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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. I use Matomo all the time as the TB page never seemed to work for me , so all I have is orders showing
  2. Received a email from Prestashop about a new free module.. Haven't tried it but it is from 1.6 .. SO don't know if anyone is interested https://addons.prestashop.com/en/analytics-statistics/49583-prestashop-metrics-beta.html?utm_campaign=psmetrics&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=96869572&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9K6Qr5LH3x2brlQY0jsxTdmc20PffTyyrGceeuyj7oZ7NTXfZN4pdpcbWSIC1WMCrMeZ7a9iXxuigqqkVgwYiqL8gI2o0Y8go75eHj1nJP1sOSi20&utm_content=96869572&utm_source=hs_email#specifications
  3. oh OK I thought it would have fixed it
  4. Was going to suggest a similar fix by replacing that whole file from a backup
  5. I would go to V1.1.0
  6. Ever since facebook has changed it's new layout I now no longer get the small image on a post , it is now just a no image available , whereas before it used to place an image and I could choose which 1. Is anyone else having this problem and any ideas how to solve thanks
  7. Yeah I tried it. It is a older version and is only a free version (paid version has a lot more) it does let you use brute force protection , so you can only try so many times before it locks you out even if you put in the right password ..I haven't tried that yet .. But it also stops right clicking on your site, which I like. You can also check your files and Change file permissions to 644 and directory permissions to 755 .. ( don't know if that is a good or bad thing) and also can find files that should be deleted,,, Mine were mostly the read files (ie text files for instructions etc) .Everything else was PRO FEATURES and to buy was £69
  8. Found this page with what seems better result as it is TB friendly https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/984993-free-module-advanced-security-module/
  9. I understand that.. But I have filled in literally hundreds of forms (as have many others) for an address and not 1 of them use a drop down list. I actually can't remember the last time I had a drop down on an address form.. If they wanted to go even 1 step further it would be to introduce the address lookup and auto fill
  10. Being able to let customers type their own State/County would be great.Drop downs are outdated here I think as missing counties/States are an issue Being able to add a cost to a text box or drop down is a huge flaw
  11. ..Just when I thought all was going well I find this module is STILL giving grief... It works fine for me ,but a customer has emailed me saying they fill everything out but it wont let them checkout so I have no idea how many other people this has affected All I need is a way to add a fee to text boxes + a drop down list with a fee and a tick box to add extras with a fee .If possible include a single image and be in a tab... I emailed the guy above and never got a response.. How much would it cost to do something like this in a module form
  12. But if you get stuck use the panda forum or search as there will be a post about it already
  13. AndyC

    Belvg Theme

    Hi Made capital C small and it seemed to install but there is no Select a theme under preferences / themes but did get warning messages pop up (I've had to edit all lines to hide for security)
  14. AndyC

    Belvg Theme

    Yes I gathered that , I put the config.xml that was outside in and re-zipped it but it still failed to install Is this a proper config.xml I have uploaded Config.xml
  15. AndyC

    Belvg Theme

    Hi All I am trying to install a theme from Belvg but when I go to install the theme I get this error message Uploaded zip file doesn't contain config.xml file. It is not a valid theme package .. I have checked and it is a 1.6 theme and turned on debug mode but nothing showed up mode. Any help appreciated
  16. AndyC


    Hi. Just a quick question about Addresses Most of you obviously use the same payment methods like PayPal and Stripe. Is there a way to stop the customer having to enter their addresses twice , once on the website and then again when checking out. I have 3 payment methods and all 3 you have to enter your address again (unless you log into PayPal) ..Or is this just par of the course and have to live with it. Or is there a way around this thanks
  17. Hi Have been trying to add Nochex to my 2nd site but it is not showing up at checkout, All I have is PayPal in the drop down list thanks
  18. Was intrigued by the new addition and had a look. OK I see now , if you use the tick it is there .. Makes sense now thanks for the improvement ... Now if someone could just get rid of the "In Stock / Availability " boxes it would be great for me as i still haven't sorted that bit out
  19. Ever since I installed and setup No Captcha reCAPTCHA Module I have not received a single email. I was getting around a thousand a day
  20. Error Permission denied page cannot see anything resembling efivfj and have gone over every link on the email , they all say email action id.. Suppose I will have to wait until a customer contacts me asking why they can't leave a review
  21. I thought it may be un-subscribe , but I see it says unsubscribe&secret in the link so it isn't that. Any ideas as to how this could happen
  22. Sorry another weird issue It's the 3rd 1 I have seen where revws URL brings up Error Permission denied page, does thsi link make any sense https://www.mywebsite.co.uk/module/revws/EmailAction?id=43&action=efivfj&product-id=142&rating=3&secret=92748d03aafbbdce2e738aa6e99b9c3a I've just made a test purchase and all went as it should with being signed into my account and not signed in
  23. Oh yeah .. Forgot about that 1, I have also been caught out like this before too
  24. try clearing all cache, also if you have cloudflare on hosting
  25. AndyC

    New Panda Update

    Yeah I see now, I was just copying and pasting those bits. Yes never got mine sorted either If I have to I can as I have a list of edits I need to do ,but is such a pain lol
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