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Everything posted by datakick

  1. I bet you are talking about paypal's checkout.js script -- this one is included using on all pages, even though it is needed only during payment. It uses header hook to do that -- but you can't simply remove this hook, as it would disable paypal functionality on your checkout page as well. What you can do is to define hook exceptions, blacklist all controllers except checkout
  2. I offer few paid support packages. The minimum is 2-hour support. To fix issue like this would take just a couple of minutes (~20mins). You could use the rest of the time on other issues/bugs, of course. It's valid for 1 year
  3. Strange, I can see the error code clearly: Anyway, the problem is this: The module tries to create temp/dummy address in order to calculate shipping cost to that address. Because ajax request didn't provided any zipcode: module ends up trying to create address with empty postcode, resulting in this error code. The best way to fix this is to modify php code and properly handle the situation when no postcode is provided. Alternatively, you can modify javascript code and pass some dummy zipcode, when none was entered yet.
  4. You will have to modify the module code. Simply change this line to $category_products = $category->getProducts($this->context->language->id, 1, 100, 'price', 'DESC'); That should do the trick. If you do this modification, you can't update the module to newer version. The easiest way to ensure this is to change module version to some very high number, ie 100.0.0. That's a hack, though. It would be very nice to have an option to *lock modules* in tb core
  5. You can do this: enable debug mode open javascript console click to Networks tab Find 500 post request and click on it click on Preview tell us what the page says
  6. I don't think these are related to your issue
  7. Nobody. You have to check your server logs and find actual error message. Then we can help you
  8. Apply following fix: https://github.com/thirtybees/niara/commit/b9719ea0cfbc96fb3be9d0cfd803f7b3a90633e7 Or download file js/tools/statesManagement.js
  9. Your browser sends a lot of requests in parallel (14 or so), and your server evidently can't handle this. Your hosting (or maybe cloudflare or similar service) can (and probably do) throttle number of simultaneous connections per IP address, and drop some requests using 503 error code. I checked on my chrome, and it sends only 4 parallel requests -- maybe you can configure your browser to use fewer simultaneous connections per server. Now, I'm not sure if this is thirtybees problem or not. Of course, TB could use better queuing strategy to pre-load tabs via ajax... but the current works quite fine in most situation. Looks to me this problem is specific to your browser settings + your server limitations
  10. No, it's server problem. A 503 Service Unavailable Error is an HTTP response status code indicating that a server is temporarily unable to handle the request. This may be due to the server being overloaded or down for maintenance. If you can overload your server just by opening product page and triggering couple of parallel ajax requests, you should consider switching hosting provider
  11. *Dude*, as I wrote before -- there are NO POLICIES in tb, so stop using that in the context of this shop. You can simulate them by creating carrier that acts like a policy -- but then, you can't have 'real' carriers in the system, obviously.
  12. Sorry, I take that back. Looks like tb will split the order into multiple orders if it contains items that must be shipped using different couriers. So yeah, it should be possible to do that.
  13. It is possible, except this: In thirtybees, you can have only one carrier for order. If order contains two items, each assigned different carrier (=courier policy), then system will not offer you any carriers.
  14. Well, the ever-spinning buttons bug is specific to 1.1.x. The fix is on the way , it just needs to be integrated into 1.1.x (@Traumflug ?) Regarding the alert box -- it looks like your server can't handle multiple simultaneous connection. Thirtybees trigger ajax call for every tab on product page, some of them run in parallel. Your server answered with error code 503, which looks like it can't handle multiple connection. Are you testing this on localhost?
  15. PhpEncryptionLegacyEngine class is part of ps17. Looks like this module is made specifically for that platform. Maybe they offer version for ps16?
  16. First of all, there is no 'Courier policy' in thirtybees. There are only Carriers. Carriers of course don't need to be associated with real-world carriers like fedex. You can create your own carrier with generic name, and simulate your 'Courier policy' using carriers objects. There's nothing special about this. Then you can associate your products with carriers (Courier policy) in shipping tab, and then let the thirtybees does it magic
  17. It's very nice extension. I'm not sure how many merchants here have staging servers, though. So probably it's not that much interesting for most of them.
  18. New version 1.2.1 released -- this version does not contains any new functionality, but it brings Polish, French and Portuguese translations kindly provided by module users. I would also like to ask all of you that translated revws module to some language that isn't supported by default -- please export your translation and send it to me. I will include it into next module release. This will save your countrymen a lot of work
  19. Also, there is some black magic happening when you are adding new cart rule. These are two comments from code: If the new rule has no cart rule restriction, then it must be added to the white list of the other cart rules that have restrictions And if the new cart rule has restrictions, previously unrestricted cart rules may now be restricted (a mug of coffee is strongly advised to understand this sentence)
  20. 🙂 the life of a developer in a nutshell I temporarily changed the validator for the column from 'isCleanHtml' to 'isString' --> classes/CMS.php
  21. You are right, type='text/javascript' is indeed stripped. That's probably because in HTML5 'text/javascript' is the default type for script tags. Type attribute is optional and should be omitted if script is text/javascript. So, the correct way to declare scripts in html5 is simply <script> and not <script type='text/javascript'>. This is probably why tinymce strips the type when it is equal to default value. I would say it's nothing to worry about, since there is no functional change
  22. As vanilla as it gets. $ git status On branch 1.1.x Your branch is up to date with 'upstream/1.1.x'. And you are correct - in order to actually save the content to database, you need to ensure that the column is not validated using 'isCleanHtml' validator. This one does not allow saving <script> tags. Some columns are using this validator (like content in cms pages), some are not (blog content). But this has nothing to do with your question as it's not related to tinymce config at all.
  23. Right, this does work on vanilla thirtybees installation. If you have other modification it can have conflicts.
  24. window.default_config = { selector: ".rte", plugins: "colorpicker link image paste pagebreak table contextmenu filemanager table code media autoresize textcolor anchor directionality", browser_spellcheck: true, toolbar1: "code,|,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,alignleft,aligncenter,alignright,alignfull,rtl,ltr,formatselect,|,blockquote,colorpicker,pasteword,|,bullist,numlist,|,outdent,indent,|,link,unlink,|,anchor,|,media,image", toolbar2: "", external_filemanager_path: ad + "/filemanager/", filemanager_title: "File manager", external_plugins: { "filemanager": ad + "/filemanager/plugin.min.js" }, language: iso, skin: "prestashop", statusbar: false, relative_urls: false, convert_urls: false, entity_encoding: "raw", extended_valid_elements: "em[class|name|id],script[language|type|src]", valid_children: "+*[*]", valid_elements: "*[*]", menu: { edit: { title: 'Edit', items: 'undo redo | cut copy paste | selectall' }, insert: { title: 'Insert', items: 'media image link | pagebreak' }, view: { title: 'View', items: 'visualaid' }, format: { title: 'Format', items: 'bold italic underline strikethrough superscript subscript | formats | removeformat' }, table: { title: 'Table', items: 'inserttable tableprops deletetable | cell row column' }, tools: { title: 'Tools', items: 'code' } } };
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