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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. I did mine yesterday too and also got an error , but I just refreshed and it worked the 2nd time
  2. Website wise it's very good.. Although I have had a lot of checkout problems in the past due to external module (ie not TB ) ...Now I am using the 5 to 3 checkout and things have vastly improved.. Although in saying that I have just had a customer email me asking if her order has gone though and am getting stressy again
  3. Sure No Problem ..Here are both views tab then block view
  4. Thank you.. It@ fine underneath by using mods other option. I did wonder that as it was fine on the old original theme pre niara
  5. I've also noticed the reviews doesn't work in tabs anymore when viewing any product. It just adds a review button on the bottom. Could someone using toplakd modded theme confirm this please , in case it is just me
  6. Hi Thank you .. I got caught out by a simple } lol.. I just deleted lines 47 - 50 Think the } was on line 45 which caused a 500 page .. But once I looked again I saw the double } } Once I deleted 1 it worked fine after
  7. Hi I'm on my 2nd website and was trying to uninstall the recent reviews but getting this error message I tried clearing cache Call to undefined method RevwsRecent::clearCache() in file modules/revwsrecent/revwsrecent.php at line 48 Source file: modules/revwsrecent/revwsrecent.php 29: $this->bootstrap = true; 30: parent::__construct(); 31: 32: $this->displayName = $this->l('Recent reviews'); 33: $this->description = $this->l('Displays recent revws reviews on your homepage.'); 34: $this->ps_versions_compliancy = array('min' => '1.6', 'max' => _PS_VERSION_); 35: $this->tb_versions_compliancy = '> 1.0.0'; 36: } 37: 38: public function install() { 39: if (!parent::install()) { 40: return false; 41: } 42: $this->registerHook('displayHomeTab'); 43: $this->registerHook('displayHomeTabContent'); 44: return true; 45: } 46: 47: public function uninstall() { 48: $this->clearCache(); 49: return parent::uninstall(); 50: } 51: 52: public function hookDisplayHomeTab() { 53: return $this->display(__FILE__, 'tab.tpl'); 54: } 55: 56: public function hookDisplayHomeTabContent() { 57: return $this->display(__FILE__, 'content.tpl'); 58: }
  8. AndyC


    Something like this + be click-able I would have to hire someone to do this for me though
  9. AndyC


    HI Just when I thought my site was working 100% I have a rather major error with my accessories module (Product Accessories by Presto-Changeo). When someone was adding engraving ( Product Fields manager - by Anvanto ) if they added an accessory it was doubling the price and coping the engraving as well. I have had to remove it for now and bring back the TB accessories. Anyway to make a long story short is it possible to make a product area smaller as per example , so everything fits inside the red box
  10. You'll also find they don't fully un-install either ..Check your database they will still be there. I have completely removed mine and the images are still on the products ...There also seems to be a whole admin page missing
  11. Thank you ..Will change asap ...I did a google search and found that prestashop solution .. So obviously wrong I am not using the advanced stock as I buy products direct from factories tried it {assing var='SHOW_IN_STOCK_INFO' value=false} and got a 500 page error with Syntax error in template "file:/home/domain user/domains/my website/public_html/themes/panda/shopping-cart.tpl" on line 42 "{assing var='SHOW_IN_STOCK_INFO' value=false}" unknown tag "assing" in file vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php at line 42 So have had to remove or does that mean I need to clear out Smarty cache
  12. If anyone is interested if you don't want the in stock to show (it worked for me) add {assign var='PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT' value=false} to shopping-cart.tpl & order-payment-classic.tpl
  13. have you tried disabling cross selling to see if it still works You may have done this but saying it ...Just recheck all the files have been uploaded and in the right place .. I missed 1 twice lol
  14. OKkkkkk .. I completely removed the module ..Un-installed from admin/modules ..Went to ftp and removed there too checked database and found nothing ..Re-uploaded and installed again and is now working fine. Thanks for the help in yet another of my many problems
  15. So sorry I was looking in root overrides.. Yes it contains those lines datakick
  16. what should be in contact over ride ... I installed on another site and all I got there was <?php class ContactController extends ContactControllerCore { }
  17. I have checked the other I was using and the snippet has definitely been removed from the contact form @datakick , yes image upload is working again Apart from the standard tb stuff on every page this is what is in my form now ...mostly to stop qq.com and it's working as not received any since installing I did remove some other stuff here in regards to the other module as well class ContactController extends ContactControllerCore { public function postProcess() { if(Tools::isSubmit('submitMessage')) { $message = Tools::getValue('message'); $from = Tools::getValue('from'); $banned_in_email = ['.ru', 'qq.com', '.vn', 'talkwithlead.com', 'talkwithwebvisitor.com', '.club', '.cn', 'arteseo.co']; $banned_content = ['email marketing', 'quotation', 'SEO', 'advertising', 'Clicks', 'Guaranteed', 'diet', 'sex', 'unlimited', 'medical']; foreach ($banned_in_email as $string) { if(strstr($from, $string)) $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('This email address is not allowed'); } foreach ($banned_content as $string) { if(strstr($message, $string)) $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid Content'); } } parent::postProcess(); }
  18. Here we go ... Can't upload here so had to have a work around https://ibb.co/CnFhQvF https://ibb.co/54jYWRw
  19. I had 1.1.2 already but downloaded a fresh copy in tried again with same result. ..Also just double checked to make sure I had removed code from old captcha from contact form
  20. I had a similar issue lol .. Mine are on but a customer bought something almost at the same time as the backup
  21. I've chosen tick box on google captcha ..on messages it still sends if I do not tick the google captch box when it should fail
  22. mmmmmm weird .. Thought I would try send a message without ticking the box (yes I should have checked yesterday) and it still sends a message.. Works fine OK create and edit and log in brings up a error message.. TB's module
  23. Thanks.. Have tried a few to see , but with me they all seem to have issues of some sort ...Like the sticker mod I was really after and would have paid if I could ... I was testing and it was perfect but had a issue as is missing a page in admin.. But even after moving the module and deleting the images they are still there and just cannot get rid of them on 2 products.. I may even contact them and ask
  24. This is 1 of mine curl -k "https://www.mywebsite.com/module/kbgoogleshopping/cron?action=syncProductStatus&secure_key=d97222e56c141db87cf" crons can differ slightly for every host. I found it easier to run my crons from my host rather than the cron module and you have to say how many times you want it to run. I have most of my modules run twice a day
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