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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. What checkout you using .. The standard 5 step or something else..
  2. Hi I have finally gotten down to actually installing the module to start using it ..Can I ask. Is there a way to remove the image block so the text appears higher up as it looks like dead space at the moment.. It's on the main categories I am doing right now TIA
  3. AndyC

    oneall.com Module

    I fully understand, I was hoping it would be a simple fix ...So thank you for all your help anyway.. I'll have to get back onto them for help.
  4. AndyC

    oneall.com Module

    Ahhh OK turned off cache on server.. It goes though the motions now and comes back to the main screen (no more server error) .But doesn't log me in. If I use your debug mode there is no error shown
  5. AndyC

    oneall.com Module

    It now looks like this // We could not extract the data. if ($have_error) { $back = trim(Tools::getValue('back')); $back = (!empty($back) ? $back : oneall_social_login_tools::get_current_url()); Tools::redirect($back);
  6. AndyC

    oneall.com Module

    OK have installed your module .Did as asked ,now getting Too few arguments to function ToolsCore::redirect(), 0 passed in /home/u564696606/domains/pewterworld.co.uk/public_html/modules/oneallsociallogin/controllers/front/register.php on line 161 and at least 1 expected in file classes/Tools.php at line 152 Source file: classes/Tools.php 133: try { 134: return random_bytes($length); 135: } catch (Exception $e) {} 136: } 137: 138: return ''; 139: } 140: 141: /** 142: * Redirect user to another page 143: * 144: * @param string $url Desired URL 145: * @param string $baseUri Base URI (optional) 146: * @param Link $link 147: * @param string|array $headers A list of headers to send before redirection 148: * 149: * @since 1.0.0 150: * @version 1.0.0 Initial version 151: */ 152: public static function redirect($url, $baseUri = __PS_BASE_URI__, Link $link = null, $headers = null) 153: { 154: if (!$link) { 155: $link = Context::getContext()->link; 156: } 157: 158: if (strpos($url, 'http://') === false && strpos($url, 'https://') === false && $link) { 159: if (strpos($url, $baseUri) === 0) { 160: $url = substr($url, strlen($baseUri)); 161: } 162: if (strpos($url, 'index.php?controller=') !== false && strpos($url, 'index.php/') == 0) { Stack trace 1. modules/oneallsociallogin/controllers/front/register.php:161 source ToolsCore::redirect() 2. classes/controller/Controller.php:208 source OneAllSocialLoginRegisterModuleFrontController->initContent() 3. classes/controller/FrontController.php:255 source ControllerCore->run() 4. classes/Dispatcher.php:852 source FrontControllerCore->run() 5. ./index.php:33 source DispatcherCore->dispatch()
  7. AndyC

    oneall.com Module

    OK downloaded the error and decrypted.. But yes it is different now Decoded exception syntax error, unexpected end of file in file modules/oneallsociallogin/controllers/front/register.php at line 164 Source file: modules/oneallsociallogin/controllers/front/register.php 145: $smarty->assign('oasl_last_name', (isset($data['user_last_name']) ? $data['user_last_name'] : '')); 146: $smarty->assign('oasl_newsletter', 1); 147: } 148: 149: // Assign template vars. 150: $smarty->assign('identity_provider', $data['identity_provider']); 151: $smarty->assign('oasl_register', $this->context->link->getModuleLink('oneallsociallogin', 'register')); 152: 153: // Show our template. 154: $this->setTemplate('oneallsociallogin_register.tpl'); 155: } 156: } 157: 158: // We could not extract the data. 159: if ($have_error) 160: { 161: $back = trim(Tools::getValue('back')); 162: $back = (!empty($back) ? $back : oneall_social_login_tools::get_current_url()); 163: Tools::redirect($back); 164: } Stack trace 1. ./index.php:33 source DispatcherCore->dispatch()
  8. AndyC

    oneall.com Module

    Don't know where my last post went .. But this is what it looks like now .Am still getting a server error // Show our template. $this->setTemplate('oneallsociallogin_register.tpl'); } } // We could not extract the data. if ($have_error) { $back = trim(Tools::getValue('back')); $back = (!empty($back) ? $back : oneall_social_login_tools::get_current_url()); Tools::redirect($back); }
  9. AndyC

    oneall.com Module

    class OneAllSocialLoginRegisterModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController { public $auth = false; public $ssl = true; /** * Assign template vars related to page content */ public function initContent() { parent::initContent(); global $smarty; // Restore back value. $back = Tools::getValue('back'); if (!empty($back)) { $this->context->smarty->assign('back', Tools::safeOutput($back)); } // Did an error occur? $have_error = true; // The cookie is required to proceed. if (isset($this->context->cookie->oasl_data)) { // Extract the data. $data = json_decode($this->context->cookie->oasl_data, true); // Check data format. if (is_array($data)) { $have_error = false; // Submit Button Clicked if (Tools::isSubmit('submit')) { // Reset Errors. $this->errors = array(); // Read fields. $email = trim(Tools::getValue('oasl_email')); $firstname = trim(Tools::getValue('oasl_firstname')); $lastname = trim(Tools::getValue('oasl_lastname')); $newsletter = intval(Tools::getValue('oasl_newsletter')); // Make sure the firstname is not empty. if (strlen($firstname) == 0) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Please enter your first name'); } // Make sure the format of the firstname is correct. elseif (!Validate::isName($firstname)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Please enter a valid first name'); } // Make sure the lastname is not empty. if (strlen($lastname) == 0) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Please enter your lastname'); } // Make sure the format of the lastname is correct. elseif (!Validate::isName($lastname)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Please enter a valid last name'); } // Make sure the email address it is not empty. if (strlen($email) == 0) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Please enter your email address'); } // Make sure the format of the email address is correct. elseif (!Validate::isEmail($email)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Please enter a valid email address'); } // Make sure the email address is not already taken. elseif (oneall_social_login_tools::get_id_customer_for_email_address($email) !== false) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('This email address is already taken'); } // We are good to go. if (count($this->errors) == 0) { // Store the manually entered email fields. $data['user_email'] = strtolower($email); $data['user_first_name'] = ucwords(strtolower($firstname)); $data['user_last_name'] = ucwords(strtolower($lastname)); $data['user_newsletter'] = ($newsletter == 1 ? 1 : 0); // Email flags. $send_email_to_admin = ((Configuration::get('OASL_EMAIL_ADMIN_DISABLE') != 1) ? true : false); $send_email_to_customer = ((Configuration::get('OASL_EMAIL_CUSTOMER_DISABLE') != 1) ? true : false); // Create a new account. $id_customer = oneall_social_login_tools::create_customer_from_data($data, $send_email_to_admin, $send_email_to_customer); // Login the customer. if (!empty($id_customer) and oneall_social_login_tools::login_customer($id_customer)) { // Remove the data unset($this->context->cookie->oasl_data); // A refresh is required to update the page $back = trim(Tools::getValue('back')); $back = (!empty($back) ? $back : oneall_social_login_tools::get_current_url()); Tools::redirect($back); } } } // First call of the page. else { $smarty->assign('oasl_populate', 1); $smarty->assign('oasl_email', (isset($data['user_email']) ? $data['user_email'] : '')); $smarty->assign('oasl_first_name', (isset($data['user_first_name']) ? $data['user_first_name'] : '')); $smarty->assign('oasl_last_name', (isset($data['user_last_name']) ? $data['user_last_name'] : '')); $smarty->assign('oasl_newsletter', 1); } // Assign template vars. $smarty->assign('identity_provider', $data['identity_provider']); $smarty->assign('oasl_register', $this->context->link->getModuleLink('oneallsociallogin', 'register')); // Show our template. $this->setTemplate('oneallsociallogin_register.tpl'); } } // We could not extract the data. if ($have_error) { Tools::redirect(); } } }
  10. AndyC

    oneall.com Module

    Sorry for the late reply .tried that and still going to server error as that code is already there Tools::redirect();
  11. AndyC

    oneall.com Module

    Thank you link is https://github.com/oneall/social-login-prestashop/tree/prestashop/1.6.x
  12. AndyC

    oneall.com Module

    I know , I thought it was exactly the same. I haven't changed anything on my website to cause it. I even reinstalled their corrected version from github. Have you any idea as to what is causing the error
  13. AndyC

    oneall.com Module

    Sigh having issues with oneall again after I got it working with their help Does this mean anything to any of you and how to fix.. It only happens with twitter log in , facebook is fine ` Decoded exception Too few arguments to function ToolsCore::redirect(), 0 passed in /home/username/domains/mywebsite.co.uk/public_html/modules/oneallsociallogin/controllers/front/register.php on line 161 and at least 1 expected in file classes/Tools.php at line 152 Source file: classes/Tools.php 133: try { 134: return random_bytes($length); 135: } catch (Exception $e) {} 136: } 137: 138: return ''; 139: } 140: 141: /** 142: * Redirect user to another page 143: * 144: * @param string $url Desired URL 145: * @param string $baseUri Base URI (optional) 146: * @param Link $link 147: * @param string|array $headers A list of headers to send before redirection 148: * 149: * @since 1.0.0 150: * @version 1.0.0 Initial version 151: */ 152: public static function redirect($url, $baseUri = PS_BASE_URI, Link $link = null, $headers = null) 153: { 154: if (!$link) { 155: $link = Context::getContext()->link; 156: } 157: 158: if (strpos($url, 'http://') === false && strpos($url, 'https://') === false && $link) { 159: if (strpos($url, $baseUri) === 0) { 160: $url = substr($url, strlen($baseUri)); 161: } 162: if (strpos($url, 'index.php?controller=') !== false && strpos($url, 'index.php/') == 0) { Stack trace 1. modules/oneallsociallogin/controllers/front/register.php:161 source ToolsCore::redirect() 2. classes/controller/Controller.php:208 source OneAllSocialLoginRegisterModuleFrontController->initContent() 3. classes/controller/FrontController.php:255 source ControllerCore->run() 4. classes/Dispatcher.php:852 source FrontControllerCore->run() 5. ./index.php:33 source DispatcherCore->dispatch() `
  14. we were advised a long time ago to disable it wasn't working ,which is why I was surprised you were using it
  15. I thought full page cache didn't work...Or am I wrong
  16. Yeah it does a reasonable job ,but does have it's problems to start with..If you do buy the module make sure you test it fully and get them to fix problems.. I missed 1 ,but have found a work around luckily module is Product Fields manager - by Anvanto
  17. AndyC


    managed to get it to work by changing accessory cart== to zero's I hope this is rigt {if $st_display_add_to_cart==1 || $st_display_add_to_cart==2} <div class="act_box {if $st_display_add_to_cart==1} display_when_hover {elseif $st_display_add_to_cart==2} display_normal {/if}">
  18. AndyC


    Have figured out what needs doing. Because the page doesn't get refreshed when they add engraving (In my case) the text is still there. So it adds everything again..The way around would be to refresh the page which I doubt can be done , or very difficult The 2nd easier option is to remove the add to cart button and enforce quick view or go to product and add to cart either work fine. Would anyone here know how to achieve this with Panda theme. I think it come from product.tpl as I know where accessories is just not what to remove to remove add to button as have tried a few things but always end up with a 500 page
  19. AndyC


    Possibly will stay with Hostinger .. I lover their Control Panel, extremely easy to use.. Speed is slightly on the low side but for me it'll have to be enough. I took 2 years contract and learnt a hell of a lot about moving servers etc. As I did it all myself
  20. AndyC

    PCI Compliance

    Yes it is the same thing, took me ages to pass my 1 as my hosting (sitegound) had to do all sorts of changes took them ages to figure out what needed doing .. Yep PayPal have their own PCI as you are in theory going to their website to pay.. All we end up is with a reference number
  21. AndyC

    PCI Compliance

    The PCI company Security Metrics because my Briantree is failing and as I have changed to off site options... I had to have them when I was taking money direct from my website with Braintree (PayPal) which I understand.. Now that I don't I shouldn't really need it
  22. AndyC

    PCI Compliance

    Bring this up again as never got a answer I now use both Nochex and PayPal so do I really still need to be PCI compliant. I am being chased to get my site compliant.They say I have to be , but I have have read I don't have to be if I use off site payments like PayPal thanks
  23. Thanks guys , it's still there today.... Starting to run out of problems
  24. Ahhh OK ... I was putting it near the top... Will try again and see what happens at the bottom this time thanks
  25. Hi Just a curious question.. I slightly changed my robot file and I have also added other stuff to my .htaccess files but today I see they have both been overridden/missing again.Yesterday I added again in both admin and .htaccess and they are gone this morning Should this happen, if not any idea why... I did update to the latest bleeding edge yesterday but that shouldn't change it should it ...
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