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Everything posted by dosbiner

  1. nice, @datakick has been fix the issue, I've tried it and works fine now, many thanks :) https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/612
  2. I create new issue on github https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/612
  3. @30knees oh same with me, I thought just me. yes just some customers not all customers. still cannot find where the problem is
  4. Great news ??? thank you for all contributor ?
  5. I use mdekker config and work fine, see here https://forum.thirtybees.com/post/31
  6. okay, will turn off now till resolved, nice catch ;)
  7. I think Its same with TB. In my case I use catalog price rules to set discount to spesific customer group. Using this method price will show correctly like you wanted
  8. @digitalsymbiosis yes, its windows software. for magento mag-manager.com
  9. I don't know about automation the proccess, but I use store manager to save a lot of time to manage store especially products. You can give it try prestashopmanager.com they have 14 days trial.
  10. Maybe related that TB site has been hacked few times ( https://thirtybees.com/blog/a-small-update ) so your email not send properly ? You can send pm directly to @lesley and @Traumflug
  11. Nicee... Great review module ?
  12. BO > preferences > themes > go to icon tab you can change
  13. you can use this free module https://www.presto-changeo.com/prestashop-free-modules/81-prestashop-category-quantity-discount-module.html
  14. Nicee, thank you for new patrons ??
  15. I find the easiest way using this free module https://catalogo-onlinersi.net/en/add-ons-prestashop-modules/301-jquery-automatic-update-prestashop.html *I never tried it
  16. thank you so much @datakick & @Traumflug I've tested upgrade 1.0.5 to 1.0.6 works fine ?
  17. @doclucas ups you got it first ?
  18. yes this is bug, has been solved on this thread https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1969/impossible-to-upload-any-theme
  19. @spacewalkingninja I see.. I think we can do that with different approach. but I curious is there company using that method to their shop?
  20. @spacewalkingninja said in Thirtybees roadmap: @all what about true shared carts everybody? It’s something actually missing, I’ve got some snippets which might help if you are planning on this. can you elaborate this? do you mean "share available quantities to sell" option on multistore shop group?
  21. thanks for sharing, I think this problem occurs when multistore is active and have more than one shop.
  22. sorry forgot to mention, this module on codecanyon not up to date, but you can email the author to get the updated module
  23. @doclucas yup, so far no problem
  24. no by default I use this module https://codecanyon.net/item/change-order-carrier/19649345
  25. @spacewalkingninja please open new topic for your problem, there is no limitation for create new topic. Maybe you start on this category https://forum.thirtybees.com/category/4/technical-help
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