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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. Does anyone use anything like this, really would like to know as I don't want to waste even more money on a module that fails with TB
  2. Thanks for this ,, I see the breadcrumb issue is listed... I'm giving it another go this weekend
  3. Oh no sorry.. Didn't see them ... I'll be looking this weekend when I have another go .... Biggest problem is it's a busy time and people keep ordering, so scared of loosing a order .... I know i have emails , but it just does lol wakabayashi , yes i did download them this is the 1 couldn't overcome MY PayPal from prestashop was also causing errors, once I disable that it then went to breadcrumb
  4. Is anyone having issues with Panda when upgrading ... breadcrumb.tpl is causing everything to be 500 server error.. I may download a fresh copy of it on teh weekend and try again
  5. Thank you for the update... After a few tries I got it to work with V1.4 Had few issues with Panda and newsletter ( which is disabled now) Also the latest Prestashop PayPal , which I found ad another update I am however having this age old issue when logged in as a user Impossible to add the product to the cart. Please refresh page. refreshing page doesn't help.. If I log out it seems to be OK Edit: issue was caused by third party full page cache module
  6. At the moment it is mostly PayPal ( Prestashop version)which has been slightly modified to work with a module that lets people add text that adds a fee... There are very few modules that do this and none for TB (which was why I was asking about the module further down the list in the English section
  7. Will there be any module issues, especially Prestashop 1.6 versions
  8. Would this work for Panda as well... As bought their Webp module , but it doesn't work properly
  9. AndyC

    Shopping flux

    Hi Can anyone help with a version of Google Shopping Flu.. I have it installed and working and the only way I can get it to work is to use the update/export at the bottom of the module to a folder on my PC then use google Is there a easier way to be able to do it all automatically when I add new products , or is there some sort of guide I can use to figure it all out thanks
  10. AndyC

    Dashboard Date

    That would be great, if 1 day comes along..... Like you say it isn't really urgent as you can still do dates to what you need
  11. We do need WebP these days , so a step in the right direction if it can be done
  12. AndyC

    Dashboard Date

    It is as that's what I was trying to do in the beginning.. I prefer all time , ie since I started on TB and then use custom dates as needed
  13. AndyC

    Dashboard Date

    Sigh , sorry It was me being stupid lol ... I had mine set to year -1 which makes a lot of sense now.. It now follows the correct day
  14. AndyC

    Dashboard Date

    Does anyone else have this issue with their dash board date. No matter how many times I correct it always reverts back to last year as per image. I would prefer no date at all and use from the beginning
  15. After years of searching for a better module than the 1 I am using at the moment, I have found the perfect module for my needs. I was wondering does anyone use this module at all and preferably with Panda and how does it perform. It also may benefit other users as this module looks very good for the price as you can up-sell stuff easily https://addons.prestashop.com/en/combinaisons-customization/88078-custom-product-options-add-extra-fields-to-product.html#overview The main reason I need to change is because the module I use now doesn't add up correctly at checkout and payment modules have to be modded to be able to work properly + other minor things that have had changes made Thanks
  16. AndyC


    Thanks for replying Mark. I have been put off even trying but so many bad reviews about Tiktok.. If you have any luck please let us know
  17. I have under 860 ish products, I can help test it , but can't extend as not a coder or anything like that.. I have bought another module and it seems to be better than the1 I am using, but it's awkward to use
  18. AndyC


    Has anyone on here successfully sold anything on tiktok.. I only ask as I have no idea how I would get products on there....Or is there a module that will work
  19. Tried flux and it failed to upload as was missing date so kept failing Already used Datakicks trial fro something else so couldn't try that thanks anyway
  20. Hi Can I ask if anyone here uses this module from Prestaplay as it is Thirty Bees compatible... I am currently using the knowband version which to me is not really TB friendly at all and uses a lot of resources. It has also been heavily modified by knowband to get it to work on previous hosting. If not this , which can be recommended .. Don't mind paying up to £50 TIA
  21. I used to get this when my internet speeds were slow.. It stopped when I went over to fibre
  22. AndyC

    Creating Forms

    Yep can agree on this 1.. Been trying to build a website with WP and it is just so much going on . Problem is there is nothing else that has free options. I am thinking of starting a new site with TB but not sure how to go about it
  23. OK.. Was only wondering as a few of the big names send out 4 or 5 emails pestering you for a review. Also yes I see the irony in my sentence lol.. Sooooo on that note I'll leave things as they are
  24. Hi Me again... i was wondering if there was a way to send a 2nd request email if no review was left.... I seem to be struggling to get people to leave a review for some reason
  25. You can use deny orders when out of stock on every product, under "Quantities" just choose the Deny orders tab. So if there is only 1 product left you get a message saying you can order that many and if the product is out of stock there is no add to cart button. That is just 1 way , I am sure there are others
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