit module and it still does it jobs for 80% of my needs. Do you mean you'd warn about Silbersaiten or Globosoftware? I have Silbersaiten's order edit module and it works well. I was thinking of getting their DHL module.
  12. This module might be tweakable for your purposes: Picklist module It was developed for me by @kubilay and is supposed to enter the tb store as a free community module (together with this DPD DeliSprint export module). @kubilay Would you be able to put them into the store?
  13. @Pedalman Ich würde der Kundin zunächst fragen, ob sie also eine Übersicht über ihre Bestellungen haben will. Vermutlich (hoffentlich) sagt sie ja, dann hast Du weniger Arbeit. Du könntest dann sämtliche Bestellungen ausdrucken, zB als Rechnung. Da hätte sie die Bestellung plus Namen, Anschrift, usw. Dann noch Email-Adresse dazu und die Kerndaten dürften erfasst sein. Oft wollen Kunden nicht sämtliche Daten, nur die Kerndaten. Es kann helfen, die Kunden durch entsprechende Fragen in die richtige Richtung zu lenken. :)
  14. @nickon That's great to hear. I think the checkout is one of the most important elements for conversion and I would love to optimize ours. The default one isn't bad, either, I just can't get it to work. :( Would you mind sharing a screenshot of how your checkout looks?
  15. Would anybody be interested in an email verification API based on https://trumail.io? Perhaps @datakick? See also their GitHub page: https://github.com/sdwolfe32/trumail
  16. Thanks for sharing! Let us know whether that reduces errors. I personally dislike those confirmation ones. What I'd rather prefer is something like: https://trumail.io / https://github.com/sdwolfe32/trumail https://hunter.io/email-verifier
  17. The Abmahn-Anwälte are despised by normal German lawyers. :)
  18. @mockob Have you by any chance tested it with the module Advanced EU Compliance?
  19. They have volume discounts - we could get together and get more than 1!
  20. Do you have the one page checkout activated? If yes, try deactivating it and try the standard checkout.
  21. The one page checkout never worked for me - I always get the 'no carrier available' error, see: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/235/no-carriers-available-error/6 I'd love to have something like this: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/573/modified-checkout-process-create-account-after-payment/6
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