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Everything posted by nickz

  1. nickz

    Any news on Lesley?

    You are aware that If you tried to raise them via forum, website and still can't get a response, you take a gamble should those guys react someday.
  2. nickz

    Any news on Lesley?

    Well his status shows as: Last visited January 31, 2023
  3. Wie weit hat sich was getan? Mit welchen Shop bist du unterwegs? TB?
  4. Are you on a shared server? If yes check your mysql/mariadb/phpmyadmin versions
  5. Click on the sitemap, than upper corner right hand the 3 dots. Remove Sitemap. Canada as bilingual solution is kind of an exception.
  6. Leo themes https://www.leotheme.com/prestashop/themes.html Envato themes https://themeforest.net/search/prestashop 1.6 and there are more. You also can modify NIARA to almost anything you like.
  7. I'm not directly affected, like me there are quite a lot. Firms with 10+ Employees are affected and those who go in the direction. Still I'd like to be prepared. I used this one: https://barrierefreiheitcheck.de/ My main concern is not that the themes pass but that the way to make them pass most hurdles is not an impossible task.
  8. The EU is pushing and raising the bar. Is TB WCAG-2.2 capable? Or easily convertible towards accessibility standards? Basically you need to be able to browse thru a shop using just arrows and tabs.
  9. I wonder which TB Version you think to be most stable (No issues or just a few) If you don't mind that is 😉
  10. Rankings drop also when your URLS change. And if you don't redirect the old URLS you'll have a ton of 404. Having a multi store is not a good idea as you cannot experiment with different keyword chains. Many people believe it to be user-friendly. It is not. Who buys goods crossing a border? It is most of the time more expensive.
  11. Post the solution here. Most of the time production shops have issues and need a solution fast.
  12. Those are one tool. I'd be careful in trusting the results of so called SEO Audits. It takes years to find a few ranking signals not being published, and you find also published SEO signals which are not.
  13. Why don't you work under php7.4 and get the module updated in the meantime.
  14. That would depend on how many visitors he has. If a lot you need a dedicated, or several.
  15. Stay at 1.5 and no issues seems the way to go. What reason is there to need the 1.6 version?
  16. Well I wouldn't use woo. For me the 3rd party extension, modules, plugins are problematic. Woo requieres Wordpress, Most newer Themes requiere 5 to 8 plugins
  17. Do you host on a VPS, and do you have a lot of modules? Modules are the ones which make it trickier.
  18. great workaround for Google fans 😉 What advantages do you get from Google maps? Do you have people visiting your store?
  19. Many payment services give you a kind of landing page. Paypal does it so does stripe, Klarna I ignore, the trend goes in making your life easier. It is not too good to rely on 3rd party services anyway. Especially as most shop owners keep just one shop, it's risky.
  20. There is no need for php 8.3 just because it is the newest. You can run a site with php4 if it works well, you just need to monitor it. Which you also should do when using 8.3. If you run an old theme its not an issue if you and your clients like it. Most important is that it runs well and everyone is happy.
  21. Have you checked your web-servers settings with phpinfo? https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.phpinfo.php
  22. Best version IMHO, If you have access to your cpanel check your php version. The multiphp selector most likely. Shared server phase out the earlier php7xx versions. You can use your shop with a VPS. Using an older distro and stay with 7.1 for some time.
  23. Search-engines are asking for sitemaps, but push into the index everything, even pages the engine create. Bing e.g has pages in the index which were outdated in 2019. As DDG took over their indexes so those URLS are in there too. So in love with AI that they forgot all about cleaning their indexes.
  24. Gibt es keinen beim Design nicht die Möglichkeit das Logo, Favicon einzutragen? Welches Format hat dein Logo denn?
  25. If you host won't give you a lot memory and restricts your access have a look for a new host. The market is in your favor. Webhostingtalk has a lot of offers with discounts.
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