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Everything posted by 30knees

  1. @the-rampage-rado So the default minimization that tb uses is good enough?
  2. Does ImageMagick replace tools such as tinyjpg.com? I forgot to minimize some of the uploaded jpgs. Now I am looking to do that on the server without having to reupload them all. Based on https://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php it looks to me like it's more an image enhaccement tool.
  3. And within PayPal the numbers also don't add up. So I think it's more a PayPal problem. Also, PayPal thinks the delivery is going to one country even though it's going to another country. I contacted PayPal and will report what they say.
  4. @lesley It turns out that PayPal charged the shipping costs, even though they aren't displayed in the shop. The customer didn't change any addresses during the checkout process.
  5. @datakick said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews: My guess is that your Shipped status does not mark order as delivered. You will either need to fix this status, or change your workflow to switch order status to some other Delivered status few days after shipment. Yep, that's it! Thanks :-)
  6. But I don't have Express checkout enabled. It's disabled. But the customer was still able to use Paypal express.
  7. @mdekker said in paypal modul problem ?: Got it, I think. For some reason customers can override the address, causing it to validate the order with the wrong shipping costs. In order to solve this we have to adjust the checkout flow of the PayPal module. If the shipping costs are incorrect it will have to show a 5th confirmation step where the customer has to accept the changed shipping costs because of the address change. This will work for most stores, but we'll have to double-check if this complies with EU regulation. I think it should be fine, because the customer makes a few last-minute changes at the very end, but we have to be 100% certain the customer actually did change anything. Are you using the advanced EU checkout as well? Has this been addressed? It looks like it's happened to me, too. It looks like the customer has a PayPal address in one country (with shipping costs) and an address in another country (without shipping costs). The customer was able to get an order without any shipping costs, even though some should have been calculated.
  8. Du meinst wohl, technische Hilfe und nicht rechtliche, oder? Technisch kann ich leider nicht helfen, rechtlich klingt für mich die Lösung von PS 1.7 gut.
  9. @datakick Thanks for the reply! That's what I also first thought, but I have as a delivery delay 4 days and orders that are 22 days old but still show the message that merchandise hasn't been delivered yet. See below. and
  10. Worked!
  11. I have a question regarding automation settings: I have as the order status for automation "shipped". The "active orders" list shows next to all valid orders with the status "shipped" that "Merchandise hasn't been delivered yet". Is this because that comment is pulled from the order status "delivered". Thank you
  12. Same here
  13. Talking about a Wordpress integration into Prestashop/thirtybees (and vice-versa), has anyone tried this module: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/blog-forum-new/26860-prestashop-wordpress-integration.html
  14. Auch eine Idee, aber unsere Umsätze sind nicht so groß, dass wir JTL benötigen würden.
  15. Verschickt jemand mit DHL und hat eine Anbindung zum Geschäftskundenportal, entweder direkt oder mit einem Drittanbieter wie Sendcoud und kann ein Modul empfehlen? Wir möchten zu DHL wechseln und die Sendungen direkt aus dem Shop beauftragen. Mit Dank! :)
  16. Check whether you have those files. They were missing when I updated and I added them manually / re-uploaded the module.
  17. Great news! I'm interested in the Amazon module by @Prestalia. We currently use the Amazon module from @Common-Services and stock sync frequently gets stuck and back when service was still valid it was absolute torture to try and solve anything.
  18. Fiddled around a bit and it seems to be a hassle to have to have a parent product and price. So I'll stick with the basis price module. @Traumflug Would it be possible to have the basis price calculated based on combinations only where there is no parent product?
  19. Thanks! That helped troubleshoot the problem. My products all have combinations and no parent product with a price. What I do is have the parent price at 0 and only enter the combination prices. And if the parent price is 0 it doesn't show the price per unit. So, what I would need to do is one of the following: 1. Add a proper parent product and a parent price and reduce the amount of combinations. 2. Add a minimal parent product price of 0.01 and reduce the combination prices by 0.01 so it evens out.
  20. Thanks, both. It doesn't show up for me, though. Neither in Panda nor Community Theme. Does one have to activate it somewhere?
  21. Thanks, I'm not using Prestools. I'll look into the module. Here's a link to it: https://www.prestools.com
  22. Nice, thank you, @colorful-ant!
  23. Thank you for the explanation. I'd not have thought summarizing it is difficult. Interesting! How would you use the list feature daily?
  24. @datakick Shouldn't your module be able to do this? I have the ordered products list, but how do I group and sort that according to the most ordered product?
  25. The title says it all. Is it possible to (easily) hack stats module to show the combinations / attributes of best selling products?
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