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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. The proper way to change list, is using hooks: https://webkul.com/blog/how-to-modify-fields-list-in-prestashop/
  2. Yes you are right: multistore is the thing to use. To your concret problem: did you check cache?
  3. @doclucas said in prozis.com I think is a great example: @wakabayashi said in prozis.com I think is a great example: Sure it is. But I don't like the idea, that every module includes it's own technique. :) Imagine you include this one to your module. Another coder adds another editor to his newsletter module. That is in my opinion not a nice situation for the merchants. Maybe I don't understand this argument so well, but what exactly do you propose? You can load tinymce with one line of code to your textarea (backoffice). Something similair for a pagebuilder would be nice.
  4. Sure it is. But I don't like the idea, that every module includes it's own technique. :) Imagine you include this one to your module. Another coder adds another editor to his newsletter module. That is in my opinion not a nice situation for the merchants.
  5. I know, but not a good one :) It also not what I would call a modern landing page builder. I mean something like that: https://grapesjs.com/demo.html
  6. Thats the module I bought some years ago. It's horrible. :)
  7. You can also code a module ofc. But from my opinion, tb anyway needs a landing page builder... Once you do this as a module, you will see in the feedback how flexible that thing has to be... Some want a slider, some a list. Some want the icons on the left, some want it on the right and so on and on. ;)
  8. Where is the WYSIWYG editor? You need a serious & modern template builder for that otherwise merchants will fail anway...
  9. @douclas I am confused. Are you a developper? Or you mean just like a brainstorming? Other example: https://www.prozis.com/ww/en/prozis/prozis-corehr-smartband-with-heart-rate-monitor (check the product description)
  10. Right now I see many things on this site, which can't be done with tb easily. Even something simple like the about page: https://www.prozis.com/ww/en/about-us Very hard to make it like that in tb. That's why I always say, that this plattform needs to go on. :)
  11. I just look a bit at it. It's indeed a very good example of ecommerce. Love it! But it's not a tb store, is it?
  12. Ich habe es jetzt gerade noch einmal mit multilang probiert, hat auch funktioniert. Wie sieht denn der Kunde im Backoffice aus?
  13. But I am bit confused. you try to give points, but actually you are working with coins aren't you?
  14. Have you debug mode on? doesn't it say anything?
  15. Hm strange. Have you filled in all languages title and description?
  16. I have done a little change. Could you test, if this fixes your issue? I can't test it myself easily, since I am not using this feature: https://github.com/eschiendorfer/genzo_krona/commit/df5049a3958881356fc5f9ca67cc172f2404c5e5
  17. Which type are you chosing? I just tested it on my site and it worked :S Are you talking about points or coins?
  18. @rubben1985 nobody doubt's that a lot of things could be improved. But this is really a question of money and manpower. There is very little support for @lesley, @mdekker and @Traumflug . Right now only @yaniv14, @gonssal and @datakick come to my mind, who regularly submit some code stuff. There is also non-code stuff. But I may ask: - How many translations have been done by community? - How many blog posts have been written by community? - How many people like the tb facebook posts? I believe, I don't have to go on... If we (including me) are all so clever, what has to be done, we surely are very successful with our own online stores. Then it shouldn't be hard, to find shops, which donate 100$ a month to develop this system seriously. I am not joking. I am ready to donate 100-200$ a month, if 20 others are too. Then we could really make progress with this system.
  19. Great :) Now it worked. I always tried to add html :D
  20. I think I did :smiling_face: Edit: Hm I am too dumb to do it :S
  21. wakabayashi

    Help needed

    @the-rampage-rado what does not work? Maybe you need to change a line in init function of single.php. I use there this: $simpleblog_post_rewrite = Tools::getValue('sb_rewrite', 0); Also you need then to change ph_simpleblog.php 'module-ph_simpleblog-single' => array( 'controller' => 'single', 'rule' => $blog_slug.'/{sb_category}/{rewrite}', 'keywords' => array( 'sb_category' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*', 'param' => 'sb_category'), 'rewrite' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*', 'param' => 'sb_rewrite'), // change 'rewrite' to 'sb_rewrite' ), 'params' => array( 'fc' => 'module', 'module' => 'ph_simpleblog', ), ),
  22. @datakick thx for the useful tipps. Didn't know that. @dynambee and dosbiner great!
  23. Who is using elasticsearch here on a live shop?
  24. @rand0m said in Buchhaltung: Guten Morgen allerseits, wir sind momentan auf der Suche nach Möglichkeiten unsere Buchhaltung in Zukunft zu automatisieren. Leider hab ich da nicht so wahnsinnig viel gefunden bezüglich Anbindung Buchhaltungssystem Prestashop/Thirtybees. Momentan scheint für mich die beste Lösung, ein eigenes Modul für Debitoor zu entwickeln, da die wenigstens über eine saubere offene API verfügen. Bevor ich mir allerdings die Arbeit mache, wollte ich einfach mal fragen, wie ihr das mit der Buchhaltung macht und was ihr so empfehlen würdet. Schonmal vielen Dank und beste Grüße Ich habe keine Ahnung davon. Wäre aber auch an so etwas interessiert. Leider ist in TB sehr wenig automatisiert :(
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