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Everything posted by the.rampage.rado

  1. From the lack of answers I'm concluding it's only me that's experiencing this issue and everybody else sees the captcha in the module (if enabled)?
  2. Yes, exactly. APCu is plenty sufficiant for me. I have no need currently to split the servers.
  3. Just installed on 2 of my shops - it's crazy fast with APCu.... No errors so far. I think it's time for the FPC to go forever!
  4. I can not recommend @Daresh's module and support enough. He's pumping versions left, right and center! He also have other usefull modules in CodeCanyon. Definetly a developer that will be of help for the TB project!
  5. Just found a problem (I'm not calling it a bug because the module can't work with all modules on the Earth). When checking out if a customer want to login from within the module and TB's native captcha module is installed the customer sees 'wrong password' notification even if they enter the correct password. The module does not show the captcha. Workaround is to disable the captcha for logins but a strange behavour is that the module creates a profile when customer inputs a password even if the 'account creation' captcha is active. So I believe there's an inconsistency somewhere - either the captcha should be shown or it should be somehow omitted both for account creation and login purposes when in the module.
  6. the.rampage.rado

    SEO Module

    The module does not work for me and I had to uninstall it. It was working tremendous time savings but after the migration to TB it stopped working.
  7. In the end we're left alone as the developer of Warehouse is not willing to make paid work in the 1.6 of the theme in order to make it compatible with newer php version. I'm starting this thread in order to organize it as self-help guid for the users. Block Cart: themes/modules/blockcart/blockcart-json.tpl (partial merge from community theme - uses different small image and fixes php 7.4 issues) Block Layered Navigation Mod: modules/blocklayered_mod/blocklayered_mod.php (one more warning and one notice but most issues fixed) 18.02.2023 based on the most recent official module
  8. Added ctry in the bypass section as per the advise in github and now it appears to work as expected. Will monitor it further. Do we have this issue in TB: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/23269/files as it's described in the issue thread above?
  9. As I was pumping products in my shop suddently I started seeing 500 in FO on many pages. Then I tried deleting htaccess - no success. Tried deleting my litespeed cache and system cache and started seeing 500 on all FO pages. Googling the issue I stumbled on https://github.com/litespeedtech/lscache_prestashop/issues/44 I'm running my shop on php7.4 and it was not changed. I'm unable to run higher php because my theme is not compatible and also my slider poops everywhere. Any advise what could be causing this sudden issue? The error log from the server: #6 /home/uXXX/public_html/xxxbulgaria.com/modules/litespeedcache/classes/VaryCookie.php(101): LiteSpeedCacheVaryCookie->__construct in /home/uXXX/public_html/site1.com/classes/db/DbPDO.php on line 148 #5 /home/uXXX/public_html/site1.com/modules/litespeedcache/classes/VaryCookie.php(76): LiteSpeedCacheVaryCookie->init(Object(Context), Object(Cookie)) #4 /home/uXXX/public_html/site1.com/modules/litespeedcache/classes/VaryCookie.php(234): CountryCore::getIsoById(236) #3 /home/uXXX/public_html/site1.com/classes/Country.php(249): DbCore->getValue(Object(DbQuery)) #2 /home/uXXX/public_html/site1.com/classes/db/Db.php(801): DbCore->getRow('SELECT `iso_cod...', true) #1 /home/uXXX/public_html/site1.com/classes/db/Db.php(774): DbCore->query('SELECT `iso_cod...') #0 /home/uXXX/public_html/site1.com/classes/db/Db.php(477): DbPDOCore->_query('SELECT `iso_cod...') 2023-01-07 18:18:47.452798 [NOTICE] [3438596] [T0] [IP:port:HTTP2-1#APVH_site1.site.eu:443] [STDERR] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function query() on null in /home/uXXXX/public_html/site1.com/classes/db/DbPDO.php:148 2023-01-07 18:18:47.452761 [NOTICE] [3438596] [T0] [IP:port:HTTP2-1#APVH_site1.site.eu:443] [STDERR] PHP Notice: Undefined property: DbPDO::$link in /home/uXXX/public_html/site1.com/classes/db/DbPDO.php on line 148 2023-01-07 18:18:47.452758 [NOTICE] [3438596] [T0] [IP:port:HTTP2-1#APVH_site1.site.eu:443] [STDERR] PHP Warning: collectlogs: failed to log error: Call to a member function query() on null in /home/uXXX/public_html/site1.com/modules/collectlogs/classes/CollectorLogger.php on line 140 2023-01-07 18:18:47.452749 [NOTICE] [3438596] [T0] [IP:port:HTTP2-1#APVH_site1.site.eu:443] [STDERR] PHP Notice: Undefined property: DbPDO::$link in /home/uXXX/public_html/site1.com/classes/db/DbPDO.php on line 148
  10. Can you post the full error log from @datakick's module as advised above? Also when posting the files' locations don't show your full directory structure as this can be used by a bad actor to compromise your website. Now you are running on 7.4?
  11. If you disable block cart how your customers complete orders? In order to go back to 7.4 go to core updater -> settings. Set php 7.4 and Save Then 'update' your shop with the module. When the update is complete it might be broken (FO most of the times). Switch your php version to 7.4 and your shop should be live and running.
  12. This is a bug with some module or function you have installed that adds this override. Install Override check and check what is using this file if you don't know. Then it would be best to ask the dev to fix it.
  13. Hello Petr, Today I'm testing the module and probably I would buy it for one of my shops. I have few questions: 1. In the very first step of checkout you ask for Country. I know this is probably due to shipping and payment i know. In the case of only 1 active country can we hide this field as there are no calculations needed at this point. Also the same for the Country field in the address and billing fields - if only one is active in the shop can we autopopulate it and hide it for the customer (less clutter). 2. In the cart field, can we have +/- and X buttons visible by default? So to avoid clicking on Edit then then Done. 3. In phone mode the shipping field text goes out of the border for me. For me the reverse approach seems more logical: 1st step enter your details, 2nd step - choose available payment and shipping methods, 3rd step - confirm and notes. But your approach shows the methods firstly for the client which could also be beneficial.
  14. the.rampage.rado

    SEO Module

    The thread is outdated. The forum is more active than ever. 😉
  15. Something from me, unrelated the first post but... php 7.4, edge from today.
  16. Thank you! I've missed that. Now the image shows but I had to transplant it to displayHome in order to appear over the other modules. Otherwise it hooked to displayTop and this made a second column, shifting my displayHome hook to the right. Now it shows like that over my Revolution:
  17. For me when uploading the images everything is fine. They simply not show up in FO. No errors during installation, upload of files, in Error log. The images are in the img/homeslider/ folder.
  18. Hello team, I stumbled upon this the other day. When I click on the details button or the refference code the system does not show me the order contents. No errors shown in Chrome's console. Also no errors in BO shown. This not critical for me as most of my clients register new and new guest profiles for each of their orders but for somebody this could be a more vital issue.
  19. Hide your admin directory. Turn on debuging and you will see a detailed error log.
  20. If you edit the templates you must save them in Unicode format. I had the same issue wile back with Bulgarian.
  21. @Eolia, what do you think of combining both projects under TB? Would you consider merging your editions here? And one more question don't you think PrestaShop could not be very happy that you continue to use their name? I believe those releases are unofficial, right?
  22. This is very true. Both his and Warehouse themes are very well made but are getting old now and both developers refuse to update them. Which is not cool. If we don't have new features (which is normal) we at least should somehow manage to update those themes to php8 standards so we can continue to work with them. Otherwise...
  23. Never tried it. Will do now. Unable to install. But I don't have time to test what's the issue
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