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Everything posted by colorful-ant

  1. @bennetm3 other example import via csv-file. edit with excel or openoffice etc and then import. it is not like prestashop that 10 fields are mandatory. the article number and, for example, the price as desired field import.
  2. missing configuration file example 1 example 2
  3. aha, ok - ich hab deswegen noch nicht weiter nachgeforscht. ich mußte jetzt auch erst mal ne nacht drüber schlafen. ich vermute, weil die preisanzeige deaktiviert und deshalb als problem gemeldet wird. muß ich mir den kram nochmal genauer ansehen mit den googletags, themecode etc.
  4. mir ist leider erst heute aufgefallen, dass es bei produkten einige probleme in der "google search console" seit mitte februar gibt. momentan ist noch tb 1.0.7. und das aktuelle panda-theme installiert. zu den produkten habe ich stichprobenartig festgestellt (nicht jedes einzelne produkt aber einen großen teil getestet), dass es sich bei mir dabei um produkte handelt, die nicht mehr zum verkauf zur verfügung stehen. das heißt, diese produkte habe ich bezüglich google aktiviert gelassen, aber die einstellungen "sichtbarkeit" -> nirgendwo und "bestellbar" -> nein eingestellt hat jemand ähnliche erfahrung oder hab ich da was übersehen? search console produkteinstellungen
  5. i use panda 1.4.3 at the moment backoffice - image settings - take a look httpdocs / config / xml / themes / panda.xml i changed the last lines to </images> <lazy_load>1</lazy_load> <high_dpi>1</high_dpi> <webp>1</webp> </theme>
  6. Sorry, it's a bit strange. I have just used your link from the shop of your htaccess. The main link "w **. Pewterwo *****. Co.uk" seems to link directly to a live shop of another system. I have not read all the comments, but in my view this seems to be a big problem. I now see ZenCart in a comment. I'm very confused right now.
  7. disable all caches - clear chaches - try again without cache on - regenerate images
  8. i made backup/rename from old file (validate.php) - insert new file, all is good
  9. try this in your htaccess ->search # ~~end~~ Do not remove this comment, thirty bees will keep automatically the code outside this comment when .htaccess will be generated again after this line, add the redirects # Redirect Redirect 301 /en/home/ https://mysite.com/en/ Redirect 301 /de/home/ https://mysite.com/de/ Redirect 301 /fr/home/ https://mysite.com/fr/ Redirect 301 /ru/home/ https://mysite.com/ru/ Redirect 301 /de/category/product-1.html https://mysite.com/category/product-1 Redirect 301 /de/category/product-2.html https://mysite.com/category/product-2
  10. additional: for displaying mails ms outlook I use only for private mail addresses For the business mails I use thunderbird
  11. I have no problem with my shops - the emails work whether it is with the module mailalert or a module for automatic quantity update etc.
  12. Hmmm, very curious, I've only found so far, if a product was added to the cart and then the product was removed from the cart.
  13. im not sure - delete this url-cookies in your browser - login and try again
  14. colorful-ant

    Image issue

    i think you have to regenerate images/thumbnails
  15. It may be that not all mail templates have been integrated into the new theme. Therefore, best check if all in the new theme or modules are available.
  16. I'm not sure if it applies to you as well. Perhaps you are missing in the theme of the mail templates.
  17. The thought of the house number is ok - but I personally would rather set up an extra field. is the label of the field sufficient? eg is your translation also house number with in it or only street? the second address field makes sense for my clients, depending on the region, post office box etc. the problem is probably for some that when shipping with the address in the foreign country, the house number in front of the street name as a field will enter, as it is common in the country. but back to your question: have you checked the data after the update, possibly these were overwritten by this and you must enter the change again / save and possibly cache etc delete.
  18. @jfnewell1965 I see that you want to customize the default template for your shop. have you possibly considered other options? for example to buy a separate theme such as that of Johnny. The Panda theme is superb for thirty bees, it includes several preset designs and is compatible (tb 1.0.3. - 1.0.8) It offers additional functions and possibilities to customize your own shop. maybe you can save yourself a lot of work / time with the changes in the code etc. you will find it here with demo versions of the different themes: https://www.sunnytoo.com/product/panda-creative-responsive-prestashop-theme
  19. I try to explain it Jewelery with and without engraving. Sometimes engraving is only possible on one side and some on both sides. The font length is different depending on the size of the article. The article should have no variants in the sense, as for example in clothing, since otherwise it does not work with the automatic adjustment of the inventory of the wholesaler. Nevertheless, the prices of the engraving articles, depending on the option must be changeable.
  20. One of the problems with me is that the quantities of products are automatically updated by the wholesaler. I do not have the items in stock with me. For this I have not found an optimal solution, because there is no separate item number. Like eg different engraving etc.
  21. ohne großen infos - ne schnelle aufgabe von schmuckchecker ich habe gerade einfach mal bei mir getestet - normaler preis 14,95 € und eine variante runter gesetzt um 2 € auf 12,95 € - funktioniert ohne probleme es kann nur an irgendwelchen einstellungen liegen das es bei ihm nicht richtig funktioniert
  22. change the module/paypal/paypal.php for example find this and change it $this->version = '3.11.1';
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