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Everything posted by datakick

  1. You need to figure out which override is causing this, and if you need it for anything. Most probably not... Look if there is override/classes/Tools.php file. If so, look inside... I bet hash method will be overwritten, for some reason...
  2. datakick


    What error is that?
  3. Try to restore original IP address, as described here: https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200170786-Restoring-original-visitor-IPs-Logging-visitor-IP-addresses-with-mod-cloudflare-
  4. I don't know what you did, exactly, but the zip file contains global.css file modified on Nov 19: > zipinfo niara-master.zip | grep global.css -rw---- 0.0 fat 178726 tx defN 19-Nov-29 14:56 niara-master/css/global.css Note that the zip file does not contain niara directory, but niara-master. If you simply unzip it, it won't replace your niara directory. You need to unzip it, and and move the content
  5. Do you have latest version of core updater? Did you uncheck Ignore community themes switch before update?
  6. I don't have free capacity to take on such project, unfortunately
  7. The watermark module was not initially forked because there wasn't any license file in the github repository. License file is there is now, but the modules is already updated to work on ps17 only, so it would be harder to migrate migrate it back to work on ps16 / tb... but of course it's doable
  8. Did you click on 'reset indexation status' button before you regenerated images?
  9. I think you misunderstood the sentence. It does not say that only small images will be converted to webp. The meaning is that the resulting webp format is smaller
  10. PS watermark module does not support webp format on output
  11. Close, but not enough... we need to see what's in the response body
  12. Your server throws some 5xx error, and we can't help you unless we know what it is. You can look into browser javascript console, in Network tab, and look for these 500 error responses. They should contain some more information
  13. Yes, these radio issues are already fixed in new versions of niara theme, so forwarding themes to bleeding edge should fix the issue. Of course, if you have modified niara theme, you need to reconcile the changes manually
  14. What tb version are you running? This should have been fixed in 1.1.0 already
  15. I wouldn't be so sure this module was the root cause, it's possible it is just a red herring. From stacktrace, it's obvious that thirtybees is trying to download logo for some module from thirtybees repository. It is quite possible that it was 'tbupdater' module for which the logo image was being downloaded. If that's the case, then deletion of this module would hide the problem. But not solve it -- it might still be there, patiently waiting for another chance to manifest. I'd suggest additional investigation.
  16. Looks like you have outdated guzzle library. First, check that your /vendor directory is up to date -- download thirtybees install zip file, extract it, and upload /vendor directory to your server. If this doesn't help, then the only explanation is that there's some module that comes with its own version of guzzle library, and this somehow overrides the default guzzle library that comes with thirtybees.
  17. That's not true, for a valid query the result is an empty array. This method returns false if there is some other issue, for example references to unknown database table or column. And that's definitely a bug... I hate the fact that in non-dev mode thirtybees don't throw on these errors
  18. Hard to tell what the problem is, there isn't any resource limitations in the module itself. But it can be caused by other modules -- I've seen modules that set php max exec time to 20 secs, and never restore it after their job is done -- things like this can affect other modules in pipeline
  19. Localization > Translations You can unhook it in Modules > Positions Again Modules > Positions Probably a bug, file a github issue
  20. You have to change database tables to ps_category_lang, and slightly adjust columns -- categories don't have short description, or availablility fields. Result should look like this UPDATE ps_category_lang dest INNER JOIN ps_category_lang src ON (dest.id_category = src.id_category AND dest.id_shop = src.id_shop AND src.id_lang = 6) SET dest.description = src.description, dest.link_rewrite = src.link_rewrite, dest.meta_description = src.meta_description, dest.meta_keywords = src.meta_keywords, dest.meta_title = src.meta_title, dest.name = src.name WHERE dest.id_lang = 7 AND dest.id_category IN (3, 4, 5)
  21. Thanks @Petter for the tip, I'll definitely try this nginx extension myself
  22. @Smile it would be great if you would file an github issue, describe behaviour and include some repro-steps,... so this can be fixed
  23. It will either add records, or update them, depending on how you set up import
  24. No, it can't. The issue you are referencing is about something very different, it has nothing to do with this new problem on bleeding edge. I've filed a new issue to track this new problem https://github.com/thirtybees/nocaptcharecaptcha/issues/8 Note that while we can fix this in the module, we need to fix the core as well
  25. You may hate it, but it's kind of a standard. Everybody knows what it means and they have learnt to click on it subconsciously. If you, however, put some slide thingy on your page, it's not so obvious. You make your visitors think, and that's basic UX issue
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