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Everything posted by rubben1985

  1. agree. Forum should be a part of the main site (at least in navigation).
  2. Thanks @Gotabor for the elaborate explanation! I will take your advice into account :) Anyone knows a good ERP compatible with PS/TB? The solutions I have found seems quite limited, almost like very big modules or they use connectors that a lot of people have problems with.
  3. @chiel what WMS are you planning to use? It seems you could help me in this topic :) https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/2125/recommendations-to-scale-up-store-with-tb-erp-wms
  4. Hi, We are close to finally launch our products and there are a lot of possibilities that we will need to scale up really fast. My intention is to be prepared for that moment before it arrives. Any recommendations to scale up TB? For example what ERP do you recommend? Paying tons of money it is possible to integrate a lot of services but doing it correctly and creating an efficient network is not the same. For customer service ticket support we are actually using freshdesk, as CRM freshsales that integrates with freshdesk. For managing the catalogue I am using PS store manager. But, what about: Stock management, products tracking, ? automated marketing (thinking about sending blue or mautic, even actually using mailchimp) Orders management? The interface is ok for very small volume but it will be not good for big volumes (or I ignore a good workflow). ASM is there but is full of bugs and do not have enough tracking (for example, in what orders was sold and specific combination) accounting? The key point here is to create an ""affordable"" well-integrated system (not huge superexpensive complex software for each task). We want to be efficient and not to have a daily frustrations because of a lack of integration. BTW I am using multistores Any advice will be really appreciated if someone has experience in medium-big companies using PS-TB environment
  5. @gonssal I think I will try
  6. @arek_karnia thanks for the suggestion. Yes, it is one of the three I thought about, but it has interface problems :S . In panda theme, for example, doing click in the product itself get you out of the pack creation (you have to do click exactly in "add to the cart" to avoid going out). Just an example
  7. @Traumflug Thanks, I am not a programmer as you can imagine :)
  8. any more ideas?
  9. I could only mark my own post (why?) as the correct answer, but It also makes the topic be marked as solved so it kind of worked
  10. How Can I mark the post as solved?
  11. Thanks!!! it works :) :party_popper:
  12. This is what I deleted: public function getHrefLang($entity, $idItem, $languages, $idLangDefault) { $links = []; foreach ($languages as $lang) { switch ($entity) { case 'product': $lnk = $this->context->link->getProductLink((int) $idItem, null, null, null, $lang['idlang']); break; case 'category': $lnk = $this->context->link->getCategoryLink((int) $idItem, null, $lang['idlang']); break; case 'manufacturer': if (!$idItem) { $lnk = $this->context->link->getPageLink('manufacturer', null, $lang['idlang']); } else { $lnk = $this->context->link->getManufacturerLink((int) $idItem, null, $lang['idlang']); } break; case 'supplier': if (!$idItem) { $lnk = $this->context->link->getPageLink('supplier', null, $lang['idlang']); } else { $lnk = $this->context->link->getSupplierLink((int) $idItem, null, $lang['idlang']); } break; case 'cms': $lnk = $this->context->link->getCMSLink((int) $idItem, null, null, $lang['idlang']); break; case 'cmscategory': $lnk = $this->context->link->getCMSCategoryLink((int) $idItem, null, $lang['idlang']); break; default: $lnk = $this->context->link->getPageLink($entity, null, $lang['idlang']); break; } // append page number if ($p = Tools::getValue('p')) { $lnk .= "?p=$p"; } $links[] = '<link rel="alternate" href="'.$lnk.'" hreflang="'.$lang['language_code'].'">'; if ($lang['id_lang'] == $idLangDefault) { $links[] = '<link rel="alternate" href="'.$lnk.'" hreflang="x-default">'; } } return $links; }
  13. I just tried to delete the whole function but it seems it doesn't work so easily and I created an error 500 :S I restored the backup.
  14. as @Pilou just use the same URL structure. Do the same with the rest of the pages. I think this is the default pages structures in PS, just do the same in every language:
  15. I have installed a module that is great for multistore as it let me indicate which store version belongs to a specific language-country, so I can avoid duplicate content. It creates a code like this: <link rel="alternate" hreflang="es-es" href="https://www.lesielle.com/es/" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr-fr" href="https://www.lesielle.com/fr/" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr-ch" href="https://www.lesielle.com/ch/fr/" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="de-ch" href="https://www.lesielle.com/ch/de/" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="de-de" href="https://www.lesielle.com/de/" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="en-gb" href="https://www.lesielle.com/uk/" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href="https://www.lesielle.com/int/es/" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="https://www.lesielle.com/int/en/" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" href="https://www.lesielle.com/int/fr/" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="de" href="https://www.lesielle.com/int/de/" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="en-us" href="https://www.lesielle.com/us/ But it seems also TB (I suppose it is TB) is creating alternative code for each language (not stores, only languages of the ACTUAL store. Even more, it indicate languages that are not being used in the actual store but they are activated in other stores): How can I deactivate this code generation? Is less complete (doesn't include other stores) and also include information that it is not relevant (not activated languages) NOTE: just to avoid misunderstood, /es/ is a store in the subdomain /es/, not Spanish language
  16. Technically it could work, but the approach is totally different. I do not want to make a discount when buying a device, I want to offer the clients a pack (but as it is personalized, it needs to be different for each person)
  17. Hi, My business is about customized skin care using a device+some cartridges that provide the treatment. I sell the device and the cartridges but I also sell a pack with both parts (cartridges are different for each person). The idea is letting the customer choose the content of its pack, but after a lot of searching I do not find a good solution. What I need is the following: Customer enter the pack product. He has to decides each part (por example: type of device+up to 5 different cartridges). The important thing here is that the cartridges are products, no combinations because I also sell them individually. Every pack has fixed price. I have found some modules: - Attribute wizard from: the problem is it manage combination, no products, so stock is not correctly controlled (the stock of the product I sell individually is not affected by pack sellings). -Attribute wizard pro: each attribute can have stock so it could work as a product, but this stock is NOT connected with the individually sold product stock -step by step product : it could work but interface is not good at all and it is not fluid (for example doing clic in the product you want to add to the pack, it goes to the product page so I exit the pack creation) advance pack 5: it works well with stock but products to be included in the pack have to be decided by me so is not the customer that can decide. Any ideas?
  18. @datakick Really???? I always thought it was the opposite. I now understand why cache created me problems even if all the options were deactivated..... because indeed all were activated...
  19. They were empty since installation. I migrate from prestashop 1.6.14 to TB 1.3. I updated to 1.0.4, that it is all I can say. Anyway it is not a critical thing
  20. Yes, I notice that it is per language. The bug is just when you delete the rules because it doesn't delete them. It is necessary to write something (but they are empty by default so it is not logic) so it seems it is related to request some character to be actually able to save.
  21. @Sterling94 try it. TB works like a charm (wayyyyyyyyyyy better than Prestashop) and I did not have any module incompatibilities until now
  22. Small bug: I deleted the URL construction rules until I will have some time to create the redirections (as now there is not ID, this time I need to create them) but it doesn't work. I delete, I click save and it informs about an error it seems it actually delete the rule but it doesn't really do it. If I click in the back-office URL& SEO section menu to open again the page (it doesn't work doing click in refresh as I serve to safe again) I can see it was not really saved. The solution is to write the rule: info/{rewrite} It will through the error but it saves it. Here you can see a small video reproducing the bug: https://www.screencast.com/t/xIl4XKwm
  23. Just to confirm that it works
  24. @traumflug Thanks, I will try!
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