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Everything posted by nickz

  1. Using 1.3 in php 7.4. fresh install stopped at 75% SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'xxx.tb_attribute' doesn't exist But it does it exist, inserted due to the error. What could that be? VPS not shared. Ubuntu 20.4
  2. I think there are around 50 to 60 000 modules out there. Not as stark as the WP plugin galery but equally non attended.
  3. A module you can order, right here in the forum. The way you handle payment might be a hindernisse (obstacle)
  4. Maybe related:What mail is used for the sending? As Google Microsoft and Yahoo are having new guidlines https://www.darkreading.com/cybersecurity-operations/google-yahoo-push-dmarc-forcing-companies-to-catch-up
  5. Apatche wurde aktualisiert?
  6. dann gib ihnen mal 777 zumindest versuchsweise.
  7. Welche Rechte haben den deine IMG/TMP Ordner?
  8. Einige Ordner brauche beschreibbare Rechte. Ohne diese kommt es zu Fehlern. https://docs.thirtybees.com/installation/
  9. Shared oder VPS/dedicated, sind die Rechte korrekt vergeben?
  10. Localhost oder Server wo probierst du rum?
  11. Yeah 80% of hosting staff have not harmed a fly in their life. So they claim. I dropped you a pm with few questions in regards to your theme wishes.
  12. Hosting companies are forced to update their PHP versions as they use a licenced Cpanel, most of them. Some hosters update the php versions automatically, usually you have the posibility to adjust. If you wish to maintain your shop at the same version you need to rent a VPS.
  13. Are you on a shared server? It could be that your PHP version has changed.
  14. A game changer on the negative side for Prestashop and positive for all others who do not go that way. Still most likely is that some smaller company's leadership looks with envy towards that development. Devs have little to do with the way that works, MBE bought Prestashop. The people in the sphere have little to do with dev or even sales. Investment runs to make a portfolio grow. It's all about numbers and the bottomline
  15. What do you need to be done? Explain over PM if you will.:)
  16. When searching for Twitter Icons font awesome I got this: https://fontawesome.com/v4/icon/twitter
  17. well then use those here https://fontawesomeicons.com/x
  18. Go VPS, if they declare an end to PHP8.0 its way too early Being logged in or not should make no difference.
  19. You always could use a small image instead. Font awesome offers this here https://fontawesomeicons.com/x Some people are nostalgic and might even like the old bird.
  20. The reddit thirtybees account is not being attended to, comments are about 3 years old. If you don't mind, who is taking care of it or was? greetings
  21. 1.4 sollte mit PHP8 laufen, Was sagen denn die Errorlogs bei den 500 Fehlermeldungen? Was für ein Hosting hast du denn? Als Weg > Deaktiviere die Module und mach einen Backup, plus DB Backup, den du dann in eine andere Ablage legst. Bei vielen Hosting kann man die Domain auf eine andere Ablage zielen lassen.
  22. That is just a number, if 1.0.8 works perfectly why would you change to have 1.5.? It makes no sense from the use case point of view. Sure most people love to have the newest but the newer shops use more energy, weight usually more and you won't find modules for it.
  23. Ich glaube mit TB 1.4 solltest du eher ein Schritt höher gehen auf php 7.4 oder 8.
  24. How did it go? Out of curiosity, https://www.revolut.com/business/payment-gateway/ Revolut is british I think, if yoi could afford a director I even could get an account. Und ein Post und Tschüß? Oder hast es dir anders überlegt?
  25. nickz


    not only, cars, drones, tourism, news, and definetly cryptos. Get instructions on how to invest by people half your age, living at mums. But seriously, Music, concerts, nature, even car mechanics, add the above.
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