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Everything posted by Beeta

  1. Why? TB is not a PS alternative? I think that this can bring more people to the project and can be a good way to attract a little more devs/merchants/donators.
  2. A good way to make thirty bees known is to vote to it as a PS alternative here: https://alternativeto.net/software/prestashop/ You can login with facebook, github and other services. You can vote with thumb UP and DOWN hovering the mouse over the other PS alternatives and LIKE thirty bees clicking on its Like Button. Maybe is only a little help... but you are going to invest only 5 minutes!
  3. @drmasterchief said in I will say goodbye: new business model ?!?!?!
  4. @rubben1985 said in Suggestion to generate more income for TB: Another idea, A good one: Free marketplace for all developers (like sunnytoo and his TB panda them). How much money are you doing now anyway? Create a big marketplace. I suppose most of developpers would accept to have a free place to sell. This big marketplace+big community (with all the advices given in the different topic) will make grow the project. Monetize marketplace later. Services can provide money until then if you need some income. THIS!! This is something that is lacking prestashop... a marketplace DIRECTLY connected to the community. Take a look here: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/ this is the marketplace of xenforo platform... if you go inside a resource you can see what I'm talking about: written reviews and not only "stars", a thread connected to the resource where talking about the addon, getting a little of community support and asking public question to the developper. I think a thing like that can be a killer application for growing the thirtybees community... and this is why I asked for a bridge/connection between thirtybees and xenforo (IMHO the better forum out there). MANY forum admins with large forums are struggling to connect xenforo to a FULL e-commerce script and TB can really benefit from this.
  5. maybe if there's no traffic you can't see differences.
  6. WOW!! If this is not against TB code standards and is not breaking anything, how about to include in the core?! how about PR on GitHub?
  7. so do you think that this is not going to happen? https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1571/progress-sharing/15
  8. @unica-e-shop how did you solve? can be useful for future reference
  9. @lesley said in Progress sharing: Starting the first of April I am going to try to do a progress post every two weeks letting people know what we are working on. Better to start at April the 2nd or people will not trust you! ;-)
  10. I think that the password is managed by WordPress and not by nodebb. A solution is logging out and then ask for a new password with the lost password feature.
  11. @hubbobubbo said in Progress sharing: After 18 days without any commits on github I would just like to repeat my initial question. Would it be possible to get any kind of status/progress information on how the 1.0.4 work is coming along? I would really like to help with testing it but since my previous attempt of installingRC1 did not work I am holding on for the official release. I can see recent commits on public and private repositories... https://github.com/firstred?tab=overview&from=2018-03-01&to=2018-03-21
  12. @mockob said in Working eBay Modul: So I wouldn’t bother for such thing. Why do you even plan to update your store if it’s running fine? If the module is working with the current release just buy it and use it for next at least 2 years The shop is not working fine because is on virtuemart 2.5! :dagger: I want to start using thirtybees in production (and become a little recurring donator) but I'm afraid about it. ...and about activity I can see it on public and private repositories: https://github.com/firstred?tab=overview&from=2018-03-01&to=2018-03-21
  13. any news about ebay module? what are you using? I would like to test fastbay from prestalia but I'm afraid that they are not going to support TB when 1.1.x will be released.
  14. is this going to be implemented to the core?
  15. @zimmer-media said in [Free Module] Birthday Gift: Is it possible in your cool module to integrate a backround option or so, eg only to send every 365 days per email address? Something like if a mail is already sent this year 2018 don't send it again? I think that a better solution should be lock the write access to birthdate: example: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/281491-solved-how-to-make-birthday-unchangeable-by-customer/
  16. @zimmer-media said in PayPal Problem: If debug mode on without error message. what does it mean? in case the "debug mode" is active, the error disappear?
  17. Did you already think about APIs on TB 1.1? APIs will continue to be compatible with PS1.6 or external services will need to support them from scratch?
  18. Li ho contattati a riguardo del modulo di sincronia con ebay (fastbay) ma a parte conoscere thirtybees non mi hanno confermato la compatibilità. Qualche italiano l'ha testato con TB? Ci sarebbe anche "prestabay" ma mi ispira di più "fastbay" (oltre ad avere supporto in italiano che non è mai male).
  19. The FAQ module is useful but dropdown menu with "predefined replies" could be really awesome! Something like this: http://jsfiddle.net/kjy112/kchRh/ but integrated with thirtybees' Customer service.
  20. I think it's better number 2.
  21. Could be very useful to not have to reply over and over again the same answers to the same questions or to explain something or for apologies or other things. It can save many hours!
  22. I'm in the middle of an import from Virtuemart => external service => TB. I have all the products with multiple images (double/triple/quadruple) caused from something gone wrong with some syncs in the past. What can I do to delete from every TB products (database and filesystem) all the images except the default ones? p.s. AFAIK prestools mass edit can't do that
  23. Go go @SLiCK303 ! :kissingsmiling_eyes: And now the usual questions/requests: Is the coupon created automatically? How about do like IKEA that gives the discount during all the "birthday month"? ...so it needs to send the email on 1st day of the "birthday month" with a coupon valid (1 time for that specific customer) for the whole month.
  24. Hello, I have a sandbox shop with TB 1.0.3 and I'm trying to use a service (bindCommerce) that use TB/PS APIs to sync products. Right now I'm trying to send products from the bC to TB and to update them. With DEBUG disabled bC can create the product on TB correctly but if it try to update a product the server generates this (but correctly update the item): NGINX Error log: PHP message: [PHP Warning #2] Illegal offset type (/home/domain/domains/new.domain.com/public_html/classes/ObjectModel.php, line 1055) NGINX Access log: - BXXXXXXXXXX2ZMPCJKMFAXXXXXXXXXXA [24/Feb/2018:17:05:19 +0100] "PUT /api/products/289 HTTP/1.1" 500 1436 "-" "bindCommerce" If I enable DEBUG MODE the PHP Warning disappear. (the problem is not related to a single product) The products are created or updated correctly but during an update, TB responds with that and the service stop! So in case of a multiple products sync, when the first update is done the system respond with that error/warning and stop the whole process. Can you give me some more info about what change TB is DEBUG is activated or not?
  25. @zimmer-media said in Change Product Add Date to affect New: @foolab In CSV import, this function already exists. -> Product creation date But in this way, the product creation will change. @movieseals said in Change Product Add Date to affect New: I had found this php script that you can put in Admin/Tabs. It allows you to set any product as old or new by either entering their reference code or ID code. This is something we use daily. You need to scroll down the thread to find the 1.6.x version but it works fine in TB as well. It does not require any overrides and works out of the box. https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/164393-setting-a-product-status-to-new/ It does not seem like something that would be hard to implement in a future version of TB. It is certainly very useful for us. this will change the "product creation date"? I would like to maintain it.
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