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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. Never heard of it. Their website is very pretty! But it's written in python, so for me it's nothing 😉
  2. Presta 1.6 would make no sense at all. You would go to a worse and even more death shop version ^^
  3. I have never tried it with a barcode, but the normal search is broken in some way. it rarely happens, but sometimes it search the product and shorty after reloads the whole list. Tbh I don't think this to cases are related. In your case this feature is probably just missing. I guess nobody thought on an EAN search like that - even tough it makes sense 🙂 I could imagine that it fails for reference too. But I haven't tested anything...
  4. Well have you opened BO translations? I collapse all fields and use browser search to find the translation...
  5. I would guess OrderOpcController 😏
  6. @Kleijn36 Oh thats sad. Which plattform do you chose? I don't ask, because I want to leave this shop system, but I want to learn, what are the biggest pain points in the system right now.
  7. Thanks for your feedbacks! I want to make clear, that my question has nothing to do with the "new team". I am not part of it... I just wanted to check, if there are enough big merchants, which want to push this project forward. That's why I asked for the 50$/month. Which is ofc too much for small merchants, but for big merchants it would be no problem at all. The idea was to create like a an investor group, that discusses together the pain points and fixes them in a proper way. Unfortunately we only seem to be one or two handful merchants, that need the big improvements (like advanced stock management, order editing or speed improvements). So my hope/idea is probably not realistic.
  8. Oh yeah 😵 Actually how many merchants are still here and do care for this project? Please like my post, if you do. A few months ago, I asked in another forum topic, who would be willing, to invest 50$/month or more. Then the following poeple where in: @wakabayashi @Briljander @rubben1985 @Smile @vincentdenkspel @dynambee Are there any others right now? I am still evaluating the options for serious/established merchants...
  9. Thanks for your update! Let's say no deal will be achieved (which is very likely). What happens then? Will we see something in the beginning of 2021? Or will we have to wait another few months till the fork is leading anywhere?
  10. I for myself would almost never need to know which products are inside the order on the overview. It seems to me, that you have a special process when handling orders. But in general it's not super hard to add a custom column, if you ask an expierenced dev to do it. There are hooks which can be used. This module does it for carrier: https://github.com/thirtybees/orderlistcarriers
  11. Oh thanks for this hint. Now I understand why a tool (added with composer) made problems 😮 It was also this classname...
  12. Advanced Stock Management does it...
  13. Of course with every week going on with no deal, the trust in this project is sinking. From my side I just added a PR to github. Thats all I can do for now. I saw that others @Mediacom87 and @zen are also still adding PRs. So there is still some chance. But seriously @Messenger Bee I expect something real till end of the year. There may be shop owners, who can use old software and still make a solid business. But there are also other merchants in a highly competitve surrounding. I doubt that the first group is large enough and I also doubt this group will get bigger. In my country and my niche I can find a new competitor almost every month. That's my reality. Of course the shop system is not the only key to success, but an important one.
  14. I am not sure, but there exits a cleaner module for tb/ps. After a clean installation there are always a few orders. With the cleaner module you can remove it. Maybe it works for you too. Or is this the module you are talking about?
  15. Why would you want to do that? As far as I know this is just for stats of ps/tb owner.
  16. I believe you have to select "hidden Hooks" and then it could be "dashboardData". Not totally sure tough.
  17. Btw this is an official module and I have never seen it before. Is this module up do date? When do you get this message exactly?
  18. Please enable debug mode and post the full error message.
  19. Well it's not completly obvious to me, which date_to should be filtered. But to get rid off the message replace in the WHERE-Line `date_to` with a.`date_to`
  20. Probably very easy to solve, but you need to switch on debug_mode and post the error from there...
  21. In Plesk you just add the domain as a new website and then point it to the folder, where thirtybees is installed.
  22. I am not sure if he have got the multistore technically correct. For example check the table "ps_product_shop". You will see that every product has it's own row per shop. But yeah it's good, if you rethink everything multiple times. Its tempting to start multiple stores, but it has it's drawback...
  23. Hm you can easily select the store(s) for each category. IMO there is no "mothershop".
  24. Your question is very unclear for me. Haven't you already solved it with your response? But yeah it's for sure possible. But keep in mind that multistore brings some issues up and is more complex to handle. I am a multistore user for years, but we plan to go down to single store.
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