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DRMasterChief last won the day on November 11

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  1. There is information about deleting files for PrestaShop, but what about the current thirtybees versions 1.5.1 and 1.6.x?
  2. Maybe this is a fundamental question. Can the thirtybees developers please tell us what can be easily deleted from time to time? I don't use invoice creation in the shop or inventory management, I keep deleting orphaned shopping carts, I hope that's OK. What else can be deleted?
  3. We need an external solution because we use an inventory management system. A large provider that doesn't yet have a perfect solution... it's really not a good situation, but we can probably still use the legal transition period.
  4. Hi @Yabber thank you! I already have this since months.... today i see that error_log is 60MB... then i checked it. I now have changed the blockcart.tpl also in Community Default Theme (i dont use this, i have an other template since 1st day), and now it works. No error warnings anymore. Strange behaviour.... ?!
  5. Hello @musicmaster unfortunately, I get a similar warning 1-2 times per minute, and the error log file becomes very large as a result. I'm not sure if this could cause another problem. I don't use Panda theme but maybe someone can give me a hint? The error is: PHP Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/mysite/public_html/cache/smarty/compile/c2/57/b6/c257b667changed77a0888some39bf5thing5b736_0.file.blockcart.tpl.php on line 257 and the line 257 in this file is: <?php $_smarty_tpl->_assignInScope('free_ship', count($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['cart']->value->getDeliveryAddressesWithoutCarriers(true,$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['errors']->value)));?> Thank you very much
  6. Hello, perhaps a simple question, but important for me: is it an idea to rename a purchased module (including all files and necessary changes in them) so that it is perhaps not visible from the outside with the known name? I don't know exactly how SQL injections work, for example, but perhaps files are searched for known names (modules) and this could perhaps prevent it a little? A module always presents a certain risk until something about it appears at https://security.friendsofpresta.org/. But many developers still need many weeks or months to come up with a fix. In that case, would I have to change all the names in every file that is contained in the module? For example, if the developer calls the module 'moduleone', would I have to rename every expression 'moduleone' to 'newname'?
  7. Ah 😄 nutzt du das XL-Paket mit Public API ? und wie siehts dann direkt mit elektronischer Rechnung aus ?
  8. we use round each line / each item and i also double check the price for each item to get the right amount with rounding (depends on the fifth or sixth decimal place sometimes), no problems so far.
  9. Danke für die Rückmeldung! Funktioniert die Anbindung einfach so ohne große Umwege oder musstest du eine Lösung (selbst) entwickeln?
  10. Please explain 'migrate' with more details. Do you have created the database first and now you will fill it ?
  11. yes sure, this is basic function in thirtybees. just see and search here in forum or in google, you can find thousands of hints how to configure this.
  12. yep, i know what you mean and i understand that this module is not for such behaviour, but hey... a customer who send 20,30 or hundreds of messages in a n time ? .... so maybe this could be a nice addition. Let´s see what other users think about.
  13. that sounds great! perhaps a second step would be good: if there really are too many requests per hour/minute, could you send exactly these IPs to the Blackhole? (BlackholeBot Module)
  14. I'm waiting for an answer, it's Sunday so it might take a while. He has already said that he hasn't had much experience with thirtybees. I tried it a bit on a whim, but I was confident so far. But unfortunately it doesn't work with the community theme either, so I have to start troubleshooting now so as not to waste any time. I don't think there's anything big behind it. Just change a bit in css or tpl and then it should be OK. As i said before, a super simple thing would be to 'switch off' the attachments in the standard functionality the shop brings.
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