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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. AndyC


    I would 2nd that ... Starting from scratch is even harder
  2. Please could I have a bit of help here .. I have used this module for as long as I can remember.. It's been on the back burner for while now and am finally getting around to look into it. I already have Facebook log in working correctly and logs me in fine.But it is not the case with Twitter, Everything works fine except when it comes to redirecting but to my page I get the error message below with a 500 page. Now being nosy I read into on line 161 expect a 1, so I went there and found Tools::redirect ( ); so I tried making it (1 ); .. It got me past the 500 page but to a not found product page and it hadn't signed me in either. So am hoping someone here can help if at all possible Decoded exception Too few arguments to function ToolsCore::redirect(), 0 passed in /home/edit out/public_html/modules/oneallsociallogin/controllers/front/register.php on line 161 and at least 1 expected in file classes/Tools.php at line 218 Source file: classes/Tools.php 199: } 200: 201: $result .= sha1($entropy, true); 202: } 203: 204: return substr($result, 0, $length); 205: } 206: 207: /** 208: * Redirect user to another page 209: * 210: * @param string $url Desired URL 211: * @param string $baseUri Base URI (optional) 212: * @param Link $link 213: * @param string|array $headers A list of headers to send before redirection 214: * 215: * @since 1.0.0 216: * @version 1.0.0 Initial version 217: */ 218: public static function redirect($url, $baseUri = __PS_BASE_URI__, Link $link = null, $headers = null) 219: { 220: if (!$link) { 221: $link = Context::getContext()->link; 222: } 223: 224: if (strpos($url, 'http://') === false && strpos($url, 'https://') === false && $link) { 225: if (strpos($url, $baseUri) === 0) { 226: $url = substr($url, strlen($baseUri)); 227: } 228: if (strpos($url, 'index.php?controller=') !== false && strpos($url, 'index.php/') == 0) { Thanks
  3. AndyC


    Well can we not find a temporary person to take over TB until Lesley can take over again. Every company does this
  4. Oh I see you fixed it as there was nothing wrong ..lol . But essentially yes
  5. AndyC


    Could be an idea in the future 🙂 Although coming from Zencart I was very surprised TB did not do this as it is a standard feature
  6. AndyC


    And that's what worries me as I know sooner or later that all important module will break. 99% of the other modules I use are just there because and I can do without them , this 1 is an absolute and was the only 1 I could find
  7. AndyC


    This has always concerned me as there is no clear indication of what modules work. For example, I have to use Product Fields manager I did enquire at the time if there were any other modules and there weren't so am forced to use this 1 as I have extra items but with costs involved. Also the answer I mostly got was if it's v1.6 it SHOULD be OK
  8. AndyC


    I honestly would love to be a supporter again, but am still running at a loss after many module problems ..But I think I have fixed them now. Am having to sell stock on ebay to keep me going. I hate Ebay
  9. It's amazing what a working checkout does… Getting sales again after removing my 1-page checkout that was giving people errors which led to a no sale. Have made more sales in 3 days than an entire year and I don't sell a lot
  10. oops sorry ... I was zeroing stock with multiple quantities (in my case different stones) that were out of stock and wondered if it would still let me order and I was still able to...Maybe it was because it was still caching and now it's been cleared so bringing up the message
  11. Is there a download or files we can change manually
  12. AndyC

    Checkout Test

    have Pm'ed you this afternoon 🙂
  13. AndyC

    Checkout Test

    Have just disable Chex module and it works fine now straight though to PayPal
  14. AndyC

    Checkout Test

    Thought I would try on my mobile ... Also has the same issue , just takes me back to the home page
  15. AndyC

    Checkout Test

    OK installed chrome again to try . No addons, fresh install. Log in with PayPal go to checkout and choose PayPal. Pay does it's usual thing and takes me to the home page
  16. AndyC

    Checkout Test

    mm, OK! Have removed lastpass and tried again refreshed and cleared everything ..Now getting
  17. AndyC

    Checkout Test

    Sorry took a while but used chrome and cleared everything and ended up with this..Have no idea what this means either , hope it does to you
  18. AndyC

    Checkout Test

    Have tried and get a lot of this kind of error ... The only thing I get out of it is the json ..But that module is uninstalled as it was crashing my site
  19. AndyC

    Checkout Test

    Would it be a module error do you think …If I turn on the Use express checkout shortcut it goes straight to payment as it should. Seems something is stopping it going to paypal at checkout when I click pay
  20. AndyC

    Checkout Test

    I've removed paypal TB and installed the same version from PS on my 2nd site using Datakicks Chex module. It fails to go through to PayPal ,BUT it does send it to my 2nd payment method which is Stripe. Would that be a datakick error or module error
  21. AndyC

    Checkout Test

    mmmm ..Have reinstalled the Prestashop version and it does seem to work a lot better than with Supercheckout Brings up the payment box over the website and auto fills in address which is a lot better. Will leave it like that for now and make a few payments over the next few days what is the best way to delete orders as I have so many now
  22. AndyC


    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA ..Sorry that's funny
  23. AndyC

    Checkout Test

    I have now installed the TB version of PayPal but it seems to keep losing the developer credentials as it brings up an error . If I go to the developers page and chose a new set it works fine again. It doesn't happen all the time though and for the life of me and I can't remember what it said as I can't repeat the error. I'll keep checking to see if I can reproduce error In the meantime. The other thing is PayPal also asks for the customers name and address again so basically they are having to fill it out twice, once on my site and then again on PayPal. How do you get around this 1
  24. Glad someone else is having issues .. I thought it was just me.. I, too, had the 500 page and gave up ..Although now have bits left over from removing 😞
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