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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. AndyC

    PayPal Errors

    Hi Am in desperate help now My PayPal keeps failing transactions with customers. I've now tried both TB and Prestashop and both have issues with receiving money Last 3 orders and 3 errors forcing me to have to send PayPal invoices and a few have not bothered to carry on so am loosing precious sales I have checked logs and there is nothing showing up as to what may be causing it. The actual order still goes though but just fails on payment Any help would be appreciated please. I don't know if anyone else is having issues with these modules Am using the latest bleeding edge and prestashop PayPal module v3.14.2 Edit I was looking though everything to see if I could find something. On the payment email I found this error message.. Customer does fill in a country which has a ISO code against it PayPal response:TIMESTAMP -> 2020-06-17T17:25:40ZL_ERRORCODE0 -> 10731L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Invalid DataL_LONGMESSAGE0 -> There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a country in the shipping address.L_SEVERITYCODE0 -> Error Server information Server information Linux #1 SMP Wed Aug 14 08:29:59 EDT 2019 x86_64 Server software version LiteSpeed PHP version 7.2.29 Memory limit 512M Max execution time 240 Database information MySQL version 10.4.13-MariaDB MySQL server localhost MySQL name ?????????_????????? MySQL user ???????????????????? Tables prefix tb_ MySQL engine InnoDB MySQL driver DbPDO
  2. AndyC


    Would anyone be interested in sharing costs for paid attributes. Could anyone here help with that & how much should something like that cost to have done TIA
  3. AndyC


    Yes I could , but you looking at about 1500 products being duplicated it would make such a mess of products. Wonder if there are there any other people looking for this feature to crowd fund
  4. AndyC


    Ahh now that I have had another look I see the bottom 3 links are from the module I use lol ... I really have to get away from it , just had yet another order that has been screwed up with costs and customer being charged wrong amount
  5. Looking forward to the new owners taking over. There is probably a lot in the works so good luck
  6. AndyC


    OMG How did you do that. That almost exactly what I require as well, have a few tick boxes with costs but anything would do . If it can be put in a tab on it's own I would be extremely happy.
  7. Which version of PayPal are you using.. I too had issues with TB and have moved over to the Prestashop 1 which works really well and also gives a popup payment screen rather than going to PayPal Page on desktop
  8. Only asking ,are your localization/countries addresses filled out properly
  9. AndyC


    mmmm maybe I have .. But prices for different colours/or whatever should be normal
  10. AndyC


    I am glad someone else is saying this as as when I first came over to TB I was a little shocked that having attributes with costs was not in the source code.. After a lot of searching I did find what I was looking for. Is this something you might be after. https://addons.prestashop.com/en/combinaisons-customization/30960-additional-product-attributes-custom-product-fields.html I am using it at the moment and it does do what is required but is a real site killer and it slows down my page speeds a lot + the latest version doesn't work any-more and they want £78 to get it running correctly . So the sooner TB can do this the better for me. Would be happy to crowd fund this if need be too
  11. AndyC

    Remove reviews

    Hi I have a curious question (Sorry I do have a lot of them lol) about reviews in a SEO light.. Over the past few weeks I have had to remove some products from my website as they are no longer available, but I have a few reviews against some of them. Do I 1. Keep them and if someone tries to click on it it goes to a "This product is no longer available. " 2. Use a redirect and take it to the home page 3. Remove the review completely .. Or anything else Thanks
  12. Don't you just choose the Type as being virtual on catelog / information. The very first option when creating a new product.. Have never used it so not sure
  13. There was <a href="..."> etc but I don't want there to be a link I just want to show the image ..
  14. Never thought of manufactureres for that.
  15. For a long time I have been trying to find a solution to add a made in Britain Flag on all my products. I have tried a few modules that haven't really worked. After a lot of thinking I thought of putting it off the product image and onto the actual page. I eventually found something by googling. So can I ask is there anything wrong with having this on my product.tpl. or is the format wrong <img alt="Qries" src="https://www.just mywebsite.co.uk/img/BritishFlag.jpg" width=120" height="50"> </a> Thanks
  16. AndyC

    Facebook Shop

    That is the 1 , but didn't want to spam the forum with links to other sites 🙂
  17. AndyC

    Facebook Shop

    I got mine on facebook without the google taxonomy and products are linked to my website pages as well though this module.. It is just a quick fix until I sort out google stuff ..All I needed was ID which Have just worked out why google taxonomy wasn't working .. I had to manually download as per instruction on the module as it tells you what to do if it doesn't work
  18. AndyC

    Facebook Shop

    have just found a superb module to get products onto your facebook shop and only Costs 10 Euro's. Even I got it working in 15 minutes ..Don't know if I can share though
  19. Great ..Will wait for new download to get accepted
  20. Do you not have backups on your server ...If this is my case I normally make a backup try and if it fails I just do a restore and try something else
  21. Am having to use it until I can find an alternative, tried the prestashop and that just killed my page speed
  22. Yeah it happens with me as well .Every update it happens. I have to sign in and download via account
  23. OK, thanks It's version 1.0.0 ..Will have to keep looking for something similar as 200 words is just to long at the top
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