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Everything posted by Beeta

  1. you need a mass edit module like: https://www.getdatakick.com/ https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/925/prestools-the-mass-edit-toolset or using the CSV import feature of Thirtybees
  2. @datakick said in PGRD Compliancy Module: The link you have provided describes requirements for content published on Europa website. I'm sure these requirements meet all the European laws (cookie law, gdpr law, etc...). But that does not mean these requirements are the law. It's basically just a 'company policy', a policy that is more tough than necessary. When we are talking about GDPR, we should stick to the text of GDPR law. So once again, where in the actual law is written that "Persistent cookies are considered to be personal data"? It's really a rhetorical question. We clearly don't see eye to eye on this matter, so it's indeed moot to continue this conversation. I'm very frightened, though. I really hope you guys don't strip all the important features from the tb platform, and render it unusable for merchants I think you're right, on the same page I can see: "EUROPA websites must follow the Commission's guidelines on privacy and data protection and inform users that cookies are not being used to gather information unnecessarily."
  3. @datakick said in PGRD Compliancy Module: So, the first thing you’ll wanna do is to disable module Data mining for statistics – that will fix this problem. We will lose statistics, though. While we are talking about this, you’ll also need to modify your apache/nginx logging settings, and omit/obfuscate IP addresses from your access/error logs, as this is also a GDPR violation. What?! And what evidences can we have in case of abuse?
  4. @datakick said in How to set 0 quantity if not present in CSV: Not directly, but it will be supported soon. Meanwhile, I can offer this workaround: 0) Preparation step - create custom field named Imported Quantity for products (or combination) Then: 1) run Mass Update that will reset Imported Quantity field to zero for every product 2) run Import that will import data into this new custom field Imported Quantity, instead of build-in quantity field 3) run Mass Update that will copy data from Imported Quantity to standard quantity field If you run these 3 steps in sequence you'll get wanted results. Unfortunately, datakick module does not support task sequencing at the moment. But you schedule these task to run at specific times. For example, you can schedule first mass update to run at 10:00, import at 10:05, and copy data task at 10:10 (or maybe later, depending on how long does it take to import data) In this way, I have to update every product every time. I found a relative simple shell solution to compare two ordinated CSV and then have as output a CSV only NO MORE AVAILABLE products (and a simple shell script that convert CSV to XML)... but if actually, datakick module can't do it directly I think that Imported Quantity solution can be good. About datakick docs I can see editable quantity here, or is only a limit about put to 0? @kleijn36 said in How to set 0 quantity if not present in CSV: This is how i handle it, We have a shop with a POS system what is the main inventory. For update the Thirtybees inventory set quantities of the whole DB to zero. In the Db run Query "Before testing make backup of the DB!!!" UPDATE tb_stock_available SET quantity=0; UPDATE tb_stock SET physical_quantity=0; UPDATE tb_stock SET usable_quantity=0 After that i upload the CSV with the new stock. Don't forget to rebuilt the index. PREFERENCES/SEARCH I know that can be a solution but I would like to avoid to write directly in the DB. Thank you anyway... I will use it as a last resort.
  5. is @datakick module able to do this? and how about this? https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1780/warehouses-or-not-warehouses
  6. I want to load different inventory from different suppliers... but sometimes they have products with the same EAN (but with different references). At the same time one of the suppliers didn't give availability information... if the product is present on the CSV it means that is available but I don't know how many units, if the product row disappears from the next CSV it means that is not available anymore. I don't have used "warehouse" features until now, but I think that maybe is what I need. Is it possible to use it in a way that the customer knows nothing about and the merchant will have warehouse stats available only on the backend? Is warehouse feature really what I need?
  7. On the CMS there's already the option to deny CSM articles to be indexed... is that not working?
  8. @datakick said in CSV Import killer app features list: @30knees said in CSV Import killer app features list: Take a look at the @datakick module. It's very capable! Thanks for the shout-out! Unfortunately my module can import only XML files at the moment, CSV support will come soon. Any ETA? Meanwhile, maybe I can convert CSV to XML with this
  9. https://github.com/L3o-pold/prestashopamp/issues/3
  10. @lesley said in can't translate until a restart php5-fpm service: Do you have your opcache set to not revalidate on changes? Bingo! I had: opcache.validate_timestamps=0 I solved changing it to: opcache.validate_timestamps=1 I need to remember this! I think I changed it to 0 for performance when in production.
  11. This is something that is happening on PrestaShop too. I'm on nginx+php5-fpm. If I translate and hit save the system reply as the save got success but the translated phrase is not there. If I restart php5-fpm service I can translate some phrases and then the same issue appear again. Is it something that happens to someone else too?
  12. When I configure a new shop I always try to select an item (like a carrier, a cart rules, etc) and search for the "Clone" button. This can be a huge help!! What do you think about it?
  13. @webshoptime I think they already know: https://github.com/thirtybees/psonesixmigrator/issues/12 is that the same problem? https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1719/impossible-to-make-the-migration-download-keeps-failing
  14. In the meantime I found this: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/shipping-carriers/19095-package-weight.html I think that this can be a relatively simple addon... if some third party dev wants to contribute to thirty bees! :smilingfacewithopenmouthclosedeyes:
  15. If you are using "shipping costs calculated by weight", how do you manage box weight? Are you add a little weight to each product? Is it possible to add a fixed/percent weight to the total product weight?
  16. 25% of 2500$ 615$ raised 7 backers in a couple of days 1 month to go go go go!
  17. I'm reading very interesting comments on Disqus in the GDPR article: https://thirtybees.com/blog/thirty-bees-and-gdpr/ are those users registered in the forum?
  18. Are there steps to do for who upgraded 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 from this article? https://thirtybees.com/developer-blog/upgrade-a-1-0-3-site-to-1-0-4-latest-source/
  19. Beeta

    Paypal error

    what version of TB and Paypal module are you using?
  20. How about making a list of features that you miss and you think that have to be included in a possible "BEST CSV import module ever": Cron compatibility Option to set quantities to 0 to products no more included in the CSV (activable per supplier/manufacturer) Load CSV from http/https Safe check to validate the CSV so it doesn't mess up shop data in case of a corrupted download/upload Add fixed/percentage margin per category/manufacturer/supplier Please add your features/suggestions list and report modules that already have some of them. Maybe some module/core dev can be inspired buy this thread.
  21. @traumflug said in vote on alternativeto.net: TB is in 2nd place behind Wordpress, now. Wordpress was apparently removed from the list. Good choice, because e-commerce with Wordpress is actually WooCommerce. I sent a report to them some weeks ago asking to remove Wordpress. :smile:
  22. Take a look how simple is Mind Nutrition product page: https://mn-nootropics.com/nootropics/centrophenoxine-capsules I really like it!
  23. @bzndk any news about it?
  24. I already read this from @zimmer-media but I think that is a little dangerous to set 0 quantities to the whole inventory and then set again the right quantity from the CSV import. In PS forum I found this. do you know some smarter solutions?
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