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Posts posted by rubben1985

  1. 23 hours ago, Nathan Howard said:

    I would advise multi-shop. It is definitely better for SEO than alternative domains + much more comfortable for a store admin to manage, if, of course, your ecommerce platform provides for multistore management, like Magento. 

    I did not realize what you said until Traumflug pointed it out. Thirtybees works like a charm in multistore (We are using multistore ourselves) so no need for a so much expensive platform like Magento.

  2. @gabi

    todos los modulos que comienzan con "st" son de la plantilla, pero ese diría que no existe porque yo tampoco lo tengo. Creo que el que tu estás hablando es el de productos destacados (stfeaturedslider). Entra en la configuración del modulo e intenta activar algun hook que esté presente en el carrito también (footer, bottom column...ve provando a ver cual te va bien)


    Si no consigues lo que quieresm Puede escribirle a Johny directamente aqui citandole o en su web (sunnytoo) para que te ayude. Pequeñas cosas como esta relacionadas con su plantilla te las suele resolver si tienes el mantenimiento.



  3. @Jonny No problems with updates because I can put it in Panda theme editor (head/javascript).

    The problem is that I am just no developer so no idea what specific code to add to the cases I exposed:

    1- specific directories like: */blog/*

    2- Specific page: like https://www.lesielle.com/es/blog/el-mejor-activo-antiedad-el-retinol-59

    3- URLS containing specific names. For example: when a url includes the word "retinol". This could be very helpful to create personalized formularies with my marketing tool.

    4- one of the 3 previous, depending also a language. Ex: directory /blog/ when the language is English

    Datakick, adik and you Jonny, you have given me all pieces of code that seems combining them together could allow me to do almost everything I need but I do not know how to put them together :S I just know to replicate, not to construct them

    I would just need one specific real example of each, and I suppose I can replicate them changing the "words/url" indicating the page.


  4. @Adik any idea how to apply to:

    1- specific directories like: */blog/*

    2- Specific page: like https://www.lesielle.com/es/blog/el-mejor-activo-antiedad-el-retinol-59

    3- URLS containing specific names. For example: when a url include the word "retinol". This could be very helpful to create personalized formularies with my marketing tool.


    @Jonny Any specific way to put script code in specific blog articles/blog categories? Using Panda theme and your blog module?


    PS: In case anyone has it, I have discovered I can use VC to include it in specific CMS or product pages.

  5. 24 minutes ago, datakick said:

    Create a simple module that will hook into `displayHeader`. The hook can conditionally emit any html code based on your condition. 

    You can use $this->context->controller to determine controller that's currently handling page render, $this->context->shop to see what shop in multistore is used, $this->context->language to base your decision on selected language,...

    Thanks, I can imagine is not too complex but not being a developer, creating a simple module is quite far from my knowledge :S

    23 minutes ago, Adik said:

    You can try edit header.tpl file and add:


    {if $lang_iso == en } 
    script src="https://XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXd=37" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
    {elseif $lang_iso == de}
    script src="https://XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXd=40" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>


    That could work to start but very soon I will need to apply code to specific pages (for example blog directory .....com/en/blog/* o a specific blog page with a specific formulary). Is there any piece of code for that? (apply to a directory and apply to 1 page)


  6. Hi everyone,

    I need to put a code (script) in the head but only in specific pages or directories. Panda theme includes an option to inject it in the head but I need to do it only in specific directories (i will use a code per language because it is a formulary).

    Anyone knows how to do it? or is there any other way to do it that it is not using the head section?


    Code is similar to this:

    <script src="https://XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXd=37" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>

  7. On 4/17/2019 at 4:54 PM, wakabayashi said:

    I dont believe, there is a quick solution. I remember how I did it:

    • You generate all urls with the old structure.
    • Copy them into Excel
    • You generate all urls with the new structure.
    • Copy them into Excel
    • Now you generate in Excel a new column with the correct htacces/nginx redirect.

    Maybe somebody has a better solution. Of course you can only achieve it, with some SQL knowledge.

    the best solution. I made it this way too to migrate my urls

    • Like 1
  8. Hola @Gabi yo utilizo el blog de panda en la plantilla panda, por el motivo que comentaba. El de TB no sé si crea problemas, pero a mi se me quedaba corto y por eso utilizo el de la propia plantilla.

    Lo de la id- se puede cambiar y poner al final también sin problemastblog.php Yo por ejemplo la he puesto al final y con guión en medio. Te adjunto mi archivo (ruta: modules/stblog/stblog.php) Mira que solo difiera en la linea 108 que es la que afecta a la reescritura de la url. Si difiere en más porque tengas otra versión de fichero copia solo esa linea.


    • Like 1
  9. On 4/9/2019 at 8:09 PM, Gabi said:

    Al instalar la plantilla Panda tuve que desactivar los módulos de blog de TB y mi pregunta es cual funciona mejor y como puedo cambiar la url que me crea el módulo de Panda y quitar el id del inicio?

    En las urls amigables no aparece esta url para modificarla y en la configuración del módulo blog no lo he encontrado.

    El blog viene muy bien para el seo pero con el id al inicio fastidia un poco.

    Gracias. @danwarrior

    Para mi, mejor el de Panda, además he realizado algunas personalizaciones (como una portada diferente por idioma), y Jonny responde siempre muy muy rapido incluso con problemas de integraciones de terceros modulos.

    El tema id. Están muy denostadas , pero si las pones al final, no deberían afectar en nada. Es más mito que otra cosa (lo que si afecta más. es tener las keywords cerca del directorio principal) y sin embargo ayudan MUCHISIMO a que nunca tengas errores 404 (ya que con la id se redireccionan siempre). Nosotros por ejemplo estamos mejorando mucho en SEO (un 20-40% de subida mensual desde hace varios meses) y el poder modificar urls, si por ejemplo quieres cambiar keywords, sin miedo a 404 es una pasada. Con decirte que teniamos las urls limpias y hemos vuelto a poner las ID en toda la web....

    Solo te diría de quitarlas las ID si sabes seguro que no vas a estar modificando urls nunca.

  10. Hi @datakick I wrote @Jonny and here it is his answer:

    Yes,  my changes were just for my blog modules,  if you are using any other blog modules, if there is the gSitemapAppendUrls hook in the module, that will add the links to the sitemap correctly. I will add the hook to my blog modules in the next update to be compatible with the sitemap module. but the CMS link duplicated issue need to modify the sitemap.php file to fix it.

    As they support TB, maybe you can follow this topic internally?

  11. I have realized that in multistore there is an inconvenience: the sitemap shows articles and blog categories at every store so if you did not activate one article in a specific store, you get an error. I am already in contact with Panda technical service to fix this. It will be a paid solution, but I will share it with TB users 😉

    • Like 2
  12. I asked to Panda developers to please modify the sitemap module so its blog module can be include in the sitemap generation (blogs are not included).

    They sent me the modify file for official PS sitemap module (GSITEMAP). (I attach it)

    I also modify the file so TB sitemap module can benefit from it. I am not developer but I think I did it correctly as It is working on my site right now.

    If you have panda theme and you use its blog, this is helpful for SEO

    Route for the files:

    /modules/gsitemap/gsitemap.php (PS module)

    /modules/sitemap/sitemap.php (TB module)

    @lesley I am not sure if TB sitemap module include the official blog module or not. In case not, maybe you can use this code to support the official blog.




    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  13. Well, I also had basic need in the past, so I can understand why people are not using this module massively. My guess is that who has basic needs, can use basic searching that do not need setting things up. Who needs more complex things maybe needs more than just supporting products. I think right now it is in the classic medium term that is not ideal for anyone (maybe just advance users with a technical profile that like to improve as much as possible).

    Yes sure, I know it is not possible right now just with the module. I mean if the "elastic search" is what I am looking for or not (I still did not understand its capabilities)

    I could pay for development (if it is not huge)

    About blog, in my case, it is Panda blog (supported theme) but with default blog support I assume adaption is easier. 

  14. We are thinking about building a powerful searching method and I was thinking that maybe elastic search can do that, but to be honest I never was so sure about its capabilities (even if I was one of the supporters haha).

    I have installed to see the settings and all I see is about products: searching by references, names, description....

    Could I use elastic search for:

    1- Offering blog post

    2- offering a pdf document like a free ebook

    3- show a concrete CMS

    4- Show a concrete page with a custom Message (instead of the default page name)

    5.1- offering products, organized under specific titles. Ex: If they search wrinkle, show: "product for wrinkles" a, b c... "products that could complement a wrinkle treatment" a, b , c...

    5.2- Following the previous system. Products containing "searched keyword". So part of the title would be the specific introduced keyword (a kind of dynamic title)


    I would appreciate a little bit of light about elastic search and its possibilities.

    Could you tell me if each/all of this 5 points are possible?

    Do all of this need professional programming knowledge? If so, Would be easy to do for standard developers or they need to know very well elastic search?



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