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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. That's what I have at the moment header then all my categories which makes it quite long before you get to actual products
  2. AndyC


    Weren't there more people involved like Lesley.. What has happened to everyone
  3. Are you also doing the home page ,cos you are doing a great job on mobile view
  4. Ahhh indeed it was.. They were 1 of the first things I did when I stated using TB, so obviously I didn't do it right thank for pointing me in the right direction ..It's now correct I think ..Well it is on the order form firstname lastname company address1 address2 city State:name postcode Country:name phone
  5. OK have edited image in 1st post
  6. I have been testing my payment methods and I see I ma still missing the City from the shipping address on the right-hand side of orders (As Per Image) But if you look at the drop down list it shows fine there. While it is not a major issue it is a pain always having to edit each address on orders.. Have had to covers for security reasons
  7. AndyC


    Great at least you are not leaving completely ... I really want to use your chex module on my main site. So hoping you will be looking at that at some stage Also, wouldn't mind attributes with costs next to them, the 1 I am using is not brilliant tbh 🙂 Should also add I don't know what you do in the back ground of TB .. But thank you for everything you have done
  8. AndyC


    Sorry to see you go. But What does this mean for your modules, are you going to be improving them now or are you stopping everything to do with TB/PS
  9. Sorry maybe you right, I was assuming it was for me
  10. I think it is to do with my question ...Removing orders from cart in header Looks like a bit of work if it is
  11. Would it be easy to replace as I think it is quite important. You have to go to cart remove then back to products
  12. Don't know if it is just me ..But viewing the shopping cart in heading (Basket Icon) there is no way to remove items..Is this correct or should I be able to delete items
  13. Thank you that worked fine .
  14. Thank you , I knew it was in there but wasn't sure which to comment out ..Images Removed ...Thanks
  15. Hi can someone help please .. I have finally managed to get the new default theme working on my site and now it's just a case of sorting out a few issues. I have done them before but just can't remember how I did it. 1 How can I remove the images from a category page which has more than 1 sub category. 2 How can I remove the tiny triangle from category when it is on the left column
  16. Images save space imo and looks nice too
  17. Have you got a link to website..Maybe can be a communal thing. My 2nd site needs to be updated badly. That image looks rather nice
  18. AndyC


    I have 4 weeks to decide before I have to move .. Problem is there are so many and hard to decide which to use as some promise the world but delivering is another thing..Been burnt twice now
  19. AndyC


    Can I ask is anyone using hostinger for their hosting.. I have to move from siteground as my time is up with them as they wanting £378 for the year which is completely unrealistic compared to hostinger £122 for 2 years on VPS
  20. Hi. another quick question 🙂 how can I remove the Availability "in stock" from payment page.. I've removed it in the summery page with {assign var='PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT' value=false} to shopping-cart.tpl tia
  21. That is pretty neat 🙂 ...I understand ,I suppose what I have is better then a no working solution.. What upset me most it must have been down for ages before I found out. return customer took the time to call me and tell me. I bought chex hoping it would work but it's falls well short on my site
  22. Quick question ..Was looking on mobile and the terms conditions tick box was tiny and hard to see also any chance you can force payment boxes to a size limit
  23. Great work ..Working perfectly for me ,including facebook log in ..Although I now do realize I had the order-address.js in the wrong place 😁
  24. Thanks,Tried that .But found another issue ..Happened to log out and can't log back in with facebook 😞
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