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Everything posted by zen

  1. zen

    Tax done right?

    Please explain what your accounting told you, what is the law in EU for selling digital products and how to apply VAT for each customer country and currency and VAT rates...
  2. zen

    Tax done right?

    yes no tax is the way to go... then no more problems 🙂
  3. zen

    Tax done right?

    Even with specific prices.. I am not sure it is legal to do that ! How are you gonna justify that you give reduction to poland about 10% and for Sweden only 5%... It needs to be explained in the legal notices and rules of sales... and depending on your contry it just might be as illegal of changing core price... have to dig more deep in the law/rules of the country you sell from.
  4. zen

    Tax done right?

    no TB can't do this and this is illegal to change the core price because of customer country. "I have a product, lets call it Empire of Sin does cost 49,99€ and that price is fixed to the €, and it don't care about VAT, the price is fixed no matter what country to you in, if you black, white, pink, orange or anything. Thats not related." the price without VAT will always be the same.. but when you sell it you have to add VAT.. and that one is different in EU countries, so you have to take that into account, if it were REAL products and not virtual or digital then you could do what you ask .. but not in this case you'll be doing illegal things and that will cost you a lot when regulations of your contries will look into your shop and your accounting. Best Regards.
  5. Yes autofill IS great for adresses, i remember that i used it on my oscommerce shop in 2007....it's a great tool !
  6. OK, but what will it change then when ownership is transfered .. is TB gonna come back as a golden egg chicken (cash machine) or will it become a real community open source software place ? Just to know ^^
  7. zen

    Tax done right?

    it's seems like you want to do it on a totally different way it should work.... the normal way for accounting and legal will be to fix a retail price without VAT : the same for all customers, and depending on the vat of each customers country then calculate the final price. Otherwize how are you gonna manage all this discounts you have to apply to make the accounting correct ? Are you using an ERP, wich one ? Accounting need a fixed price for items.. you cannot change it per customer, it needs a voucher for each customer then, that will be tricky to do. In how many countries are you willing to sell your digitals products ?
  8. I believe you need help, from people who know well TB databases, it's not so complicated, just a mess because of multishop.. with a little time.. i believe your new database can be reperaired.. I can help you if you want, contact me in PM.
  9. I the worst scenario, you can start again from "scratch", just keep the img folder after being scanned and be sure it's clean, and use just fresh files from TB, same version your database works with for now, inside the DB also check employees, be sure to not have added or modified account, then modify the config file to connect to DB, then you are good to go for the first step, if it's working in BO and front.. you can start to rebuild the theme you used once cleaned or with new fresh files and add modules you need also from fresh sources. This takes time, but if you have no clean backup and keep on being stucked it's almost the only way to be sure there is nothing left anymore. Best regards.
  10. It's super easy to find, just with a right click and inspect with firebug on the button, then it would show you the code and where it comes from, which file and the line number (of course you have to turn off CCC before). Actually this is also in the theme folders, here : theme/js/modules/blocktopmenu/js/blocktopmenu.js Enjoy 🙂
  11. here is the JS piece you are looking for : function mobileInit() { categoryMenu.superfish('destroy'); $('.sf-menu').removeAttr('style'); mCategoryGrover.on('click', function(e) { $(this).toggleClass('active').parent().find('ul.menu-content').stop().slideToggle('medium'); return false; }); it's in blocktopmenu.js
  12. Here are the three modules that people talk about now, source of hacked website, it might help others to look for the culprit faster : explorerpro sampledatainstall colorpictures Good luck for the clean 🙂
  13. Yes, the best option for you is to scan files with some tools, and inspect all directories that seems suspect. Otherwise you can just use you database (cleaned from any new admins or employees created) and install a brand new instance of TB. It will take time anyway to be confident again on your system, but there might be a module that was the Hole for this to happen or your provider is just not secure at all.. change it fast ! Best regards 🙂 and Good Luck !
  14. Les thèmes sous ThirtyBees ont la même structure et fonctionnement que ceux pour Prestashop 1.6, la documentation est aussi valable, les variables smarty aussi, il faut plonger dedans, tu peux commencer par cette documentation par exemple : http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Designer+Guide Bon courage 🙂
  15. You are right Yaniv14, I just checked and even the original one is recompressed with the parameters set.. but not resized at least. Now It says on the code that using png for all files will benefit for pictures quality, and if it's needed to not recompress files at all, it can be done by overriding the ImageManager Class I guess.
  16. It's possible also to just use the original images on the templates files, so you can turn off all resized images you don't need anymore to just show on product page, for example, the original pic you uploaded. it's pretty easy to modify theme for that : just have to remove the extension-size choosen, without extension it's the original picture that will be loaded.
  17. Try to uninstall and reinstall payments module one by one... it might work at the end !
  18. Sorry for delays.. I have been very busy recently but I'm going to handle this back ASAP.
  19. At least there is some move 🙂 I would like to know more for sure, then wait and see...
  20. OK..I'll do that Asap and post the archive here.. and update on github 🙂 for the changes to show faster on you browser, you can try to empy cache in the back office.
  21. Hello everybody, - when apply changes to theme, it take so long to take effect on website. I refresh page page with F5, but take long time... is that normal, or is my ISP? => it's not normal nexty time try to refresh with CTRL+F5 - in "theme settings - colors - header" is that possible to add more fields? the "Header Navbar background color" works fine, but is not possible to change the text color of Navbar. => ok you need more fields.. tell me what and I'll add it too. 🙂
  22. ué bon.. faut pas s'emballer.. je vois mal TB repartir finalement.. LOL
  23. Hello, can we have the url of the shop please ? and maybe a back office login access ? what PHP version do you use, what kind of hosting ?... try to uninstall blog and blog modules first.... and from there install it once again properly, that might fix something 🙂
  24. Hello Peter.. I'll try to give you help so let be clear that if you have ONE server and you host one website on it (I am not talking about domains) you can activate the multishop feature and then share the stock or not between instances. If you have 2 serveurs with 2 different websites.. you'll need to update DATABASE directly with a cron task from one DB to another one or use other techniques like Web API request for stocks update.. or jsut for confirmation before validating the cart.. anyway it is not a native function at all .. when you hjave 2 DBs.. you need a bridge between them if you wan to connect datas. On a more serious way you may have already en ERP that manage your stock and customers, or maybe some sort of P.I.M (Google it if you don't know), if it's the case then you'll have to synch the stock on each TB instance with a script that can connect to your software where the REAL stock is.. some uses CSV or Excel files for that purpose.. many ways are possible.
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