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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. @30knees said in Sync all contacts not working: The sync appears to be one-way only, from shop to MailChimp. What's the best way to feed back to tb the unsubscribes and bounces that MailChimp receives? I'd like to keep the tb database current. Are you sure it's not done. I am quite sure, that I was testing it with @mdekker . @lesley I think it should be done, otherwise your get a complete mess as a shop owner.
  2. Hello Guys I am developing a little module for category pages. It will allow you to add a second description to a category page. Why is it helpful? That way you can use the core description as a little teaser at the top. My module will add a second description at the footer. This is extremly helpful if you are interested in SEO. Such en html edit tab will be added to every category in the BO. The module is multilang and multistore ready! @haylau Has created a blog post and a video about the module. It explains everything perfect. Please check out: https://blog.haylau-4-thirtybees.co.uk/genzo-category-free-module/.
  3. I don't use any cookie module myself, so I can't say much. In general I wouldn't spend too much time on such "details". Use it for important stuff like "product descriptions" or so :) Just my honest advise...
  4. @Angstony_2 it seems to me, that this module is relying on a external js file from cloudflare. Probably they are returning the html content with the blank attribute. But this is just my guess: after looking some minutes on the code.
  5. To be honest: I don't understand the problem. Can you show me a link to the problem?
  6. @Traumflug I can confirm, that redirections work for us too. We use it in live environment.
  7. Why dont use the debug function? You can activate it under "performance"
  8. I would say chances, that it works are about 90%. After the switch I had only one little issue, with the module I bought. Have you asked the dev, if he doesn't want to support tb as well?
  9. @x97wehner No idea about this. This doesn't seem to work for us too. But anyway: is this of any useful?
  10. @Steve You are welcome. There is a grey button "Topic Tools", where I can select it. But I am not sure, if you can too. Lately some guys said, they don't see it. So I just did it for you.
  11. Well you could add something like to global.css ``` shop-logo a { display: inline-block;} ``` If you still want the logo to be centered you should add as well: ``` shop-logo {text-align: center;} ```
  12. @lukewood actually that is exactly, what I did some weeks ago for our store. You should change the behaviour of product listings and internal search results... The files are classes: - Category.php -> getProducts() - Search.php -> find()
  13. I think you should add a link to your website and maybe show with a screenshot, what you want to achieve...
  14. I don't get it: 1. This is not prestashop forum 2. Why do you need a new conncection to the database in a module?
  15. I would make on override if I were you. Try this one: ``` class FrontController extends FrontControllerCore { public function getHrefLang($entity, $idItem, $languages, $idLangDefault) { return null; } } ``` Save it under \override\controllers\front\FrontController.php Dont forget to delete \cache\class_index.php on your server.
  16. I am fighting with similair things (title attribute)... In your case it's probably not too hard. You should take a look at FrontController.php. There is a function called "getHrefLang".
  17. @cprats I guess, thats save. But @Traumflug can answer better. I never looked at this menu page for months - lol.
  18. @AndyC did this resolve everything? If yes, please mark the topic as solved :)
  19. I would be suprised if it works... Cause I believe you will see a payment method "Mollie" there and not the single ones, which would be needed.
  20. @vincentdenkspel thx! I always like to see you back here! I guess that you would need the same thing like @Peter. Options depending on the payment method. I have no idea if it's possible. But I guess the module should just reconigze from the API which payment methods are active. Then depending on the module settings handle (fees/discounts) or don't show them at all if country isn't activated.
  21. @AndyC Not sure if I got you right: you stay on Zencart because of the payment methods?
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