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toplakd last won the day on October 1 2023

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  1. I have never used this function, therefore I deleted the form in templates for my own use. So not sure if it's working or not.
  2. Hi. Sorry, there is no link to github. I maintain very stripped down version of this theme for my own needs, and my own version will therefore not work for 99% of the users as it's not compatible with lots of modules (even many native TB ones as I don't use them)
  3. By deleting the shop.
  4. You can add this at the end of your global.css and it works in Niara and Community default to get basic responsive shopping cart. This is extracted from very old original prestashop 1.6 bootstrap theme with minimal edits to fit Niara and Community theme. @media (max-width: 767px) { #order-detail-content #cart_summary table, #order-detail-content #cart_summary thead, #order-detail-content #cart_summary tbody, #order-detail-content #cart_summary th, #order-detail-content #cart_summary td, #order-detail-content #cart_summary tr { display: block; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary thead tr { position: absolute; top: -9999px; left: -9999px; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary tr { border-bottom: 1px solid #cccccc; padding-bottom: 7px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary td { border: none; position: relative; float: left; white-space: normal; padding: 7px; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary td.cart_product { text-align: left; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary td.cart_avail { display: none; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary td.cart_unit { width: 33%; text-align: left; min-height: 70px; clear: both; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary td.cart_unit .price { text-align: left; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary td.cart_quantity { width: 33%; min-height: 70px; border-left: 1px solid #cccccc; border-right: 1px solid #cccccc; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary td.cart_quantity div { display: block; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary td.cart_quantity > .form-control { display: inline; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary td.cart_quantity > .cart_quantity_button a { margin-right: 0px; float: none; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary td.cart_total { width: 33%; min-height: 70px; text-align: right; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary td.cart_delete { position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 0px; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary td.cart_delete:before { content: '' !important; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary td div { display: inline; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary td:before { content: attr(data-title); font-weight: bold; display: block; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary tfoot td { float: none; width: 100%; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary tfoot td:before { display: inline; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary tfoot tr .text-right, #order-detail-content #cart_summary tfoot tr tbody td.cart_unit, #order-detail-content #cart_summary tbody tfoot tr td.cart_unit, #order-detail-content #cart_summary tfoot tr tbody td.cart_total, #order-detail-content #cart_summary tbody tfoot tr td.cart_total, #order-detail-content #cart_summary tfoot tr .price { display: block; float: left; width: 50%; } } @media (max-width: 768px) { #order-detail-content #cart_summary tbody td .price { text-align: center; } #order-detail-content #cart_summary tbody td.cart_description { width: calc(100% - 130px); } .cart_voucher { vertical-align: top !important; } .cart_voucher h4 { font: 600 18px/22px "Open Sans", sans-serif; color: #555454; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 7px 0 10px 0; } .cart_voucher .title-offers { color: #333; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 6px; } .cart_voucher fieldset { margin-bottom: 10px; } .cart_voucher fieldset #discount_name { float: left; width: 219px; margin-right: 11px; } .cart_voucher #display_cart_vouchers span { font-weight: bold; cursor: pointer; color: #777; } .cart_voucher #display_cart_vouchers span:hover { color: #515151; } }
  5. Neither Niara nor Community Theme are mobile friendly when in shopping cart. Here in comparisson Niara vs Community vs MyOwn
  6. Try to install Maxmind Geolocation module. Also don't forget to enable it in Preferences/Geolocation - Geolocation service dropdown. This module also helps selecting right shipping for visitors that are in same zone as you and your carrier.
  7. toplakd

    PayPal paylater

    It's compatible. I currently use 3.17.0
  8. toplakd

    PayPal paylater

    I know Prestashop module supports this, as I see that some orders are paid in installments when I receive paypal confirmation emails.
  9. Habe es gerade nochmal getestet. TB Latest Bleeding Edge, php 8.1.18 Ohne modifikazion bekomme ich immer Error 500, also seite nicht erreichbar, admin und front. *ERROR* 2023/06/09 - 15:37:47: Fatal Error: Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is not supported. Use either `(a ? b : c) ? d : e` or `a ? b : (c ? d : e)` at line 2761 in file modules/paypal/paypal.php
  10. /classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateInvoice.php after line 388
  11. Ist warscheinlich nur mit php 8.1+ nöttig, da ich ohne änderung immer 500 error bekommen habe.
  12. Have you tried from another browser, or another computer / phone. As I can add bountyhuntertoys items to the cart without any problems.
  13. You need to update to more recent bleeding edge first. Than it will be also visible in modules list for direct install.
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