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Everything posted by the.rampage.rado

  1. Not every module is this easy. Some of them apply only the 1.7 theme file hierarchy thus making it more difficult to backport. Just a quick note, could you share this chatgpt module contacts, I'm also interested.
  2. I hope that datakick will come and describe what could be done regarding the images rework. A new modern images part of TB will be quite appealing for many PS users stuck on 1.6 but as you said it will be quite a big change and some problems could pop up.
  3. What happened with the image section work you commited to TB?
  4. So far no issues for me with this update. All errors should be visible in the logs, right? What about Stringify fetches? What is affected by this change in layman terms?
  5. PHP8 was a problem some years ago when the tools did not support it. Now almost everything works and if there are couple of modules that are no longer developed it's worth to pay somebody to fix them for php8. What do you mean by that?
  6. Currently I don't have problems in my BO, but I can imagine this would solve quite a lot bruteforce attacks for the community. I'm testing your module now and left the TB captcha only for the BO. Regarding the second question I did some testing and "invisible" is defintely not very user friendly as of now, I tested and managed to input a proper email in the registration option before the checks pass and this is failing when user clicks the button. I believe this option should be preffered if they speed up those checks in future. As of now I belive that the most user friendly option is "non-interactive" as it shows a notification that something is working in the background and should be waited for but does not require any interaction.
  7. Hello, I don't speak any Spanish so I will proceed in English. :) This is a recent change as of this week. Up until now module updates relied on tbupdater module. Now this functionality is incorporated in the system core (in edge update channel and as of 15.06.2023) so it's easier for merchants to manage their stores. You should update to edge channel if you have not done so until now and this line will be gone. If after updating to edge you still have 'tbupdater' module installed - uninstall and delete it. Soon there should be 1.5 final in the 'stable' channel that incorporates this change. A side hint: there is one more change from this week - if you update to edge and you go to Advanced -> Performance and see the following text under some of the CCC items: You don't have any CSS Minification module installed. Combined CSS bundle will not be minified! you should install "HTML, JS and CSS Minification" module. This was in turn separated from the core as it rose conflicts in some odd scenarios. There are no functional changes for the core with both changes.
  8. Hi all, I need a module for making additional tabs. Currently I use the one that came with Warehouse theme but it only allows one tab to be set. I need it to have preset template tabls so I can choose wich products to display it at. Any recommendations?
  9. Is this available for BO login aswell? EDIT: it does not. @wakabayashi could we have this active in BO login aswell? EDIT2: if we choose invisible and there's an issue with the validation does Cloudflare display the challenge or it simply errors out on login?
  10. It should be an external module but it's probably still under development as @datakick is literally single person developing the core with little outside help. Many new and nice features were introduced in the core in this year.
  11. If you update to edge most of those deprecations should go away. Please, backup your files and db and update. There are MANY security fixes since 1.4 also!
  12. Very rad! This is the way! 🙂 What theme do you use?
  13. How do you find the new system? What branch did you migrate to? If you encounter any issues, please create a thread and we will try to help! 😉
  14. Nice looking site! (note to self - have to go into toys market!) 😄 😄 😄 Regarding the appearance - I believe with some small modifications and couple of lines of CSS the majority of this could be achieved with any TB native theme. Regarding the hover image - nope, I'm afraid this is new for me, even that I come to TB from PS1.5. Hover is always the second image in the list so if you can you can rearrange the images as you wish.
  15. OK please, get back to us and hopefully this is the issue.
  16. Regarding your edit - it doesn ot happen for the majority of us, so it's some sort of server misconfiguration/conflict. I know the type of error but as I said before I have not seen it since the PS days and it's very hard to reproduce as each server configuration is slightly different and there are plenty of things that can mess app.
  17. No need to change hosts if you don't have other issues. If you have let's encrypt SSL on the main domain go to yoyr control panel and simply issue new certificate for the subdomain. If this does not work we will try something else.
  18. It might, it might not. Depending on the type. If it's a free one most certainly not, the cheapest ones are also not wildcard (just non-www and www subdomains).
  19. You can turn off: but I would not do that as it does not affect the performance of GA4. Also with TB there's no need to manually edit your header.tpl. You can put custom JS and CSS code in BO in Preferences->Custom Code
  20. Do you have SSL cert for clean.bayouw..... domain?
  21. And you turned it back to Friendly URLS off... :) If you want help you have to follow up on advice, I'm very sorry to say that. You wont loose sales because for 30 minutes your site shows few blank images.
  22. Lets wait for the regeneration to complete, if it does not fix the issue I have few more suggestions. Regarding TB/theme versions used it's always advised to be on the latest one (better performance, security fixes and fewer (hopefully!) bugs). Please, write here when the regeneration is complete!
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