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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. This is the biggest downfall of TB .. There is only Panda or the default themes available as far as I know
  2. AndyC

    Paid Support?

    Are you able to download the error & decrypt under Advanced Parameters Logs at the bottom of the page.. Or is that the decrypted message
  3. Any thoughts on this ??? anyone , seems like a good idea
  4. Thanks,will look at those and get it done at some stage
  5. Thanks am going to have to just redo them all.. IS there a way to stop emails going out.. My main concern though is stars, I know a few but not all that were not 5
  6. what would I need to do to get them back again if I can get a hold of an old backup
  7. Hi Have just noticed I am missing all the stars from old order reviews. No idea how long it's been like this , just tried loading from github ,but no change
  8. AndyC


    I think I have asked this question before and never got an answer - So asking again When people say internal linking on a website site - example linking a product like www.linking.com Are things like accessories in products associations the same thing - as they are still pointing to another product from your website.
  9. Doesn't bother me would just like to see my best sellers since I started, so I know what's selling best and more importantly what is not. Zencart used to have this function and it was really helpful
  10. Hi I was wondering if there was a way to remove the date from the Best Sellers tab in admin, normally the center bit of your Admin . So in other words it will give me what are my best sellers since I started with TB. As at the moment I have to keep changing the date to see what i want and doesn't always work very well. Oh and also increase the amount from 50 to say 100 Not talking about Best sellers on a website,only in admin
  11. Thanks, have used consequences model ... I prefer not to medal with core code and much prefer adding code to custom code where I can,or use a module
  12. Also waiting for a solution.. Want to disable sending a email when entering a number
  13. Isn't it on there already, with Panda it is If you want to add a Barcode this is what I use ie <p id="product_ean13"{if empty($product->ean13) || !$product->ean13} style="display: none;"{/if}> <label>{l s='EAN: '} </label> <span {if !empty($product->ean13) && $product->ean13} content="{$product->ean13}"{/if}>{$product->ean13|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</span> {if $enable_google_rich_snippets}<meta itemprop="gtin13" content="{$product->ean13|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" />{/if}
  14. I'm using the No Captcha reCAPTCHA Module by thirty bees module. Since I started using it my spam is almost Zero
  15. Just means the page is loading to slowly, I think ... I had this all the time on my website till I upgraded to a better speed and the issue has never been back
  16. Hi Does anyone know of a module that can connect TB to facebook business page that works. Can't seem to find 1.. I have a download version , but would prefer the alternative way
  17. I do when I see something new.. I know it's been the same for a long time , but it does catch my eye when it changes to a new post. Also you cover yourself when people start flooding you with errors about it , you can then say well it was on your Dashboard news 🙂
  18. Glad I read this first, otherwise I wouldn't have known.. Should this not be put where everyone can see it ,like on the Dash board under "thirty bees News"
  19. Is there anyone here that could create a simple TB to spreadsheet that would be compatible for uploading to a auction site Much like Ebay & facebook pixelfeed modules. Or how do you go about getting 1 made thanks
  20. OK thanks, wont take that chance... Was just hoping to tidy it up a bit .. Thank you
  21. Hi. Here is the review left by someone.. Is there a way to remove/ hide the 2 blank images..As you can see the images are missing.. It' not a issue really ,just looks untidy
  22. Anyone ever get to the bottom of this... I tried to send a WMA to a customer ,but can't seem to work out how.. Refunds are fine it's getting the customer to see it on their account
  23. Hi ,Been meaning to ask for a while now.Is there a way to delete images that are no longer available... I see there is a Image file under Revw, but there are no incorrect images , only the ones that are already showing correctly
  24. AndyC

    Add New Carrier

    Thanks I did. I tried again and found out the issue It now seems you have to have a "Maximum package weight (kg)" All my others were set to Zero (0.00), As soon as I put a weight in I could then save, removed it again and I couldn't save
  25. AndyC

    Add New Carrier

    Hi Yes it is sort of greyed out .... or feint, would think it means something is wrong that needs correcting. I've tried to edit every detail to get it to work.. I've edited another 1 to suite all my needs for now, but would like to improve it
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