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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. AndyC

    Server Move

    I can upgrade for a similar price and get Dedicated IP 3 GB RAM 4 GB Burst RAM 4.8 GHz CPUs 40 GB Disk Space Unlimited Bandwidth 100 MB/S Network SSD Disk Drives But need to make some sales. Even here my daily visits are way up compared to my last host
  2. AndyC

    Server Move

    lol All in German , thanks anyway
  3. AndyC

    Server Move

    Out of curiosity who are you hosted with ... I searched and search .. I can still cancel as I have a 1 month trial ...
  4. AndyC

    Server Move

    I've only just moved lol ,,With Hostinger
  5. AndyC

    Server Move

    yeah I am just waiting for my SSL certificate now and then it's all go .. If you have a IP address I can get you access to test
  6. AndyC

    Server Move

    @veganline I've got 2 websites ... Did you create a account for T Test as you may have been on my main site.
  7. AndyC

    Server Move

    Finally may have fixed it by deleting "cache/class_index.php".. Up and running , by the looks of it although can't add anything to cart ..But it may need time to populate everything , I hope
  8. AndyC

    Server Move

    Got though that with modules.. I think... I am now getting these error messages from admin.. I don't have ssl yet ,but disabled it in admin before I got kicked out and trying to buy .. I was going to try and reload files though putty but for some reason can't access it right now.. Is loading files via FTP OK to do Under FTP logs getting this message.. ERROR* 2020/05/01 - 21:51:51: Class 'Module' not found at line 449 in file classes/Hook.php *ERROR* 2020/05/01 - 21:52:50: Class 'Hook' not found at line 275 in file config/config.inc.php Class 'Hook' not found in file config/config.inc.php at line 275 Source file: config/config.inc.php 256:define('_PS_OS_WS_PAYMENT_', Configuration::get('PS_OS_WS_PAYMENT')); 257:define('_PS_OS_COD_VALIDATION_', Configuration::get('PS_OS_COD_VALIDATION')); 258: 259:if (!defined('_MEDIA_SERVER_1_')) { 260: define('_MEDIA_SERVER_1_', Configuration::get('PS_MEDIA_SERVER_1')); 261:} 262:if (!defined('_MEDIA_SERVER_2_')) { 263: define('_MEDIA_SERVER_2_', Configuration::get('PS_MEDIA_SERVER_2')); 264:} 265:if (!defined('_MEDIA_SERVER_3_')) { 266: define('_MEDIA_SERVER_3_', Configuration::get('PS_MEDIA_SERVER_3')); 267:} 268: 269:// This constant is no longer used anywhere in the core, it exits solely 270:// for retrocompatibility with prestashop modules 271:if (!defined('_PS_CACHE_ENABLED_')) { 272: define('_PS_CACHE_ENABLED_', Cache::isEnabled()); 273:} 274: 275:Hook::exec('actionRegisterAutoloader'); 276:Hook::exec('actionRegisterErrorHandlers');
  9. AndyC

    Server Move

    Thanks... I've deleted modules folder and re-uploading to see
  10. AndyC

    Server Move

    Finally got onto admin and enabled debug mode .... Have removed my server username for obvious reasons.. But it looks like a missing file but I'm still not home lol so can't check against a backup Warning on line 1157 in file /home/domain user name/domains/pewterjewellery.co.uk/public_html/classes/module/Module.php [2] scandir(/home/domain user name/domains/pewterjewellery.co.uk/public_html/modules/): failed to open dir: No such file or directory Warning on line 1157 in file /home/domain user name/domains/pewterjewellery.co.uk/public_html/classes/module/Module.php [2] scandir(): (errno 2): No such file or directory Warning on line 1158 in file /home/domain user name/domains/pewterjewellery.co.uk/public_html/classes/module/Module.php [2] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() Warning on line 1157 in file /home/domain user name/domains/pewterjewellery.co.uk/public_html/classes/module/Module.php [2] scandir(/home/domain user name/domains/pewterjewellery.co.uk/public_html/modules/): failed to open dir: No such file or directory Warning on line 1157 in file /home/domain user name/domains/pewterjewellery.co.uk/public_html/classes/module/Module.php [2] scandir(): (errno 2): No such file or directory Warning on line 1158 in file /home/domain user name/domains/pewterjewellery.co.uk/public_html/classes/module/Module.php [2] Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
  11. AndyC

    Server Move

    I'll have to check that when I get home again.The first time I didn't see anything in ftp log ..I deleted all files and started again thinking it could have been a file upload issue
  12. AndyC

    Server Move

    If I'm honest no ..As I didn't think it would work .. I'm at work for a while but when I get home I'll try
  13. AndyC

    Server Move

    Hi Can I ask I am moving my 1 site to another host. So far I have moved the database by export /import. Uploaded all files ( by FTP) Changed name servers to point to new server and used the correct config settings to look at new server and redone my .htaccess.. But all a is a get is a 500 page on both admin and site. Am I missing something
  14. Hi .. I would remove access link to my admin asap ... Rather PM to someone who can help.. Try clearing all cache even on host site
  15. I've just moved servers and have been checking things out.. Are these 2 pages correct as they spread out wide on mobile ,but everything is in a narrow strip on the left Both Summary and payment are like this
  16. AndyC

    Checkout Test

    lol yeah I had it down for a bit by changing wrong password ..was trying to gain access to my phpadmin .. Should be up and running again now
  17. OK that is probably easier so basically just must remember the @
  18. Thank you yet again .I'll have to change all of mine then
  19. Thanks ...I suppose youmean setting up tracking you are looking for the page where you have to put the code... For example Royal Mail Tracking https://www3.royalmail.com/track-your-item#/
  20. Are you kidding me. It's that simple, I too have been wondering how to add tracking number...SO easy when you know how lolol Thanks
  21. Have you asked on the Panda forum. Also have you tried googling I see there are quite a few
  22. AndyC

    oneall.com Module

    I have just tried VPS and I just can't get my head around it so have bailed back to shared 😞
  23. AndyC

    oneall.com Module

    Help not really forthcoming at oneall
  24. AndyC

    oneall.com Module

    They on auto update.. I may have done that ... But it doesn't matter now as I am leaving this hosting as I can get VPS for 3 times less than with Shared
  25. AndyC

    oneall.com Module

    Not 100% sure as it is automatic ... I tried to downgrade manually but it doesn't fix the issue.. I suppose it up to the dev of this module to upgrade it
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