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Everything posted by nickz

  1. Post the solution here. Most of the time production shops have issues and need a solution fast.
  2. Those are one tool. I'd be careful in trusting the results of so called SEO Audits. It takes years to find a few ranking signals not being published, and you find also published SEO signals which are not.
  3. Why don't you work under php7.4 and get the module updated in the meantime.
  4. That would depend on how many visitors he has. If a lot you need a dedicated, or several.
  5. Stay at 1.5 and no issues seems the way to go. What reason is there to need the 1.6 version?
  6. Well I wouldn't use woo. For me the 3rd party extension, modules, plugins are problematic. Woo requieres Wordpress, Most newer Themes requiere 5 to 8 plugins
  7. Do you host on a VPS, and do you have a lot of modules? Modules are the ones which make it trickier.
  8. great workaround for Google fans 😉 What advantages do you get from Google maps? Do you have people visiting your store?
  9. Many payment services give you a kind of landing page. Paypal does it so does stripe, Klarna I ignore, the trend goes in making your life easier. It is not too good to rely on 3rd party services anyway. Especially as most shop owners keep just one shop, it's risky.
  10. There is no need for php 8.3 just because it is the newest. You can run a site with php4 if it works well, you just need to monitor it. Which you also should do when using 8.3. If you run an old theme its not an issue if you and your clients like it. Most important is that it runs well and everyone is happy.
  11. Have you checked your web-servers settings with phpinfo? https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.phpinfo.php
  12. Best version IMHO, If you have access to your cpanel check your php version. The multiphp selector most likely. Shared server phase out the earlier php7xx versions. You can use your shop with a VPS. Using an older distro and stay with 7.1 for some time.
  13. Search-engines are asking for sitemaps, but push into the index everything, even pages the engine create. Bing e.g has pages in the index which were outdated in 2019. As DDG took over their indexes so those URLS are in there too. So in love with AI that they forgot all about cleaning their indexes.
  14. Gibt es keinen beim Design nicht die Möglichkeit das Logo, Favicon einzutragen? Welches Format hat dein Logo denn?
  15. If you host won't give you a lot memory and restricts your access have a look for a new host. The market is in your favor. Webhostingtalk has a lot of offers with discounts.
  16. Hopefully its better attended to than the twitter/reddit channels.
  17. En la base de datos es posible que puedas encontrar la palabra, también puede estar en el documento .tlp de cart. Respalda los datos antes den cambiar. renombra el original con 2 o _ y trabaja con la copia que tiene el nombre original, o viceversa. Una copia de la base de datos sacas por PHPmyAdmin.
  18. High drop out rates?
    Lots of abandoned sales? Server issues? just to name a few bits and pieces we can solve. 
    Find us on https://se544.com/en/

    Deutsch: https://se544.com/

  19. laziness of the developer, many themes have google fonts due to exactly that. Its easy to use them. It's also quite easy to use alternatives.
  20. Warum nimmst du nicht stripe? Paypal hat einen Käuferschutz der eher von Nachteil ist.
  21. Why not, it helps all.
  22. I'd upgrade the server or change it if they just do stuff to raise prices.
  23. Some Presta module vulnerabilities also affect TB Users: More info you find here: https://security.friendsofpresta.org/ Thx to @Mediacom87
  24. Without knowing what theme, which TB you are using? And where do you edit the message? BO? File?
  25. You can mod Niara as much as you wish, also there are Zthemes among others which have still 1.6 PS Themes. In our mobile friendly world when looked the shop up on the ohne they look all like one Egg to another.
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