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Everything posted by datakick

  1. Known issue: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/1292
  2. I googled a little bit and it looks like the php8 version is more strict regarding email standards. Something about email sections being delimited by \r\n characters, but switftmailer library we are using for sending emails use \n as a delimiter. Or something like that. Unfortunately, we can't update switftmailer library, as it is no longer maintained. We have to migrate to new email sending library soon (swiftmailer is not PHP8.2 ready anyway), so this problem will be fixed together with it. Meanwhile you will have to use smtp transport if you are on PHP8
  3. To determine locally modified files, core updater asks API sever for a list of files for some revision and PHP version. Unfortunately, previous versions of core updater did not remember PHP version the code base was build for, and always asked for PHP version currently in use. When you switched the PHP version to 8.1, core updater asked api server to send him list of files for revision 05affeeeb438431cc5582d671785b9ce3b9ca0a3 and php version 8.1. Unfortunately, this combination does not exist, because this revision was only build for php7.4 and lower (that version does not officially supports PHP8). There are multiple fixes. 1) downgrade your php version to 7.4 (or whatever you were using before), and then update to bleeding edge. Then you can upgrade php version to 8.1 and update again. 2) alternatively, you can edit your settings.inc.php file, and add entry define('_TB_BUILD_PHP_', '7.4'); This will tell core updater that he should ask for combination 05affeeeb438431cc5582d671785b9ce3b9ca0a3 and php 7.4 Note that new versions of core updater saves information about PHP version the code base was designed for during update, so this problem will not occur in the future. Once you update, this _TB_BUILD_PHP_ constant in settings.inc.php will be created/updated by core updater automatically.
  4. Oh dear, that's a serious issue. Will have to fix that in core updater. Meanwhile, you can do this: download new version of truststore from here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/main/tools/cacert.pem or from here: cacert.pem and save it inside your thirty bees /tools/cacert.pem . There should already be this file, so just overwrite it.
  5. In core updater settings page, set Verify SSL certificate to 'Disable SSL verification'
  6. This looks like misconfiguration of image types and/or theme. Your 'home' image type has size 129x129 pixels. However, your theme renders this image in a space 197x197. You need to either modify your theme to reflect the image size, or change image size and regenerate images.
  7. Download latest version of coreupdater: https://github.com/thirtybees/coreupdater/releases/download/1.6.1/coreupdater-v1.6.1.zip It comes with its own (and updated) truststore, so it should fix your problem
  8. Also, @musicmaster, could you send me the sql script to populate this ps_search_word so I can try to reproduce this issue, and test how coreupdater handles the situation?
  9. Not sure. You can try to select/group from the table with collation, that should show you offending words that map into the same key in utf8mb4_unicode_ci, but not in utf8mb4_general_ci SELECT id_shop, id_lang, `word` COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci, COUNT(*), GROUP_CONCAT(id_word) as duplicate_ids FROM ps_search_word GROUP BY id_shop, id_lang, `word` COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;
  10. How about restoring data to utf8mb4_general_ci, and then convert table to utf8mb4_unicode_ci (using core updater or manually)?
  11. If you reinstalled the module, you might want to try to lower 'Maximum image' width settings. In previous versions the default was 799. That could fix your issue. If you run multistore, be aware that this settings is per store. Update it in each one of them separately.
  12. Read my response above. Your theme probably have override template file
  13. Please note niara theme (and probably other themes as well) comes with its own override for homeslider template. This template still display images from /modules/homeslider/images/ directory, which is not correct after update to 2.1.0. After you update to version 2.1.0, you will have to update your theme override file as well. Check if your theme contains file /themes/<theme>/modules/homeslider/homeslider.tpl. If the file exists, try to modify it. You can take an inspiration from the the fix for niara theme: https://github.com/thirtybees/niara/commit/15e5338e628fca184a339d6cde66c961bfeb8169 or simply download this version and use it to replace the one in your theme: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thirtybees/niara/15e5338e628fca184a339d6cde66c961bfeb8169/modules/homeslider/homeslider.tpl or delete the override file completely. That way, the template that comes with the module will be used.
  14. niara theme (and probably others) has its own override for homeslider template that tries to pick images from /modules/homeslider/images/ directory. You need to update this override template in niara theme: /themes/niara/modules/homeslider/homeslider.tpl changes are described here: https://github.com/thirtybees/niara/commit/15e5338e628fca184a339d6cde66c961bfeb8169 or simply download this version and use it to replace the one in your theme: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thirtybees/niara/15e5338e628fca184a339d6cde66c961bfeb8169/modules/homeslider/homeslider.tpl
  15. I just released new version that strengthens the address manipulation logic. Hopefully that will fix this issue. Also, I added one last-second validation check. This one ensures that address belongs to customer, and is performed just before the final redirect to payment. So, if the strengthening of address manipulation did not work, this one at least block the order creation. Please test
  16. Oh, this is another niara theme checkbox issue, similar to this one: https://github.com/thirtybees/niara/issues/6 The fix will be similar as well. Let's track it under https://github.com/thirtybees/niara/issues/66
  17. Unfortunately I was never able to reproduce the issue, and I didn't found any problem with static code analysis. I don't know what to fix. I don't know how to verify that the fix 'fixed' the bug. I need some repro-steps, but nobody was able to provide that yet.
  18. If you updated first by automatic update, then it wiped out your slides. You will have to upload them again. Slider box size can be set in module settings page. Set 'Maximum image' width to 799 to achieve the same sizes as were default in previous version.
  19. Hi everyone, We have just released homeslider v2.1.0 This module fixes long-standing issue with deleting slider images during updates. From now on, images will not be stored inside module directory, but instead inside global /img/homeslider/ directory. That way, they will survive module updates. Note: that if you update to this version using automated system (tbupdater), you will still loose your slides images (because they are not yet moved). To prevent this, you need to download the homeslider zip package and install it manually https://github.com/thirtybees/homeslider/releases
  20. Fair enough, I will release already fixed modules
  21. That's correct, datakick module does not trigger any object model hooks. It does not work with object models, but directly modifying data in database. That way, it can manage to import/update data very fast. The drawback is the limited interoperability with other modules, like in this case. It is similar to direct data modification using phpmyadmin -- when you change data that way, hooks are not triggered as well.
  22. Spanish translations exits and are accessible -- you can click on the es.gzip link to see that it can be downloaded. If it did not work in your case, then the issue could be connectivity / internet outage thirty bees api server/datacenter outage your server is not allowed to make outbound connections -- check your php settings.
  23. I have added PHP8.2 build. You should be able to update to bleeding edge now
  24. thirty bees webservice uses the same concepts as prestashop one. You can refer to their documentation: https://devdocs.prestashop-project.org/8/webservice/. The only significant difference is that thirty bees does not support partial updates yet - so no PATCH requests
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