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Everything posted by e-com

  1. Copy code of breadcrumb.tpl into your theme: https://github.com/thirtybees/community-theme-default/blob/1.1.x/breadcrumb.tpl
  2. Strange that you see subscribers not customers after uninstalling module. Because uninstall method deletes its table in database: public function uninstall() { Db::getInstance()->execute('DROP TABLE ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'newsletter'); return parent::uninstall(); }
  3. On various hostings with Linux or Unix systems (FreeBSD), with apache, nginx or litespeed servers, with thirty bees versions 1.4.0 or 1.5.0, with PHP versions 7.4, 8.0, 8.1 or 8.2 I NEVER have a problem editing product. Also, if your web hosting doesn't know how to properly configure your servers, it's best to change web hosting.
  4. Here you can perform some basic tests of my theme made on basis of the Niara theme: https://bar.thirtybees.eu.org/info/testy-aplikacji
  5. If Warehouse is the best theme for prestashop, I don't know how the inferior ones must be. ๐Ÿ™‚ After all, this theme consists of practically only bugs. https://googlechrome.github.io/lighthouse/viewer/?psiurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwarehouse.iqit-commerce.com%2Fen%2F&strategy=mobile&category=performance&category=accessibility&category=best-practices&category=seo&category=pwa&utm_source=lh-chrome-ext
  6. These prestashop themes, sold on themeforest or prestashop addons, are completely unsuitable for stores. They only serve to make money for developers of these themes. Core Web Vitals of all pages in these themes are below zero ๐Ÿ™‚ Image below shows day of migration from prestashop to thirty bees in Google Search Console results. Of course, template from themeforest was thrown in the trash. Also, what is the point of launching a store that google completely fails to display in search results?
  7. Rather, most store owners will say that it is a betrayal of trade secrets how many orders the store has ๐Ÿ™‚ In my opinion, variable 'reference_order' should be used in this template.
  8. e-com


    In Preferences -> Images "Generate images based on one side of the source image" you probably have it set to Height. Change it to Automatic.
  9. Error definitely does not come from thirty bees and niara theme. Surely it is generated by some module plugged into hook on the product page.
  10. That's right, it's related to PHP 8. Somewhere in code is mathematical operation of subtraction on strings. PHP 7 ignores it, but PHP 8 already generates an error. You need to check exactly in error log where the string subtraction occurs.
  11. You have very old theme templates. Download the current ones from github: https://github.com/thirtybees/niara
  12. If we delete an image in product, all files of this image are also deleted on the server. Original image and all generated mianiatures jpg and webp.
  13. There are a lot of prestashop modules that have security vulnerabilities and make it possible to attack the store: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=prestashop
  14. In thirty bees this module is unnecessary. Friendly URLs can be configured without ID by default.
  15. If you do not see this module in list of all modules, then you have some errors in server configuration and list of modules is not updated.
  16. Error 500 is a generic server message that doesn't say anything. To diagnose error, you need to enable debug mode, install "Collect PHP Logs" module, and in logs of this module will be detailed information about error. In menu: Advanced parameters -> Error log
  17. Now category_default you have made 200x200px. Much too small. On phones there will be blurry images. There is a different layout of blocks on phone. Category image fills 100% of the screen width.
  18. Image has class col-xs-12 col-sm-2, and category name has class col-xs-12 col-sm-10. That is, on phones image will take up 100% of the width, and on screens small and larger 1/6 or 16.7% of the screen width. In bootstrap, number 12 is the whole thing or 100%. If you make image and category name with classes col-xs-12 col-sm-6, they will occupy equally 50% each on screens small and larger. We modify category.tpl template. https://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap/bootstrap_grid_system.asp
  19. I suspect that settings.inc file does not have write rights by user -rw-r--r--. Therefore, during the upgrade, version in settings.inc is not updated.
  20. A new mail transport using PHPMailer library compatible with PHP 8.2 is now available.
  21. Module implements mail functionality using PHPMailer library. Module compatible with thirty bees 1.5.0 bleeding edge and already available in list of native modules. PHPMailer library is compatible with PHP 8.2, also it is worth replacing "Mail via swiftmailer" module with this module.
  22. Sorry, my mistake. But AdminScenesController is and in PS 1.6 and in TB, only it is not installed in menu.
  23. It seems to me that these photo formats: scene, m_scene and Scene class are archaisms still left over from PS 1.4 where there was an AdminScenes controller for mapping product photos. In PS 1.5 and PS 1.6 there was no longer this controller. And in PS 8 there is no longer this Scene class.
  24. In translations, change name of module to "Amazon", because name of module is taken to display on backoffice.
  25. Creating a payment method without module is not possible. You can use "Custom Payment Methods" module to create such a fake payment method.
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