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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. IMHO this isn't a good solution in your case. To show (and load!) all products on homepage only makes sense if you have like only 20 products. In your case I would stay with the popular and add a big button below: "See all our products". The link goes to the category you showed...
  2. I thought he still wants to use it and just take the title away... But ok his mind anyway changed 🙂 @CoffeeGuy To change the name you should go under. Translations and change it...
  3. you are not at the right place...
  4. What modules do you have in there?
  5. Under Modules -> Positions
  6. Maybe it works to remove the module from the "displayHomeTab" hook. (I haven't tested)
  7. I export a list with our stock values, then count it by hand and compare the values. Afterwards I make the corrections in the shop.
  8. I am not sure, what you exactly want. But maybe advanced stock management is worth to consider. There you have physical and real stock quantities... Physical is the stock you have at warehouse and real is the stock you still can sell.
  9. Hm ok. I don't know, if this will work well. Normally when people ask this, they just want to install a testshop. Then I always advise to use a subdomain.
  10. @datakick It works good on my site! Thx a lot. I just wondered if it would be a lot of work to add the same for profilling? When I try to optimize the speed of a website I turn this on. It gives quite nice information, but ofc it shouldn't be loaded for real visitors/customers.
  11. But will this shop use the same domain?
  12. Hm meine Version hat das nicht... Das könnte dann aber wirklich der Grund sein!
  13. Wenn ich mir das nochmals überlege. Das ganze ist aber absurd nicht? Warum beeinflusst der Versandsatus Mollie? Das ergibt für mich keinen Sinn :S
  14. Habt ihr eure Status korrekt konfiguriert? Dort kann man angeben ob eine Bestellung versandt wurde... PS: Du bist aber auch noch spät unterwegs 😋
  15. It's long ago I installed a shop as subfolder. It made me troubles too, but I don't remember it clearly. Why do you need it in the subfolder?
  16. For me its not clear, what your question is / what you want to achieve. As far as I understand now, you want to use this bool on product.tpl. Is this correct? In general I would prefer to go with a module instead of changing core files. You would just need a table with (id_product, your_bool) and then load a your custom hook on product.tpl.
  17. Yeah I just installed this version, which was there for tb. It works out quite good for us. So I didn't and don't want to change anything...
  18. In my BO log I have similair warning: Warenkorb kann nicht geladen werden. Eine Bestellung mit diesem Warenkorb ist bereits vorhanden. Thats not good, but I don't think it's the reason for the problem.
  19. Have you checked your cronJobs? Is it always exactly 25 days or does it differ? Does it happen always on the same hour or so?
  20. Could be hard to get an answer for this. Not a lot of people us ASM. We do, but only with one warehouse. So I can't tell 100% but I never have seen any setting to set this off. Are you sure its new in TB? Then it could be a bug. But it would surprise me a bit, since ASM wasn't touched a lot...
  21. I dont think it's Mollie. We are using this module and don't have any such issue.
  22. It could be a class issue. As far as I remember one can define a class, where the elasticsearch results are put in. Is this right? In general: Does the funcionality work out for you in elasticsearch? When I was looking at it, I had the feeling that the module wasn't finished.
  23. Nice to have the new forum! I agree with @DRMasterChief that the contrast should be higher.
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