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Everything posted by piet

  1. Did you add the group to your items, categories etc?
  2. Hi, I think you can find them in settings/CMS
  3. piet

    cloned shop

    Delete the .htaccess file and cache
  4. Reading all this I came to the conclusion that you should be angry, angry to yourself. Testing something on a live server without any knowledge of the software is not the smartest thing to do. Don't blame the software, blame yourself ๐Ÿ˜‰
  5. Did some googleing and found this https://migration-pro.com/ Contact credentials are on the website
  6. Ok, you should contact Migrationpro. They are the developer of the module. Maybe they will answer your questions. As far as I can se you must have two installations, one is your curren Prestashop and the other one is the Thirtybees shop. The modules connects the two shops and will migrate the data.
  7. What module did you buy?
  8. Hi @danwarrior, We don't use the chex module so I don't think I can help you. I hope someone else has the solution for you. Best regards, Piet
  9. Hi @danwarrior Wjat you need is already shown on the invoice. If needed you are able to create invoice earlier by making a new order status and set option invoice on for that status. Best regards
  10. Hi @danwarrior, I don't understand what you mean or what you want. If I can help I will but first give more info please.
  11. Hi Owen, Show your shipping settings to review please. You can send me your backoffice login in PB if you want (make new account you can delete it later) to check your settings.
  12. Hi Owen, The address is ok but it's not showing any shipment options for SA. Please show all your shipment settings to review.
  13. Owen, Just tried to give in an address in SA on your site, it came up with following error, no field the to select the state.
  14. Hi Owen, I've noticed you have different weight ranges, maybe your product weigt is out of those ranges. You can also try different price ranges and change your billing method to see if this will work.
  15. Did you check your regional settings? You are able to select a zone or country per shipping method. May those settings are not correct. Make some screenprints of your shipping methodes in your backoffice
  16. Hi Hardy, What version are you using? Working with Niara Theme? There were some known issues with radiobuttons (type radio in search). I give you this link, maybe this will help to solve your issue.
  17. Welcome, You won't regret your choice ๐Ÿ™‚ Regards, Piet
  18. @Traumflug Thanks, that's the answer I was waiting for ๐Ÿ™‚ I will do the check as mentioned and hopefully is wil give no result.
  19. Is there a reason to go back? ๐Ÿ™‚
  20. When I read the mail I had the same question. What about TB?
  21. First off all, Happy Newyear to you all! All modules we work with are still working on Thirtybees so we are happy. @lesley Hope the operation goes well and you recover soon.
  22. When you are logged in as a customer you can duplicate your orders as in the order overview. Is that where you are looking for?
  23. Hebben je klanten het Panda theme opnieuw moeten aanschaffen of het Transformer theme omgeruild voor het Panda theme?
  24. You cannot make perfect software at once but I think the work you guys do is great. Thanks for that. I have one remark. If new users experience the config issue as described in this topic they will look for solutions in the best case or leave and try somethng else. Good documentation how to setup TB with third parties themes is the key I think.
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