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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. AndyC

    New Panda Update

    There is a new Panda update which came out yesterday. V1.5.4 for TB 1.1.0 Last update: July 4, 2020 How is the best way to upgrade to the new version so you don't have to go though the whole process of having to edit all your files Are you able to just modify these files or is there more that that to do Changelog ----- Modified themes/panda/modules/productscategory/productscategory.tpl Modified themes/panda/js/cart-summary.js Modified themes/panda/css/rtl.css Modified themes/panda/sass/rtl.scss Modified modules/stthemeeditor/config.xml Modified modules/stthemeeditor/stthemeeditor.php Modified modules/stthemeeditor/DemoStore.php Modified modules/stowlcarousel/views/templates/hook/stowlcarousel-script.tpl Modified modules/stinstagram/stinstagram.php Modified modules/stinstagram/config.xml Added modules/stinstagram/upgrade/install-1.1.php Added modules/stinstagram/upgrade Modified modules/stinstagram/views/css/admin.css Modified modules/stinstagram/views/js/stinstagram.js Modified modules/stinstagram/views/templates/hook/stinstagram-footer.tpl Modified modules/stinstagram/views/templates/hook/stinstagram.tpl Modified modules/stinstagram/views/templates/hook/user-form.tpl Modified modules/stmegamenu/stmegamenu.php
  2. Thanks for this answer.. Has been 1 of my questions to get answered
  3. Which version are you using of PayPal ,PS or TB & what checkout system are you using + which version on TB . Any other info you can give
  4. It's been a while since I used them , so not sure.. I am taking money but haven't finished signing up lol so can't withdraw money yet ... So it does make a good savings bank.. I need to send in a bank statement but with banks closed it makes in neigh impossible as everything is paperless
  5. If you can add costs to that and add a text box with a cost I would jump in too
  6. Have you added shipping weight in the product this is what my shipping looks like under my products
  7. Some of you may know I have had a lot of issues with my website. But I need to publicly knowledge the fact that Nochex (Especially Lukman) have gone out of their way to help me sort out my issues with my module and payments.Not only have they managed to find the errors and fix it for me,they also did it without asking for a penny in return. It's not the first time I have asked for help they have often help in the past with the same result. So if you are looking for a decent module and always know help is at hand ...... Finally I have a working website after a year of checkout issues and other rubbish modules that don't do what they suppose to do
  8. Mine never seemed to work either , so just removed them , all I have are orders showing. I get the same info from my analytic's
  9. Had a few minor issues , the guys helped me fix what was wrong.. I then moved my 2nd site on my own and all went OK... If you do find there is an error you can always go back to your original hosting until you sort things out
  10. Yes.. Use your hosting site and back up both your files and SQL.. I compressed files and did a SQL download. Moved over to new host and reinstalled and resetup. First time I had done it as well
  11. Going though my logs I found this error ,anything to worry about *ERROR* 2020/06/25 - 20:44:56: RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct(/home/myusername/domains/website.co.uk/public_html/cache/smarty/cache/revws/1/17/863/24/25): failed to open dir: No such file or directory at line 67 in file vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_runtime_cacheresourcefile.php
  12. AndyC

    MyPay dot com

    Hi I have had a call from this company with quite good rates of pay and was wondering if anyone hear had heard of them.. They have a prestashop payment module now as they didn't a few months back. I can't really find any real info on them as to if they are a scam or legit
  13. How things change in 2 years from what I thought was good to now
  14. Ahh yes that's the 1 . I knew there was 1 somewhere.. What I find strange is you would think these developers would want to please every customer to make money, they know about TB and the issues
  15. AndyC


    Well I may have found an alternative https://addons.prestashop.com/en/combinaisons-customization/17415-customization-prices.html#seller Seems to work off the customizations . Anyway have emailed developer for a answer
  16. YIP.. Can't agree more . I have lost a lot of money because of them and a faulty 1 page checkout.. All my modules also have had many issues ...Like you I got tired of paying extended support to fix a messed up update.. Also be wary of Product Fields manager by Anvanto , it's causing me no end of grief and they want me to pay £70 to fix it
  17. Email sent
  18. I am looking for someone who is able to add costs to attributes The text boxes don't have to be single lines as it stands now the first line costs 4.99 and the rest are £1 per line than you also have tick boxes for extra add ons which also have a cost. Would also need to view on orders I have no idea how much something like this would cost , so at the moment am interested to see
  19. AndyC

    PayPal Errors

    Yes, I thought you used that..
  20. AndyC

    PayPal Errors

    Yes I did have 🙂 as that's how it was when I used Zencart and never had any issues.. I've moved them all over to United Kingdom now to see how it goes State drop down is so old school now ,I can't remember the last time I used it on a website
  21. AndyC

    PayPal Errors

    I've tried other and nothing shows up 😞 ..Even cleared cache. Don't blame you for not wanting to medal it just asks for problems I have to fill in Counties when I have to order from the factory that makes my products.. It's a pain always having to look it up
  22. AndyC

    PayPal Errors

    I seeeeeee , by turning off states it is no longer required.. Wonder if there is a way to add another text box for state I am using the 5 page turned into 3 page checkout as chex doesn't work on my site yet, it keeps on giving wrong prices due to my extra pay attributes. I hope 1 day it will be fix so I can use it as it is just another defunct module I paid for but can't use
  23. AndyC

    PayPal Errors

    I've tried that ,but I just get a empty state drop down list .. Don't you use the auto address
  24. AndyC

    PayPal Errors

    lol ,yes they are countries but they under the United kingdom 🙂 umbrella so to speak .. I've had them set up as countries to try and split the list up of counties as it get long if it is all under United Kingdom. If I change them all to United kingdom the counties list get long, which I have tried to avoid. Is there no way to remove them and make the customer type in their own state
  25. AndyC

    PayPal Errors

    mmmm It seems to accept United Kingdom only. Now that I have looked back though paypal orders Scotland and Wales fail all the time.. Wonder if paypal only accepts United Kingdom as a country as in theory Wales & Scotland aren't really countries as such
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