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Everything posted by Tomik

  1. Great job @Traumflug 🙂 i do get a error during installation about the translation And are there any improvements if we upgrade to PHP8 ?
  2. i'd be willing to pay money, ive done the tb patreon at the start. but not 50€ a month though.
  3. Finally some "good" news 🙂 Just hope it can still work out and what AndyC said all the time/money didn't go to waste.
  4. i agree with this and same.
  5. Got the same issue, I got this for answer We have stopped supporting Thirtybees from Cloudways console. You can install it manually by creating a custom PHP application, then install Thirtybees in it.
  6. i have Mollie Payment Module v3.3.1 and it still works. havent tried the paylater option.
  7. Thanks, was looking for one 🙂
  8. Thats the wrong docu, you need panda 1.
  9. @toplakd said in [Free Theme] Niara - Thirty Bees theme: @tommat Left column was not possible on original theme, the last time I checked (1.06 i think), and I want to use original theme or the one based on original, as it's most updated TB theme. It works since a long time. (always actually just had to edit a small thing)
  10. That looks really nice,
  11. Tomik

    changing hosting?

    im using cloudways vps :) works perfect.
  12. dont forget to activate mollie at the modules > payment (bottom of page)
  13. Tomik

    Happy New Year!

    Happy newyear :)
  14. my smtp works aswell with zoho
  15. ligt eraan wat bij jou vol is, heb het met 6 in 1 winkelwagen getest en dat werkt.
  16. 2.2.0 werkt wel met 1.0.8
  17. aslong as they both have their own database it should be fine.
  18. for that error message see Traumflug 3 days ago Easier way to fix it: Go to back office -> Advanced Parameters -> E-Mail In panel EMAIL (the 2nd) find field Email subject template and insert [{shop_name}] {subject} there. Click Save. This is the new feature which allows setting a custom email subject.
  19. Tb runs fine on 7+
  20. you can download it from sunny website thing
  21. panda 1.4.4 doesnt work get the new 1.4.5
  22. is 7.3 supported with TB?
  23. Perfect :) Will try to install it next week
  24. @the-rampage-rado said in Show price without VAT: You must show prices with VAT all the time. And it must be clearly stated that those include it. Not if its B2B
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