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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. @vincentdenkspel yeah unfortunately thats the sad reality. Right now I can't imagine a user based way, which leads to any serious cash flow.
  2. Actually I dont have any time to produce something like that. And to be honest, it wouldn't be worth the time. My free module was downloaded maybe from 5 people and this after I spent like 6 weeks to code it. The TB plattform is just a way too small to take any money out if it.
  3. Cool stuff! Maybe it's something for the core. But maybe the customer Service should be redesigned in a bigger way!? At least for me the customer service right now, is a big mess :)
  4. There is also a book from Fabien Serny, which helped me a lot...
  5. Well I just checked with 1.0.8. There wan't this issue for me. So I guess there is a new bug somewhere or a totally new concept with bootstrap!? (I dont use bootstrap in my theme - dont ask my why :D) Edit: it works now
  6. @datakick does this module now require bootstrap or something? In my teststore it doesn't display anymore correctly :( For me the colors are no more working... And as you can see the stars arent floating...
  7. New 1.0.1 version was just released! It includes some bug fixes and some minor improvements. They come mainly from @SLiCK_303!
  8. @SLiCK_303 thx for the feedback. I for myself arent live at the moment. Didn't have to time to set it up :) But of course soon I will go live too ;)
  9. Today I released v.1.0.0. You can find the module in official store: https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/front-office/genzo-krona @SLiCK_303 thx for your doozens of hours testing the module with me!
  10. @30knees in the new release you can use the coupon 'KronaTemplate: Orders' as a template... So all functionalities are available. For any kind of features which are based on email sending, I will definitely wait for datakicks planned mailstream module. So don't expect this feature to be soon in the module.
  11. @yaniv14 oh cool. I just saw it. That's really advanced stuff! Didn't even know that there is such a method ^^
  12. @yaniv14 nice! Don't you wanna make a pull request for it?
  13. @zimmer-media In the upcoming release the hookDisplayProductButtons will be availble. But you have to hook it manually and unhook DisplayRightColumnProduct.
  14. @30knees thx for your feedback! No idea, tbh. But all module files can be overriden in your theme folder, so everbody can design it like it fits best for him. It's not possible to find a perfect design for all themes ;) Yes you can import them. This feature haven't been tested a lot, since I don't use loyalty module myself. You are right. It makes not much sense, to use native module and mine on the same time. I would decide for one or the other. I haven't thought seriously about it. Right now it's not planned, since it's not so easy to implement. I have my module would become popular and the feature is asked multiple times, I will think about it. Well with my module you can use all coupon features, which are available in TB. You just need to setup a "template". Just now I notice, that you are maybe talking about the loyalty points which are converted by the customer. I will improve this way, so you can use a template Coupon as well. Yes. In future you can set it up, like you prefer. Will be fixed in the next release.
  15. I have just released a new beta 0.8: https://github.com/eschiendorfer/genzo_krona/releases It's a huge rewrite with some database changes. That's why you should reset your module. Soon the module is going to be released with 1.0 version. The 0.8 doesn't include many new features, but the backoffice is now using controllers, which will make it easier in the feature to add features. I also tried to restructure the module, so it's a bit less messy :) ;) Thx to @datakick for implementing krona in his awesome review module: https://github.com/getdatakick/revws
  16. well, acutally I dont care which one we use. I just think one is enough...
  17. @lesley maybe gitter is no more needed. It's not that active and slack does the job well. So it gets a bit more lucidly.
  18. @nssimpson you should tell, why PS is not the solution for you. Then we can say, if this points are handled differently here.
  19. Do you have a lot of data inside your installation? Otherwise you should install 1.0.3 directly!
  20. @zimmer-media In the next release, the back button will be there ;)
  21. @zimmer-media thx! ah you mean inside the module on "overview", "timeline" and so on?
  22. The beta is out!! https://github.com/eschiendorfer/genzo_krona/releases/ If you want to take some influence into adjuments before I release it, then it's now the time to go!! Thx to @SLiCK_303 for testing this module like 50 hours with me.
  23. @musicmaster thanks for your post. It's this kind of feedback, which I wish more for tb. I have to admit, that I never do a backup when upgrading. I always do this myself in mysq. I also haven't done a theme switch. I dunno, but I have the community theme in my themes folder... I didnt put it there. But I agree, it should be on store: https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-themes Still it seems to me, that merchants are mixing things up. They either have a fully working shop or they call the migration tool "buggy". When I read your post, I have the feeling, that your problem isn't the migration but the configuration of the store after the migration.
  24. Can you give an example what this means in practice? Probably its too complicated for most to answer (including me).
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