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Everything posted by 30knees

  1. Does anybody else use the MailChimp module and can confirm that there is no bi-directional sync?
  2. Heißt das, Du hast nur ab und an die Probleme, sprich manchmal funktioniert alles, manchmal nicht? Ich verwende ja auch die Stripe und PayPal Module und sie funktionieren m.W.n. AEUC habe ich aktiv.
  3. @briljander said in Official Mollie Module: So mdekker has left Thirtybees for good? Yes, it appears so. I contacted him for work on a tb module, but he never replied. And on Github he's only working on ps modules.
  4. @Jonny Aha, thanks for the investigation! :-) @datakick Ping! See above. Apparently Revws conflicts with the Layered Navigation Block module. Have you noticed this before?
  5. Es ist schade, dass Dekker , der wohl die treibende Kraft dahinter war, nun nicht mehr bei tb aktiv ist. (Nebenbei gemerkt wäre es auch schön, wenn das im Forum offiziell bekannt gegeben werden würde.)
  6. Mollie looks great! Has anybody used both it and Stripe? @mockob said in Official Mollie Module: Does the module have any support? Since @mdekker and @SnowyCat obviously don’t want to be associated with tb, what will happen with your payments if an update is needed? That's a good point. But if PS 1.6 continues to be supported we should be fine.
  7. Perhaps it's a related issue, but it's not the same one. I don't even get to page 2. I stay on page 1.
  8. @wakabayashi No, it's not automatic. I checked and the unsubscribed person in MailChimp is still subscribed in tb.
  9. @wakabayashi I can only export from tb to MailChimp. I don't see any way to update the list. Clicking Sync in the module in tb only pushes to MailChimp. @lesley I agree with @wakabayashi. One dataset is fed by the other. Of course there should be a way to sync.
  10. The sync appears to be one-way only, from shop to MailChimp. What's the best way to feed back to tb the unsubscribes and bounces that MailChimp receives? I'd like to keep the tb database current.
  11. Yes, looks like it was a guest account. Sorry for the trouble. I should have been more attentive! There were suddenly quite a few customers complaining, but it turns out it was always an issue on the customer side.
  12. The awesome datakick module to the rescue. Thanks :) Delivery day value in revws module was the quickest way. I'd tried that, but the first time it didn't work, oddly. Now it did.
  13. Hi, When I try to reset a customer account password in the front end by clicking "Forgot your password" and submitting the email address, I get the following error: There is no account registered for this email address. The account is there, however. Does anyone else have this problem? How can I troubleshoot it?
  14. @datakick said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews: My guess is that your Shipped status does not mark order as delivered. You will either need to fix this status, or change your workflow to switch order status to some other Delivered status few days after shipment. I changed the status settings, but the old orders on the status don't update to reflect this. Is there a way to update them?
  15. Thanks, all! @Jonny The pagination doesn't work when using the layered navigation module. If I click on "next page" nothing happens.
  16. I have the same problem that this person has: https://www.sunnytoo.com/forums/topic/problem-with-pagination-product-list Basically, the layered navigation module interferes with pagination. The theme developer says: "The issue was due to Prestashop native filter module, that us ajax to load next page and didn’t refresh new page, please try deactivating the “Layered navigation block” module" Is this a problem with the theme or with the layered navigation module?
  17. Besten Dank für die Empfehlung! Habe mir das Modul von Shoprunners geholt und installiert, aber leider hakt es irgendwo mit tb. Werde mich an Shoprunners wenden und hier berichten.
  18. @jonny said in Back to PrestaShop or stay with Thirty Bees ?: I just released an update of panda theme v1 for TB 1.0.7. @cdwebman you've contacted me personally, I can sense you prefer TB, so if you are still interested in panda theme v1 for TB, then take a look. That's great! And it looks like all that is needed to update is to upload the update v1.4.2.zip to the panda theme folder on the server. Is this correct?
  19. I had PayPal look into it. They said the shop first triggered with shipping costs and then without. That's why it shows a higher initial authorization than what was actually eventually deducted from the customer's account. They said they only follow the instructions the shop gives them. Is there anything specific I can ask them to help troubleshoot?
  20. Feels good. One quibble: the lag between completing one section and moving on introduces a bump for me. Otherwise very nice!
  21. @the-rampage-rado So the default minimization that tb uses is good enough?
  22. Does ImageMagick replace tools such as tinyjpg.com? I forgot to minimize some of the uploaded jpgs. Now I am looking to do that on the server without having to reupload them all. Based on https://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php it looks to me like it's more an image enhaccement tool.
  23. And within PayPal the numbers also don't add up. So I think it's more a PayPal problem. Also, PayPal thinks the delivery is going to one country even though it's going to another country. I contacted PayPal and will report what they say.
  24. @lesley It turns out that PayPal charged the shipping costs, even though they aren't displayed in the shop. The customer didn't change any addresses during the checkout process.
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