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Everything posted by colorful-ant

  1. Thanks for the new update. I have the new version installed. Unfortunately, I have problems with the pictures in the review list. review list image orignal product image The aspect ratio of the image in the Review list is more square than the original image
  2. I often thought about modules of this kind. Since the GDPR I have rejected this idea. Therefore, I can not give you any info about this module or similar modules.
  3. What happens if you look at the duplicate urls tool in the back office? Does it show problem with the urls? If yes, your problem seems to be here.
  4. A few weeks ago there was a new update from Google. Unfortunately, I have not got it all in my head, but there were many websites that were rated more negatively in the ranking. Some have won in the review. Can it possibly be synonymous?
  5. In my view, the best solution would be to rename the products. i think eg marbles 50pcs - variant 1 marbles 50pcs - variant 2 etc if necessary in the htaccess add / change example # Redirect Redirect 301 category/marbles-50pcs https://myshop/category/marbles-50pcs-variant_1 or so
  6. I do not know if I understood everything correctly. You can make various settings in the customer groups. If necessary, add new customer groups. In the respective customer group you can make the setting - Show price yes or no. In the master data shop you can set which customer group is to be the default for the registration. Overall, it should be possible without a module, probably experimenting with a test shop something.
  7. I suspect that it can have many causes. If, for example, your links to social networks compare, do these links to the products still work, are the images still displayed? If the SEO data after the change to TB still exist, they may have to be re-entered? Probably there is also a problem with the template, that Google previously looked at this better than now. Have the page load times got worse? (possibly at the same time a server change) etc
  8. Sorry - the problem has been requested here several times in the forum, please search or look this examples https://forum.thirtybees.com/search/?q=jqXHR
  9. I'm not sure, but is it possible that the problem is caused by duplicate urls?
  10. examples for infos with my panda templates i see now - you have deleted infos from product page, but not full page view on pc 2/3 image and descritption - but 1/3 nothing i hope it helps panda theme is very nice
  11. ich habe jetzt immer noch nicht alle kommentare aus diesem thema gelesen und ja das gesetz/aktuelle rechtsprechung ist absoluter blödsinn => eine art übernahme der kurzbeschreibung wie du es dir vorstellst halte ich für unzweckmäßig, falls wenn müßte tatsächlich eine art modul mit diversen möglichkeiten eingreifen: ich selbst benutze in meinen shops eine kurzbeschreibung und eine detailierte beschreibung der artikel - nicht jeder macht das, es liegt vermutlich mit am verwendeten template. der großteil meiner artikel besteht aus varianten. in einem anderen shop der bisher mit prestshop läuft habe ich zb gar keine varianten. diese rechtssprechung ist ein absoluter schei..... bei dem die verkäufer handeln müssen und die (vermutlich meisten) kunden sich wahrscheinlich überfordert fühlen, noch mehr inhalte (texte) zu sehen, die von den suchmaschinen wie google & co als duplikate abstrafen können um nach hinten in der wertung von suchmaschinen zu landen. vermutlich eröffne ich ungewollt durch diese gedanken eine kleine zusätzliche diskussion. das letzte urteil ist absoluter murks für alle - bei dem dashbutton von amazon zb "neues waschmittel bestellen" wäre ok. evtl ist das alles absicht um den onlinehandel einzudämmen damit wieder mehr in den stationären läden verkauft wird - wer WEISSSSS das schon 😉
  12. gerade nachgesehen in der bestellbestätigung sind die varianten auch vorhanden
  13. ich habe mir die antworten hier nicht alle durchgelesen 😞 die wesentlichen merkmale wie z.b. größe, farbe etc. in meinen mails "neue bestellung erhalten" werden diese varianten in der artikelzeile angezeigt - evtl wäre es dadurch schon etwas besser, das im warenkorb bzw bestellabschlußseite das mit einzurichten/einzubinden edit: "neue bestellung erhalten" (ich glaube durch das mailalerts-modul)
  14. i have not completed tested looks ok are you sure ? - powered by ..... ( i think better @ copyright your company ...... ) - payment not the same options ( footer -> product page => i have not found a cms-page with payment details ) I do not know what conditions / laws are needed for Denmark with the EU legal module.
  15. @AndyC i dont know ift it helps for you. take a look here
  16. in terms of compatibility, I know from personal experience that it does not work 100%, since some things differ such as js files.
  17. then use only one tab, e.g. "Block Featured Products" All products should be in the category Start, then you can set it like that. In addition, you can add a link in the code so that all products are displayed.
  18. you mean this on homepage ? - bestseller, popular etc? tabs on startpage (home)? beststeller popular new products etc example positions
  19. for example i think you have you used the live edit and delete some options go to your bo->module->positions and add the modules for your homepage if the module is not at the list - it is delete or deactiveded - add the hooks new
  20. thanks but the ant-image is not rainbow - i have not found 😄 i think you have the homepage (start) and hooks (positions) completely changed
  21. have you delete this module? https://github.com/thirtybees/homefeatured
  22. @nickon i hope you know: transformer theme ist not full compatibel with tb from sunnytoo.com (@Jonny), only the panda theme
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