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When I google this question, I see people recommending Fontforge, but I have trouble saving a .woff2 file from it and hope there's an easier way. All I need to do is delete unwanted fontawsome icons, save as fontawsome-webfont.woff2, and upload back to /themes/niara/fonts/font-awesome/fontawsome-webfont.woff2 It's a bit accident-prone, even if the software were easy. I think I need magnifying glass, basket, phone, expand-X, Info, Print, and social media icons but am unlikely to get it right first time. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------added a month later : link to video instructions https://www.grantojanen.com/videos/pg/optimize-fonts.html has a video. Apparently I was saving or making my reduced font set in the wrong place - it's a bit unintuitive on fontforge. There's also the question of which icons are not used in my theme: there must be a way of downloading a copy and searching every template, but I just left-in anything to do with chevrons and ecommerce and social networks.
One guess: if you can get to the back office, go to preferences>general> enable SSL There might be an option to "enable SSL on all pages" to do too. I don't know why this solves the "too many redirects" error, but it does for me, using Thirtybees installed via Softaculous on a shared server with a free Cloudflare SSL certificate
Somebody did some work, trying to link UK postcodes to courier zones a few years ago. It is above my head but might help someone ...prestashop.com/forums/topic/105334-extension-uk-postal-zones-pack/ (I'm just a merchant commenting so this is a bit off-topic)
Just curious: was it one of the Zonat.SA brands and did they manage to fix it? I got a mangled Softaculous backups about the same time and they're working on it. - just now fixed by restoring all emails databases and files back four days
Rewritten.. inbound and outbound to remove the last of a product from all platforms. Re-listing could be done after a manual check. mapping of variables between platforms looks like the hard bit. I guess that the abiiity to write a product listing on a platform like Amazon an import all the variables into Thirtybees could be a way of doing it for some people. Afterthought 1 I found a free Prestashop module for exporting a product feed in a way Google understands, and my search rankings briefly went up, so I suppose this is useful and worth having built-in to the core software, whatever it is. Afterthought 2 about the UK This bunch... [https://www.gov.uk/guidance/e-exporting](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/e-exporting) ...keep a long list of the platforms I have not heard of, and claim to help merchants integrate. I don't know if anyone has had replies from them. Afterthought 3 - UK budget might pay for new software but I don't know what's real yet UK: company corporation tax - current reasons not to pay - https://www.gov.uk/corporation-tax-rates; Budget press release says "_Beginning April 2021, a new super-deduction will cut companies’ tax bill by 25p for every pound they invest in new equipment meaning they can reduce their taxable profits by 130% of the cost." which I don't understand. UK: helptogrow.campaign.gov.uk/. UK limited companies can pre-register for vouchers for 50% off software up to £500 Details not known, for example whether it's only for limited companies or what software qualifies. Sorry for a rambling post!
In a month or two I hope to have emagicone's https://www.prestashopmanager.com/order/ working. Anyone is welcome to ask questions when done. I'm just writing this as a note to myself: if it's on forum that I'll do it, I'd better do it! They support Prestashop 1.4 and 1.5, so I suppose they will continue to support Prestashop 1.6.1 / Thirtybees although they don't put that in writing. Support for Virtuemart has just ended and they smoothed the process by giving-away licences for free I think; they didn't just pull the plug and stop Virtuemart merchants trading. My $200 bundle included - ebay which I want to learn on - amazon which I hope to do next - mobile app to scan bar codes at the point of sale and to keep track, which I hope to use as it looks useful less useful to me, at least - ugly complex pdf catalogue could be better than nothing (Epson ecotank and premium-inks.com are good for this too; Prestalogik.ch did a module) - database stock views rather like the free parts of Prestoolsuite, so I haven't explored it. It's meant to help with import and export too. - Stamps.com integration if you are in the USA and want USPS labels. - Quickbooks integration if anyone wants to pay for something that can be had for free, and has "sunset" clauses once you have bought it and deliberate incompatibilities to keep you hooked - stiff, robotic, ugly videos and instructions in lots of languages that look like advertisements but might be useful as instructions too - a hard sell: download the free trial and get a discount the reduces by so-many dollars a day. I don't need the hassle - emails to ask if I have taught myself the system yet, which are not answered if I reply and seem to be a sales robot. Anyway this isn't very useful to anyone till I know it works, but as @30knees said, Amazon dominiates online shopping. Google and Bing only seem to let the top few search results compete with their own stuff and web sites that are a page or two down the charts sell very little. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2021/07/30 Still haven't learned it! ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2021/21/09 Still haven't learned it! It can map one or two products, but it can't find must of my products on ebay and the mapping doesn't seem accurate for quantities when I press "synchronise".
https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/3593-tip-default-one-page-checkout-shortened-from-the-back-office-css-panel/ The link is to a post in "tips and tricks", about using bo>preferences>custom code>css to shorten the default three page checkout by turning-off or covering-up requests for account-opening, gender, title, or birthday. It even turns the three pages into one long column, but for most people I guess it's more a source of ideas than instructions to follow completely. For those who just want modules and no tinkering , Greenmouse Studio do a cheap or free module called "show payment methods" which does just that to the default 3-page checkout, even before the customer has chosen a country. I'd steer clear of PS1.6 one page checkout modules, which cram everything into columns and leave vital questions hard to see on the bottom left of the screen.
Culprit found for fontawsome, at least for my shared server / cloudflare site... header.tpl starts with special work-arounds for the extinct Internet Explorer 7 & 8 which mention fontawsome. I cut them out. Now fontawsome is on my site! The next step is to delete all that is not needed from it, maybe everything but the magnifying glass, but that will take thought and time. @Traumflug "fonts.googleapis" isn't in the code so I suppose Cloudflare injects it, which I use for SSL so for now that has to stay. I did find something to disable but it made no difference - a font chooser in the Stripe module. (I duplicated my site in site in softaculous, unzipped a downloaded copy on Onedrive, and used the search box there before it said I was out of space and I deleted it all again). Thanks to all for help including Lesley for checking source code.
All cleared, development mode, but I've still missed something; something injects google fonts and maxcdn.boostrapcdn.com into the header, even though it's not in /header.tpl The good news is that download time has got better for unknown reasons Previous …css/font-awesome.min.css (maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com) 7.1 KiB 760 ms Current …css/font-awesome.min.css (maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com) 7.1 KiB 210 ms So I have a good result. Thanks all for help. The explanation will turn-up sooner or later.
@Traumflug dunnit! Google lighthouse still thinks fontawsome is hosted on... …css/font-awesome.min.css (maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com) 12.8 KiB 200 ms ...so maybe that's just something wierd about my setup. I use Cloudflare. Maybe it's something like that as there's nothing in /header.tpl to point requests there @Lesley thanks! I'll give it a try sooner or later
I want to make a speed test happy by hosting Raleway font or Fontawsome or both, and am working on recipes. Fontawsome looks harder to understand. I don't really understand how it's downloaded at all, although I can see the calls to individual icons in the templates. All I need from it is a good-looking magnifyng glass; I can find work-arounds for the other icons. And I want my speed test to be happy. This is the one I need help on. Raleway looks the easier candidate to start on from themes/niara/header.tpl <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway:400,500,600,700" rel="stylesheet"> leading to google's css which includes cyrillic and vietnamese fonts that I don't need, so just a reduction of that could be worth a try. I've copied their code (and the similar latin extension)... /* latin */ @font-face { font-family: 'Raleway'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; src: url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/raleway/v19/1Ptug8zYS_SKggPNyC0ITw.woff2) format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD; } ...into bo/preferences/custom code/css It seems to work. Also, if I could load from my server instead of googles' one it would make my speed test happy. I have had a go but not got the H1 big fonts working yet on a test site. There's an alert suggesting the fontspring bulletrpoof format . So this isn't such a problem as Fontawsome but comments and ideas are welcome. Any ideas for speeding-up the site by using less of Fontawsome or Google Fonts would be great, even if it is only to keep the speed test happy.
Has anyone seen a mistake-proof guide to hosting fontawsome on-site? I have downloaded a copy and put it in /themes/niara/fonts/font-awsome/ After that my experiments failed
@pedalman New owner is a Thirtybees merchant - Feature request thread from the new owner - I only know what's on the forum but it (and Merchants Edition) looks good
https://taeppeladen.dk/bees/migadan-lose-taepper works as well and is the url found on menu links and that usually shows on users' screens. So you are OK
I don't know but this is a symptom Using chrome on a laptop in UK... There wasa a gap under the one image. I did random things while trying to look at the code, and then the second image popped-into place. They're both small in kb and area, so I don't know why the result. Maybe the style is fussy about screen size and I made the viewing area narrower while trying to inspect the image. So I don't know.
Just some ideas that I and lots of people have put before... ask if I can try to explain. I don't know which of these Datakick is working-on anyway. 1 page and 3 page checkout. Because there are two questions in the checkout that effect the rest of the form so maybe 1 page is hard to do for some merchants. Not 5-page, because it is more clicks-to-buy; it should not be an option. Customer account: easy to turn-off, and turned-off by default Because it is more clicks-to-buy for the customer Customer info like gender, title, date of birth, 1st and 2nd phone... easy to turn-off, and turned off by default for same reason. Categories: more information about products on them by default. Maybe sizes. Because Seobilty tells me that several belts in the same category look like duplicate content to a search engine; it would rather index the lot in one go. I have trouble describing each belt to make it look different to a search engine. Attributes: styles should allow a block that is black when in stock and grey when out of stock for each size. Because some of my shoes are only available in one size and I don't want to tease the customers who are other sizes. The code would be a bit like the code for choosing size by radio button, maybe with some monospace font... I am not quite sure what I mean but push if you want me to become clearer. A block=size system to put on the category page would be good too if easy enough. Imagemagik - maybe some message to say whether it is enabled on the server. Because it's hard to find the server setting or on some servers you have to ask or it is not available Photos in odd shapes, with white margins round them: these should not have to be white. Because the same colour as the background is good, but it is hard to find the code to change. Some instructions for changing the theme would be enough. I don't understand the free imagemagik module which may have this built-in already. Imageslider module: off by default because ugly and more to download on mobiles. Installation buttons for "maximum modules" and "minimum modules" to would help users choose in-between. For mobile users, I suppose that minimum front-office modules could be best. Breadcrumb and H1 heading combined. An odd option that ought to be good but isn't? This is what I do on my site but not very well; I do not know how to tell search engines that the final breadcrumb should be H1, so I let the theme repeat it as H1, and anyway it has to be very short, so I don't really know what's best but it's an interesting idea I think. Order workflow. This is one of the last things to sort, and I don't know the answers, but a single order ticket that is easy to edit-down and shows in the merchants' email as well as the customers' email would be good. Thanks for the idea of a new theme or mobile theme and the offer
I read this and found my answer! Just for information, if anyone is looking for the same thing for example on Hosting.co.uk's cheapest server. It used to show Error 5.xx messages as above. Cpanel > SelectPHP > Options > Max Execution Time > 1000 then maybe reset to default if I remember. PS I don't know how to delete the first two screenshots here. The second two are the same with arrows.
I don't know, but since nobody else has answered maybe this is better than nothing. If you have an easy installer system, could you install a default Prestashop 1.7 or 1.6 or Thirtybees and try the module on that? Then get help from the module seller if it fails on the default? I guess that two sets of instructions on an .htaccess file is accident-prone, and to get the simplest set-up is good; maybe remove all your own code from .htaccess. If you have large product photos compared to others on the site, could that be the problem? I notice that your site (seen from the UK) sometimes shows the moving icon like a washing machine that means a script is working slowly. I don't know if that's a clue; maybe there is something in the server set-up that makes scripts slow, and the server people could tell you. If your module is hopeless, I had some luck with the one from Sunnytoo . It worked rather slowly, but got there in the end and didn't leave photo-not-found icons while working. I had to install the module and an over-ride, and then it just worked. Quality isn't great but that could be because I shrank the photos too much. I don't know if anyone knows the best webp module. Nice site, by the way. I hope this helps more than it hinders because I have no clue what the problem is!
I suppose any of us could help by posting code for bo>preferences>custom code to https://forum.thirtybees.com/forum/23-tips-and-tricks/ Easier than no help at all, if not easy. [PS I don't know why I wrote this as a reply to the button / font color idea rather than any other]
In case not tried already... Seobility.net keeps me occupied, used about once a week as the free scans can run-out. Also Gtmetrix.com. The Seobilty dashboard page has tabs for onpage, backlinks, and rankings. Suggestions for ranked pages are hard to find at the bottom right of that page, but worth a look if some of your pages already rank on page two. Backlinks aren't much listed on the free account, but if you use the site without an account from another browser the listing is better and you can check your own site and similar ones to see who links. Onpage tests never quite come-right for me but get gradually better. I often score badly for duplicate content but the similar test site ahrefs says I am OK so this isn't a precise measure. The ebbs and flows of popularity are as rapid as tides and should not cause panic. --------update 2021.09.24 Seobility reported high scores but no change in rankings, so I concentrated more on Ahrefs which is free, bit still no big result. I guess without evidence that search engines notice sales and interested visitors, and that I need a more popular product for it to rise in rank.
Feature request: speed - anything that follows from GTmetrix tests like https://gtmetrix.com/reports/front.thirtybees.com/T2A4gZmo/ I suggest: fewer photos on the demonstration version - maybe no slider by default loading of fonts from the server if they're unlikely to be in a browser cache, and... maybe someone else knows more. Probably Softaculous and Fantastico have demonstration sites for similar software where speeds can be compared. I mentioned image formats in another post. ------------------------edit 15.1.21 so unrelated to comments and reactions underneath I don't know if the google web font link ... https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway:400,500,600,700 ... loads Cyrillic and Vietnamese on sites that don't need them. If so, that might be as much of a problem as which server the font is loaded from
Textures: ability to size the icons and use them for product photos instead. This is possible already with DIY styling, but help on the backoffice control panel would be good. It could help merchants combine more products into one. @DKO I hope that integration with stock control programs could reduce requests for support and code maintenance; they'd go to the people who maintain the stock control software. -------------16.01.2021 on the same topic from 2+ years ago... oh: 30knees has put it here Maybe this module already exists. If not, I'd be happy to pay €100 towards it. I have odds and ends of sized goods like a slipper in some sizes and a different colour or style in another size. I want a to present them as a neat full-price product. I can call the differences attributes with a big texture icon, making it a theme change rather than a code change, but I have not made it neat and intuitive. I have not worked out how to make the availabe settings obvious or a default pre-selected. The customer has to guess that they choose a size and then a big icon. ---------------------edit 18.01.2021 My checkout is fine but for new users.... ...remove 5 page checkout default altogether; change to 3-page as the logic suggests three pages with a crucial question at the bottom of the first two, so the change would be small. [edit 26.01.2021] The ideal would be a one page checkout by default for new installations, with fewest clicks-to-buy. This is hard to explain to merchants and their customers if one part of the form changes depending on the bit before. So, a three-page checkout by default with a kind of questionnaire to check of merchants are ready for 1-page would be one other way around. Or a basic one page checkout option with less dependencies, but one page, as a default option. Another way to reduce clicks-to-buy is to make all the avoidable form details like gender, title, date of birth optional and turned-off by default. They might belong in a separate module for people who really need them, rather than in the main templates. search engine for Prestashop 1.6 modules or in stages - I could plonk my links list on the tips and tricks section straight away, if nobody minds the competition with the paid modules section of this site - a wiki would be ideal, as links come and go. It could be a free hosted wiki on another url - just as long as it's sometimes updated. I'm sure that lots of users have much the same links list of codecanyon and one or two others - a search box that only searches from links on the wiki. Again this could be a free self-hosted one like google or such. I don't know how to do this off hand but maybe somebody else does.
Theme: a monospaced font for attributes, so I can write "39.3____6____" as a shoe size and have the one below in a neat column. I already do this but it took time to learn. Nanum Gothic Coding allows thirds and two-thirds signs as a single-spaced character, so it would be a good choice. Stock Sync: online markets There's a module to start integrating with ebay for €200 and amazon for another €200 again. That's if I do the work of trying to map my own data to something that suits ebay or amazon; the module just does the software link. It would be good to have a free module that does most of the work for lots of platforms like the ones on great.gov.uk/selling-online-overseas rather than charge for each one. (same point in another post). Stock Sync: wholesalers I don't know much about this but a way to have some stock back-order-able from a wholesaler, and update this every day or two with a scrape of the wholesalers' web site would be good if they have no better system. I expect that some or all of this would be a paid module, but worth writing-down here anyway. Stock Sync: advanced stock management and multistore This is a bit over-my-head as a small retailer, but I would like to have - a wholesale price and stock list for some items, and maybe - a different domain name and site for just my own brand. I turned-on multistore but found that Categories immediately dissapeared from my front page, so I need instructions to use the software that exists already. I'd also like easy integration with other software that's good at doing stock control; I don't need everything to be built-in to Thirtybees. Odoo and ERPnext are names that have cropped-up but I don't really know what I'm talking about.😀
Image Regeneration to incease speed. On cheap shared servers it conks-out, but there are modules that can do it somehow on the same server. I guess there are modules that can reduce all images to some pre-set size before processing too. So regenerate images - the same way that the best modules do, that works on a shared server, possibly... - Webp included and any other new image formats perhaps - including a stage to reduce all images to a sensible size (40kb by default perhaps) - and save that as a master copy on the server for each new regeneration This is a speed-of-loading issue, and a workflow issue as well. I reduce the size of images before upload, but it would be quicker if I didn't have to. Once they're on the server, they're in nested directories which are awkward to batch-process if I dowload the pictures again. And if I keep regenerating on the server, some of pictures get fuzzy over time. One solution would be a piece of software that I could download, just to prepare thirtybees photos with imagemagik, but a solution on the server would be simplest for me. [paragraph updated 29.01.2021] It turns out that my cheap hosting.co.uk server can do a batch conversion of images typically 30-40 kb at largest, if I find the right control panel setting to allow it. Maybe this is just an issue with the instructions which is sort-of answered by the forum. forum.thirtybees.com/topic/3889-regenerating-images-5xx-error/ Customer accounts - turn them off easily to reduce customer distractions and clicks-to-buy - without having to hack the code as now - with subtleties, perhaps, for shopkeepers who want to allow accounts, but well-hidden for the odd regular customer, or the odd customer that has an account already or gets one by mistake PS like this suggestion further down the thread