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Everything posted by nickon

  1. @datakick I realy like the way you think. This totally makes sense if you see it from a business man. But... People don't upgrade their stores because they know it will cause problems. Even minor things. PS has a reputation of not beeing stable. I always think twice before changing even micro things. On the other site I never dowded the automatic updater from wordpress. It never failed me. To me the biggest feature is I can go back to a previous version of a module or file if someting doesn't work as it should So by having a good updater you gain trust from the merchants. With trust you get more users. The more users the more money. The real challenge TB will face is when it starts to break compatability with PS. So things like this must be in place.
  2. nickon

    lazy loading

  3. nickon

    lazy loading

    For all the lucky people using TB. We are still on PS. Wonder if I can port it...
  4. @datakick I would really like to hear your opinion on why the updated is overkill. Because if it is maybe @lesley and @mdekker could use the time/money to build something that is more usefull.
  5. nickon

    lazy loading

    Hi all, I was reading this https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/638652-tutorial-lazy-load-all-products-lists-and-boost-performance/ and was wondering how difficult it would be to adopt it to TB PS 1.6. Is lazy loading still a thing ?
  6. @SnowyCat You are right: The most important thing is to not overcomplicate the UX. Can't wait to test it.
  7. If there was a module for ps for 5$ everybody would get that.
  8. @toplakd I don't realy know how to do that and if it breaks anything. Some laywers I asked said that the law is not clean on many points. The main thing (they said)is to focus on to be transperant on how we use the data and why. What cookies we use and why. To not email ppl that haven't signed up for things, to be able to give them their data or delete it.
  9. @SnowyCat I wouldn't worry about 1.7 too much since PS users are already covert(?) with the free official PS module. It would be nice to know though if ASAP means a week or a year :-) This whole thing is a mess. I have been watching the big players in Greece to see what they have done and from the frontend not much has changed. There are basicly two approaches to this 1. The extended cookie page. Big online stores here in Greece have the same cookie popup that goes to the privacey CMS page where it explaned what cookies are, which cookies they are using and for disabling them they say to go to the browser or the google ad account and disable it from there. This is also how prestashop has done it on their addons store 2. Other companies (two big telecom ones) in the "more" link of the cookie popup a window pops up much like https://addons.prestashop.com/en/legal/32019-knowband-gdpr-rights-of-individuals.html has done this. The big task here is to try to be compaint but also not mess up the store with confusing the customer. I guess that is why most do 1. Originally I was going with https://addons.prestashop.com/en/legal/31185-gdpr-compliance-pro.html. But it is too invasive. (Black background and too many options on the popup). For now I am going to edit my cookie page and do 1. and wait what @SnowyCat comes up. Transformer theme is not ready either and if in the next few days a customer request data etc I will see how we will deal with it.
  10. @SnowyCat Do we have any ETA on the TB module ? Will it be compatable with PS ?
  11. I always said if TB asked for something usefull and realisc ppl would donate. Hell even I did and I don't own a TB store (yet) :-P Keep it going!
  12. The whole GDPR gives me a headace. The most complete module seems to be https://addons.prestashop.com/en/legal/31185-gdpr-compliance-pro.html Waiting for the TB one and see what they have done.
  13. Thanks @datakick The more I look at the GDPR the more I get confused. eg today I bought the module from prestashop official and it doesn't have the "under16" and cookie consent. Other modules https://addons.prestashop.com/en/legal/31185-gdpr-compliance-pro.html have per module cookie consent. man....
  14. My problem is not with the amount of images for existing product. I need to get rid of the images that are left in the img/ folder for some reason. I have found a script here https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/290936-cleanup-imgp-folder-and-image-folder-questions/#comment-2063626 but although it finds the problematic images it can not delete them for some reason (on my localhost)
  15. Hi, Since I updated my theme in the last few days I need to regenerate the product images. I have about 9000 active product on my (ps) site. The size of the img/ folder is about 3.5GB which seems alot. PS (and I guess TB) says that with regeneration it deleted the redundant images (images that are still in the folder but do not correspond to an actual product in the database. Is there a way to do a cleanup ? Or will regenerating the images solve this problem?
  16. Is there a module (for us unlucky ppl that still use ps1.6) that can check what modules need some GDPR love? sunnytoo said they will release a GDPR compatable theme next week. but what about the other modules ?
  17. I did ! :-) now at 64%.
  18. @lesley For myself I use them to find general errors or improvments. Also if the score is high it makes you feel good :-D
  19. Just updated our sites theme largly inspired by ps 1.7 classic theme. Based on the transformer theme I get a 93% on gtmetrix
  20. @mdekker I would surprise me if it didn't :-D
  21. I bet it will kill sales bigtime. I hate the whole gdpr stuff. Making the user choose even the fonts... GOD! I think I will use https://mranftl.com/2014/12/23/self-hosting-google-web-fonts/ and selfhost those and remove one problem from my list PS: why does tb not update the theme with fonts included ?
  22. And since when did that stop lawyers ? :-)
  23. @lesley I agree that this whole thing will be a mess. It's just a matter of time until some lawyer or stupid user tries to exploid this and try to make money out of this
  24. @lesley don't bet a user knows his data is saved when he uses the contact form. A checkbox with a GDPR link should be better
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