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Everything posted by SLiCK_303

  1. What module did you try and add to the cms pages?
  2. I would just do your announcements/progress reports on the forums, and call it even
  3. I've tried everything I can think of to duplicate your problem, and I just cant do it. It has to be something to do with the way you are running your cron jobs. There must be a duplicate someplace.
  4. The only way I can think of this happening, is if the birthdaygift modules cron job is running twice at the same time. How do you have your server setup to run the cron jobs? Do you have it only running the cronjob module itself (ie. https:///module/cronjobs/cron?token=. Or do you have your server running every cronjob thats in the cronjob module? The only way I can think of this happening, is that you have the cronjob module running twice ( your server is running it twice), or you have your server setup to run all the jobs AND the cronjob module running all the jobs. Or you have in the cronjob module, it setup twice to run the birthdaygift module. I hope that makes sense... My server is setup like it is here. Please give me a screenshot of your cronjob modules setup. Feel free to blank things out like I did in my pic. And....show me a pic of how your server runs it's cron jobs. Thanks....
  5. Sorry this is happenening, whata pain in the butt. Very strange, I'll look into it!
  6. you have a height and width set for all your images I assume? BO>Preferences>Images Can you try another browser? Have you cleared your BO cache and browser cache?
  7. hmm, I dont know then. What browser are you using?
  8. Must be a theme thing, what theme do you use?
  9. what tb version are you using? And... are you using JqZoom, or Fancybox? (BO>Preferences>Products)
  10. oh sure, just copy the all the emails in /modules/sendreviewrequest/mails, to /themes//modules/sendreviewrequest/mails you can also copy them to a different language other that en, and then modify them. Just put them in the appropriate language folder, like fr for french, ect...
  11. @Pedalman You are most welcome, I'm glad this module will help you, and your site! @Siteboost As soon as you change the setting, and hit save, it changes the message. I think that's the best we can hope for..
  12. You can also copy the files in: /modules/revws/views/templates/hook/ to: /themes//modules/revws/
  13. You can copy: /modules/revws/views/css/front.css to: /themes//css/modules/revws/revws.css and then modify as you wish
  14. so this is a migrated site? I would uninstall the cronjob module, then delete it, then install what comes up, which will be 2.1.2. If that doesnt work, then here is the link for 2.1.0. https://github.com/thirtybees/cronjobs/releases/tag/2.1.0 Doing this will delete your current jobs, and you'll have to reenter them. So maybe a db backup first would be good.
  15. this is after you installed the new version? I dont know what to tell ya. It works fine for me on my 1.0.3 site and my 1.0.4 site. You're entering in all the info right? Like the description (a simple name) and the Target Link? If 2.1.0 worked for you, id stick with that then...
  16. What doesn't work about it?
  17. So, has this issue solved itself then?
  18. After modifying the code in cms.tpl, assuming you did it right, as that tutorial is pretty old, and the code is different in tb. And after you modified your module you wanted to add to the cms page, did you then reset that module, so the new hook would become active?
  19. Sorry it took so long for you to get any response on this... In BO>Orders>Statuses, do you have multiple entries there too? If so, do a db backup just in case, then delete them.
  20. Ok guys, a new version of the cron job has been released, v 2.1.2, that solves the issue of not being able to enter new cronjobs. So use it, not 2.1.0, or 2.1.1
  21. SLiCK_303

    Erro CronJobs

    Ok guys, a new version of the cron job has been released, v 2.1.2, that solves the issue of not being able to enter new cronjobs. So use it, not 2.1.0, or 2.1.1
  22. SLiCK_303

    Erro CronJobs

    You setup every job in the cronjob module, then schedule a task (plesk) to run those cron jobs. I'm not sure what its called in cPanel. Do you use Plesk or cPanel on your server? You setup your server to run a scheduled task, like this in plesk. Im not sure how to do it in cPanel as I dont use it, but I'm sure it called something different, but works basically the same. Changing the Script path and token to whatever the cron job module says to use. Also, I put in 0,5,10,15 0 * * *, because I have my cron jobs running at midnight, and 0 mins, 5 mins, 10 mins, and15 mins, four jobs. You can set yours to just run at * * * * *, to run at all times if you want. Then in the cron jobs module you simply setup like this... See how I have each job running at midnight, and 0, 5, 10, and 15 mins? Again you can run them at anytime you see fit, if you use * * * * * in your servers task setup.
  23. I was having issue with just this thin last night... What I ended up doing was go into the configuration of the module, enter your keys, then go into one of the other tabs on the top of the page, then come back to the module settings, and the captcha box should be there now at the bottom of the settings page.
  24. @datakick I use tb 1.0.3
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