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Everything posted by colorful-ant

  1. Tracking url in Carrier settings -> DHL http://nolp.dhl.de/nextt-online-public/set_identcodes.do?lang=de&idc=@
  2. optionally leave the zip code field empty and save it
  3. point 1 i comment out my images example: themes / niara / category.tpl <!-- {if $subcategory.id_image} <a href="{$link->getCategoryLink($subcategory.id_category, $subcategory.link_rewrite)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$subcategory.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> <img class="replace-2x img-responsive" src="{Link::getGenericImageLink( 'categories', $subcategory.id_image, 'medium', (ImageManager::retinaSupport()) ? '2x' : '' )|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" alt="{$subcategory.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$subcategory.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" width="{getWidthSize|intval type='medium'}" height="{getHeightSize|intval type='medium'}" > </a> {/if} --> second point i dont know - its disabled on my store i think blockcategories modul
  4. etwas anderes wüßte ich jetzt nicht, woran das liegen kann und plz sperren hab ich bisher noch nicht gehört/gelesen
  5. für die rechnungen -> schau unter übersetzung dein template bei den pdf übersetzungen sollte es dann therotisch sein upps englisch 😉 invoice under translation -> language -> your theme -> pdf files
  6. @bhtoys are you sure that all options are set correctly (modules -> payment)? missing image "setup your carrier price range" second page ???? example: modules -> payment
  7. i have a paid version (noch nicht perfekt - aber ein sehr guter schritt nach vorn - zur übersetzung des buttons gab es bei mir keine probleme)
  8. ein problem dieser art, wurde hier schon mal behandelt und ist bei mir immer noch nicht ok
  9. @Landmücke habe keine ahnung, ob es hilft: probier hier mal die einstellungen zu ändern - ggf shop- & browsercache leeren versand -> einstellungen oder versuch testweise mal das niara theme
  10. you can translate it backoffice -> localisation -> translation change to modules, theme and language modul name -> homefeatured
  11. An import via CSV is no problem BUT .... I don't know if that's a good solution. If I understand the right thing, I personally say no at first. The problem will be "duplicate urls". Settings / texts etc. should fit / different if everything should work.
  12. thanks - this looks very good - I'll try that tomorrow
  13. you can try, to change your (some) ....adresses(-tab).tpl -> root folder /pdf i have not tested ------- $invoice_address $delivery_address original file
  14. im not sure, but check your basic pdf folder and files if you have changed some files .... themes/webpoint/pdf/delivery-slip.tpl (replace webpoint by your theme/panda) missing a ...tpl file example:
  15. The other web hosting is probably not good enough. I don't have the requirements in mind. For example, there may be a problem with the TLS version, with openssl or something else.
  16. I'm not sure. but i suspect that you have problems with your server/settings/php - etc. i think the requirements for paypal and stripe are not fulfilled for this to work correctly. since september or so it is mostly due to the problem with tls version etc. if i am wrong please ignore this info.
  17. EDIT: i see now - no option for newsletter - sorry I think that's why I removed the module in the front office
  18. settings under module/paymentoptions ok?
  19. ich habe (wird bei mir gesetzlich benötigt) eine cms-seite widerrufsbelehrung. diese dann im aeuc modul mit aktivieren. I (is with me legally required) a cms-page revocation. then activate them in the aeuc module. ergebnis / result
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