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Everything posted by nickon

  1. @Traumflug You do understand the meaning of the word "always" Yes? Always means that in 10 years (yes tb will exist then :-)) the themes and modules of version 7.0 of will be compatable with ps 16. And no the roadmap does not state this. I remember @lesley also talking about breaking things at some point but I am to busy to look for that post. I am not spreading fear, I never have. tb should not be afraid anyway if breaking things is smooth and if it is nessesary for the project to move on. But if you can guarantee that it will "always" be compatable with 1.6 well I will take your word for it and we will see who is wrong in the future. Just wanted to state that I feel insulted 😞
  2. @wakabayashi I said the same thing on an other topic. 🙂 Although this particural layout is very easely applied. Read my other post for a more detailed opinion 🙂
  3. @Traumflug tb will not and can not be "always" backward compatible with 1.6. At some point it will have to break. The question is when. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 ? For any developer to devote time and man hours to make a 1.6 module or theme work with tb, developers need to have a clear roadmap so they can evaluate if they are going to make money or not. @Jonny is one of the most popular theme developers and has only one of his themes compatable with tb. Image him (or any other developer) spend time on tb and take time away from the developing things for ps 1.7 where most of their customers are. This is not efficient. Even spending time and money on the current theme does not make sense if eg in one year we are going to break things. In order for this to happen IMO we need a clearer roadmap. This is not clear for now. There are to many questions unanswered. Will 1.0.x just stay a less buggy ps version. Will it have new features, when will the team start planning 1.1, what features are planned.
  4. Thanks for the link. I agree with the winner. Small team, big project. Let them do what they think best
  5. I don't remember that. Must have missed it. Roadmap has a task of bringing some translations to 100% and an omnipay module. If the omnipay module brings money to tb OK. But putting tranlations to 100% is simply wrong because this is something the team can not handle inhouse. This is starting to transform into an whole different topic. I'll stop here 🙂
  6. This is already discussed without any result. The team is small and they barley have time to fix bugs / offer support. I am not that optimistic about this. The team (mainly @lesley) should select 3-4 features that can easily implemented, the community could vote and then maybe crowdfund it. But the features should be realistic and benefit as much as ppl as possible an cheap to develop (elastic is a bad example off this) . A poll in the new forum could also give the team of what merchants are expecting from tb. Again my expectations on this are small 😞
  7. Well the current checkout page both in ps / tb are not realy "one page" there it is basicly a two page checkout. Even is you ignore the saving of th addresses you are still going to a different page to pay. The shipping cost could be calculated dynamically one you put in the address (without saving) and the payment should be done on the same page. All of the above are most likely never going to be fixed. So since we have chosen this platform we must work with what we have.
  8. @Jonny It realy shouldn't, all I have done is float the shopping cart to the right with a 33% width and the rest float left with 65% width. Don't know if my code is optimal but it seems to work. I am also using @Nemo cod with fee module with no issues. Regarding compatability, has tranformer issues with tb? I am still on ps but would be nice to know if it works for the future
  9. Compatability does not matter at this point. Transformer checkout page is not that different from community at a structural level. @jonny could confirm this. Also I think transformer works OK with tb as far as I know. Just not official. Don't know why
  10. Hi all, One thing I always hated about ps/tb is the opc page. I am currently using transformer theme but to change to look like the attached image this took about an hour or so, two classes and some css. I think it's more functional like this. So if I can do it why didn't @lesley and co apply something similar on tb. Is this by choise? One thing I would like to make it complete is to have a cart summary before the opc page but I don't know if this can be done. I am going to do some testing on my local machine and upload it to the live site. Any comments are welcome 🙂
  11. I was wondering about new features in tb....
  12. Using latest versioni (1.0.8) compare that with the module I posted above and youi will see the difference
  13. I used that module on an client of mine. It is simply bad. Support is bad. Implimiatation is bad. Cookies bar is missing, the support is teribble. I just smile sometimes when ppl here say that @lesley and co offer bad support. They haven't seen worse I guess 🙂
  14. Hello, No module from tb sadly The last few days I was looking for something similar and found this that seems a complete solution https://addons.prestashop.com/en/legal/31185-gdpr-compliance-pro.html. Don't know how nice it will play with tb
  15. Nice looking theme. I like it. Note: I would like the submenu of the megamenu a bit more up. The spaces are a bit to big.
  16. Thats why I suggested all the files would be checked by default. Youi could have a checkbox stating "Select files to skip while updating" with a big fat red warning that I can break my shop, and then let the user uncheck the files. Or based on the md5sum let me only skip files that are already manually edited. If I have edited a file manually and do an upgrade (even now) the chance to break the shop is high. There are ways to put safeguards to prevent the user of messing up. And then you have the user that can always mess things up:-) But for me that is not the basic issue. The issue is the database. I guess downgrading eg from 1.0.8 to 1.0.7 could be doable but what if I want to downgrade to 1.0.1. ? That is the real danger not the (edited) files
  17. This is a feature I always whished for. Especially the downgrade part. I would like a checkbox so I would be able to uncheck a specific file I don't want to update. (all files checked by default) I don't know how database changes are handled though. This is something I always wanted for tb. To be stable and add features missing in 1.6 Keep up the great work.
  18. Hi all, Hope that 2019 will be a tb year! On a b2b site (with b2b option enabled)I want a the registration form only the email and siret as required fields. Is this possible ? Kind Regards
  19. @violinparts don't overreact. I understand that you don't want to give @lesley BO access. So do what I do: Make a clone of your website on a subfolder and delete any data you don't want to reveile. Give @lesley access to that and when he tells you how to fix the issue backport it to your live site. The whole proccess would take less than half an hour. I dare you to go to prestashop and try to contact a core developer who wants to fix the issue for you for free Just my 2c
  20. @lesley maybe discuss it publicly. What is missing on that module, what needs to be done, maybe someone can pickup the development
  21. @dosbiner yes that is how I do it now. But products are added and disabled every day so I need to automatically do this
  22. @dosbiner that would be the best solution. But it has to be automated
  23. Hi all, I am looking to free some space on my server I have about 10000 products and the img folder is getting to big. So I am trying to find a way to clean up automatically disabled products or at least the images of them. Does anyone have a solution? Kind regards Nick
  24. Hey @SLiCK_303 long time no see. Welcome back
  25. @lesley said in squoosh.app to optimize your images - new and easy: My thoughts differ from a lot of merchants thoughts though. With me, I prefer to do everything offline in a dedicated image editor like Pixeluvo ro photoshop. That way you can set up templates to get things exactly right and work with files quicker. That is just my preference though. That may be practical on a shop that has a few products but on shops like mine with 9000 products that gets added/removed 10-12 products per day an online services like kraken or tinypng is the only way I found to be optimal.
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