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Ivory member
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Everything posted by veganline

  1. Does anyone know how to test a database for extra columns or anything non-standard? eMagicOne tell me that failure of ebay sync is usually related to non-standard databases. (I read that I had an extra column called "Active" in mine somewhere, but forget where I read it and can't see it on phpmyadmin - not that I know much about databases)
  2. Thanks very much! It looks as though the professional version is charged per month, rather than one-off like the abandoned startup version. I may be wrong.
  3. Do you know how I can find out more about it? Like a special version for PS 1.6? I tried the most recent zipfile but got an error message about an undefined constant. I'm on TB 1.4 php 8.
  4. @Beeta About whether I got the module working. Never with PHP 7.4 and TB 1.3 or 1.4.. Then it lost all signs of life with PHP version 8. It was the €199 Starter Integration module version 1.8.8 which they now list as "out of stock". Their web site lists updates ending at version 1.8.1 and just an import version available now. Mine could import ebay sales to the back office with a note on each saying something like "no matching prestashop product", so maybe I was close for import. I never saw it export to ebay. And there was some kind of formatting error message that cropped-up at every click: prestabay/views/templates/admin/involic/widget/grid.tpl I'm interested to know if it ever works on PHP version 1.74 and might even revert to give it a go. I also have the EmagicOne module which is meant to have an add-on for ebay, but I have never managed to make that one work either. The main EmagicOne module ramains on the list after changing to PHP8 bit I haven't tried to use it at all. It does look as though 30knees on the forum uses their Amazon link. I'm going to have a look at ebay2 as well
  5. Fiddling with php extensions worked! For anyone with the same error message on Hosting.co.uk ... Cpanel > PHP version > 8 > press "apply" > ☐ nd_pdo_mysql should be ticked for Thirtybees to work. Probably press "apply" after that as well. Default settings on Cpanel have it ticked, but Hosting.co.uk have it un-ticked until you risk pressing "default settings" or just tick the one box. If it's relevant, I think they use Innodb databases but I don't need to understand that. After that, the back office started working and it only took a module delete to get the front office working. ------------------------------- next day On Hosting.co.uk the site went down again with control panel messages about excessive newrelic messages. I ticked the php box for "newrelic" and the site started working again! This isn't a default setting. A few days later I looked on my Prestoolsuite page which suggested OPcache as "recommended", so now that's ticked too. -------------------------------- 2 days later I had missed a fault, now solved. The site worked at the back but the front still showed error messages instead of most product pages. Backoffice > advanced > performance > Disable non Thirtybees Modules did the trick with temporary help from "force recompile" on the same page. There's still the question of whether any non-Thbirtybees modules can run on PHP 8 -------------------------------- 3 days later My own hacks on Thirtybees modules and templates were the problem. I restored standard versions from Github and re-hacked.
  6. I don't have an answer, just a related question over on
  7. I used core updater to update to php 8. Unfortunately the site turned into error messages and cannot be pulled back without a bit more knowledge than I have. Undefined constant PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY is the heading, in file classes/db/DbPDO.php at line 76 it says on the screen where I hoped to see my site or my back office after trying to update to php 8. Line 76 goes like this - something above my head: 73: return new PDO($dsn, $user, $password, [ 74: PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT, 75: PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT => $timeout, 76: PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY => true, 77: PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES => true, This would not matter so much if I had a backup, or could revert to php 7.4 , which seems the easiest route out. Maybe there are other easy routes out. So I change the server back to php 7.4 and get Fatal error: Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 8.0.0". You are running 7.4.33. in /home/veganlin/public_html/vendor/composer/platform_check.php on line 24 Does anyone know how to teach my software to go back to php 7.4 using only changes to source code? Or other easy routes out? john
  8. I have the same problem with Stripe. Will try updating the module. Also, I'm not sure if a more clunky version of Stripe that uses its own order form would be a safer bet. I might give it a try if I can remember how. So far as I can guess from the Stripe, a pre-payment was approved but the customers' 3D secure payment wasn't. So the customer had another go and managed to pay, but Stripe kept the same transaction ID and popped-up a message (in the log, at least) "You cannot confirm this PaymentIntent because it has already succeeded after being previously confirmed.". PPS: just background info.... Here in the UK, cards fail all the time online. In my case a visa cash-back credit card. They fail once to get a password or a one time passcode, and from then-on they fail every time until re-set. Confusingly, they still work when touched on card readers. So this could be part of the problem. I have tried changing the error message that says an order has not gone-though when it has, and I am getting better at piecing-together any saved information, but I have not solved the problem I am using Thiirtybees 1.4 and "Stripe v1.7.1 - by thirty bees (needs updating)". I have a minimal installation embedded in the order page. There is an experiment with mullti-store, turned off for Stripe. I would update to the next Thirtybees but it takes some work on theme hacks. This Stripe's log of an order that did get charged by Stripe, after at least one previous go, but did not get passed-back to the shopping cart. The customer was on Android. I can't find a record on Clarity.Microsoft.com so I guess cookies were turned-off { "error": { "code": "payment_intent_unexpected_state", "doc_url": "https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes/payment-intent-unexpected-state", "message": "You cannot confirm this PaymentIntent because it has already succeeded after being previously confirmed.", "payment_intent": { "id": "...", "object": "payment_intent", "allowed_source_types": [ "card" ], "amount": 2985, "amount_details": { "tip": { } }, "automatic_payment_methods": null, "canceled_at": null, "cancellation_reason": null, "capture_method": "automatic", "client_secret": "...", "confirmation_method": "automatic", "created": 1678992683, "currency": "gbp", "description": null, "last_payment_error": null, "livemode": true, "next_action": null, "next_source_action": null, "payment_method": "pm_1MmMN1GngIXhdSwBLixq6hO4", "payment_method_types": [ "card" ], "processing": null, "receipt_email": null, "return_url": null, "setup_future_usage": null, "shipping": null, "source": null, "status": "succeeded" }, "request_log_url": "https://dashboard.stripe.com/logs/req_2QY0dPKst2hpbX?t=1678994811", "type": "invalid_request_error" } }
  9. Hi @30knees - I have not managed to update to the latest tb. I need to un-do all my theme hacks and re-do them in the new version. I do not use Storemanager much after buying it just for their ebay add-on, which, I discover, nearly works but the free support ran-out before I got it to work completely. There is an android app from the same firm which used to work for some smartphone notifications and info - nothing vital - but I have forgotten how to make it work if it still does work - best john ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Store manager state of play: it imports ebay orders as far as the back office but each one has an error message saying something like "no corresponding prestashop product" That's really all it does for me and ebay. A problem is that it takes a while to find the odd-on to the add-on that is ebay integration, and by the time I did that, paid support ran-out.
  10. I've tried an answer from a similar shopping cart's forum, headed "Order validation error SnapChatScore By SnapChatScore , February 26, 2020 in General topics". It ends "This has been fixed by disabling invoice creating via shop parameters > order settings > statuses". I don't use any of the customer account system, so anything that can be turned-off there is one less thing to go wrong. Hope it works. Another partial solution: translating Payment Error: an error occured Failed to validate order ...to something more helpful like "please email [email protected] and let us know your postal address. Sometimes customers on Stripe Payments can't return to the shopping cart properly for reasons we don't understand, but we can still have your order information and probably payment" The problem is that I can't find the error message among translations of error messages. Maybe it will turn-up.
  11. @Ten Ting I think open source is fantastic ... I also think that it takes a lot of effort to maintain and enhance and if it's not a full time paid position then people will work if/when they can which may lead to the software not being updated as often as it maybe should. I don't know the setup for 30 Bees and if developers are paid or not. I shopped-around in the late teens, so I might be out of date. At the time, I found software un-supported by developers (Ubercart, some of the Wordpress plugins) or funded by investors who paid for contract staff and office space (Drupal Commerce, Prestashop). When the investors' money ran-out, rent and wages still had to be paid so development nearly stopped, and hype, upselling, and paid-for essentials became the priority. Also, the staff teams aimed at other staff teams: people who had a boss to pay for new modules and updated versions and more server space. Magento is aimed this way too. Thirtybees was the first software I found with a more down-to earth approach. The developer reported bug fixes until there were none left, and then more came-along, so more were fixed. Just today there's been a more flexible kit product option introduced and another post on this forum asks for feedback. Sometimes people help in the forum. The developer is paid by a user, not an investor. Vital modules are free for a lot of applications; you're not forced to pay for Stripe checkout or for a postage module. Compared to Prestashop 1.7, there are loads of free modules. Softaculous and either Fantastico or Installatron list the software, so new people will try it out and keep it going I hope. Thirtybees works for free, and for one or two customers at a time it works on very cheap servers, so your business can shrink and dwindle to a hobby and even be in administration and the web site will still be affordable. The same goes for start-ups and growing businesses that want to reduce borrowing and risk during their meteoric growth, in case it is not so meteoric. For voluntary help: https://thirtybees.com/contribute/ways-to-help-thirty-bees If you have more customers.... Paid support: https://store.thirtybees.com/support Subscription with priority support at the higher rates: https://forum.thirtybees.com/support-thirty-bees/ Modules and themes discovered, usually paid-for https://blog.haylau-4-thirtybees.co.uk/ There are also paid options for transferring from other software like Prestashop 1.6 to Thirtybeees, which are in the modules section of the site. https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/administration/migrationpro-migrate-from-prestashop-to-thirty-bees-migration-tool Maybe other open source shop software has caught-up by now, but if you are with Prestashop 1.6 already this must be worth try. John
  12. Just looking for some things to answer for a beginner. A good start is to try uninstalling every module and re-installing to get an idea of what they do. Using the search box for likely controls is useful too, as they're sometimes hard to find. > if I need to change things and build a website to my liking with i.e. wordpress or softpad - does thirtybees have anything like this? Thirtybees has a range of colour combinations by default at (I think) backoffice > modules > themeconfigurator > display live configurator | yes > view> Is it possible to make use of [ ... ] to design the website and then integrate it to thirty bees? There's already TINY MCE html editor built-in to the product description forms, or you could paste-in html from another editor like https://onlinehtmleditor.dev/ . The <> button reveals a source code page where you can paste whatever you want, but you'll need to change backoffice > preferences > general settings if you want to insert iframes or remove "html purifier" which might otherwise take-out anything other than pure html. > Is it possible to make use of wordpress... BountyHunter Toys on the forum use wordpress with a Thirtybees plugin but it's hard to get replies on a Wordpress or Thirtybees forum when people aren't sure which is the problem, so safest to keep to one or the other. > If not? What options do I have other than becoming a full fledged web developer? When you've exhausted what the back office can do, you can still tweak code with a relatively shallower learning curve than a full-fledged developer course. css If you right click on part of your site in a browser, it will probably have an "inspect" option to show an overwhelming number of ways to find the relevant css and html for that part of the site. If you think you can copy the css for the bit you want not to display, or change, you can copy it to backoffice > preferences > custom code > css and add {display:none} after it, or css to change it. If you have space for a test installation, all the better. >write a css file from the ground up? This is easier to learn than writing a css file from the ground up. It can be picked-up over time without having to go on a course . W3 schools is a free site with bite-size explanations of different bits of css. https://forum.thirtybees.com/forum/23-tips-and-tricks/ shows some examples, such as how to not show the date of birth request or how to shorten the order form. template files A similar skill is identifying the smarty template file - which is a bit like an html file - for some crucial bit of the site you want to tweak, and learning just the bit to delete or move. They are like html with extra smarty code attached. If you know a bit of html and stare at them long enough, you can probably guess which bit you want to delete or tweak. It's possible to choose differently-edited templates for different products, and to store edited templates in a place where they're still used after you update the site. I don't think I can explain neatly, but there are scraps of instructions and forum threads that explain most of it. Instructions for Thirtybees' predecessor, Prestashop 1.6.1, broadly apply to Thirtybees. >you spend 20$ a month plus 40$ on plugins and then another 100$ There are odd forum threads about really essential modules. Modules for connecting to ebay and the like come-up, and for customization, but otherwise you can get a long way with free ones and some tweaking. Also, if a new site isn't going to get many customers at once for years, there are forum threads about the cheapest hosting. I use Hosting.co.uk and Cloudflare, but it was hassle to get the free cloudflare SSL working so there are probably better cheap options. >I've been at this for 4 months now.... Only four months? It took me ages to give-up on Ubercart, Drupal Commerce, Wordpress, Prestashop. I think this kind of software is getting better now, though, and Thirtybees does have a lot more free modules. Stripe payments module, for example, and Prestools.com Good luck Hope you get going ------------- 12.5..22 I didn't see the other post about wordpress modules to show Prestashop / Thirtybees products:
  13. I was looking for something a bit like this but did not have the time / talent to do it. My idea was a site-specific search engine searching links from https://trends.builtwith.com/shop/thirty-bees or https://trends.builtwith.com/websitelist/thirty-bees , excluding links on those pages to similar software. A shopkeeper who uses Thirtybees to sell something could search other Thirtybees sites in case there's one selling the same thing, and check how that other sites tries to solve the same problems whether by buying modules or tweaking the code or whatever. Programs like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenu's_Link_Sleuth are good for getting a list of links from a page so that they can be edited before adding to a custom search engine. It's a long time since I last did this, but I remember that https://www.freefind.com/ and now Bing and Google allow site search for anyone with the patience to set it up. Well I have fizzled-out; this is not really a great idea but just a suggestion that somebody else might do something - or not.
  14. Hi (1) How to make the images under the main image select a product: I don't know. Maybe it's best to cover them up with a bit of css to avoid confusion. In Niara theme - back office > preferences > custom code > css > #thumbs_list {display:none;} Maybe there's a better way that only removes the thumbnails on some pages, but this is a start. (2) How to make your "color selector" show images instead of a drop-down menu: back office > catalog > attributes > color > edit > attribute type > color or texture back office > catalog > attributes > color > grey carpet > Texture: -upload an image of grey carpet there. back office > cataog > products > carpet > images > - upload an image of grey carpet again here, and all the other colours you sell... ...and a generic picture - maybe a black and white outline back office > catalog > products > carpet > images > cover photo > tick this box next to the generic picture, that will disappear when someone chooses a color back office > cataog > products > carpet > combinations > grey > image > tick the circle next to the grey picture from the ones uploaded. This won't work if another photo shows as the cover photo. I may have got this slightly wrong but hope it helps. It looks from your picture as though you have got most of it already. For me, the idea of a cover photo was the fiddly bit.
  15. Suggestion: a way to add meta data to features. I use predefined features for no strong reason, and then a bit of a hack to repeat one or two of them with title tags round them to say things like "Google Product Catagory" or "Size System", just to drop a hint to search engines. I try to upload the data direct to google shopping as well.
  16. BackOffice > preferences > offer recycled packaging > no That leaves it unsaid; the normal text goes as well, but maybe you could translate something else on the page or add a message somewhere else on the site. A simpler checkout could be better.
  17. Does anyone know the first steps towards writing a template and style sheet that show two columns on most smartphones? Does anyone know how to reverse-engineer the current Niara offering on smartphones, and see where each bit comes from? In Chrome, I can view the source or inspect for style sheet code on larger-sized screens, but neither works on smartphone-sized screens. I've found that Opera browser inspects at narrow screen sizes
  18. I don't know the answer, but it is worth looking in the admin directory of the new site, using Cpanel, for files saved by the updater. Earlier versions of the updater saved as a file called something like admin/CoreUpdaterBackup-2020-06-03--10-13-48 The latest versions save as a directory called something like admin/backups/coreupdater/20220224144914 Some of the stuff in my directory was just saved error logs. Other stuff was changes I made to the theme, pre-update, but not written as over-ride files. If there is anything you want to re-use like something in the theme file, in Cpanel you can click on its long file name like admin/backups/coreupdater/20211011134813/themes/yourtheme/product.tpl and copy it to themes/yourtheme where it will replace the standard product.tpl file. Other stuff, I hope, does not matter. You might see a copy of your github patches in there. error_log in the root directory of the site is worth a look. Lastly, if you ever want a quick test website without your old content, you've quite likely seen that Installatron and Softaculous on the Cpanel can both install Thirtybees very quickly. Fantastico didn't have it at the last look. If your host uses Installatron or Softaculous this is good news. If your host uses Fantastico, you could suggest the addition to Fantastico.
  19. #opc_payment_methods {display:block !important;} ... might do it. I used to use that CSS but found that Stripe seemed to show anyway. With Stripe I have another line .auth_wrapper {display: none;}/ for one of their form options that added complication.
  20. I may be wrong but Cake Big, Cake Medium, Cake Small. Cake Chocolate, Cake Plain. Those are combinations Cake ingredients are different. You can use the "features" system to list them all as a "data sheet". You'd translate that or change the wording somehow. You don't want to anticipate lots of ingredients. It's easier just to call them all "ingredients" with multiple feature values
  21. I've had some unpaid help from the developer who fixed the Stripe module or Thirtybees code round it. He did some detective work on Thirtybees code and fixed something obscure from way-back. It works as it should for basic UK pound transactions. (I do test the limits a bit by ignoring all known laws about cookie warnings. In response, I guess that the odd customer's settings don't accept the cookie that returns from Stripe, after payment, to the shopping cart, so they don't know that they've paid and I have to extract data from abandoned carts and stripe to reassure them and know where to post the order. It hasn't happened for a month or two so maybe I can get away with it and it won't happen again.) I know that some people are willing to pay so-much-a-month to the likes of Shopify just to get this kind of detail out of their job description and reduce risk. Last time I looked, there was a guarantee of technical help within so-many hours for people who donate so-much a month to Thirtybees, but I can't remember where I saw it or how much a month. Customer 1 at Fawlty Towers: "This must be the worst hotel in the country" Customer 2 "Oh no. There's one in Eastbourne.." When I check Google search console, I can avoid any penalties for bad coding on the mobile version of the site, and I get orders from people on smartphones. I use the free default Niara theme with a lot of hacking. A huge amount can be done with css in backoffice > preferences > custom code. I hope Prestashop has this as well now, but it didn't when I last looked a few years ago. My site has a lot of navigation stuff at the top of each mobile page, but that's mainly the way I've hacked the theme about; I don't know if other themes and other types of shopping cart are much better or worse. For experiments, Thirtybees is on Softaculous and Installatron, so your host might allow you very quick automated installations. Last time I looked it was not in Fantastico but I hope they include it some time. I bought Prestashop Manager from emagicone which has a free smartphone app and am happy to sell the licence half-price if transferrable. The software tries to help with import and export to spreadsheets too. It works on thirtybees so I suppose most of the other apps on Google Play designed for Prestashop work on Thirtybees, including free ones. Oh and https://www.prestools.com/ - Prestools Suite works on Thirtybees. The author sometimes posts of the forum about keeping it compatible. Prestools does not have a smartphone app but does allow several bulk operations in the free version and one or two extra tweaks with paid modules. I'm not technical enough to answer most of your points but just happened to see them and wanted to wish you luck whatever you do.
  22. Hope that's sorted 2 months later. Ticking the "cover image" box next to one of the photos helps as well. I've just discovered this after having the same problem backoffice > catalog > productname > images > "cover" column ticked next to one image
  23. Yes I'm using Involic Prestabay, from today and hope it will work. I found these videos online. PrestaBay - PrestaShop eBay Integration. Manual. Assign new eBay Account 5.2K views10 years ago PrestaBay - PrestaShop eBay Integration. Manual. Create Selling List 4.9K views10 years ago 0:56NOW PLAYING PrestaBay — eBay to PrestaShop Import 2.2K views5 years ago 0:44NOW PLAYING Update Marketplace Information for PrestaShop ebay Integration PrestaBay 124 views5 years ago 1:34NOW PLAYING PrestaShop eBay Integration — PrestaBay Variations 195 views4 years ago 3:07NOW PLAYING PrestaBay — PrestaShop eBay Integration — Flash Actions 3.2K views4 years ago 1:08NOW PLAYING --------------------------------------------------------------------23/02/22 I'm still working out how to make it work and what it does, but I can see that it works for other people https://docs.salest.io/collection/4-prestashop-ebay - instructions by the look of them; contents list on the left. This is now where they do technical support, if you remember to use it within the three month deadline or extend for €179 or whatever it is. ---------------------------------------------------------------------20/05/22 I had missed something in the instructions about how to make ebay sales update Thirtybees stock. This is how the help desk explain it.
  24. Storemanager works for me (as does Prestools) but my reason for paying money was Prestools / Emagicone Ebay Integration This addon didn't work for me from 2021-2022 so I asked their helpdesk and on their forum. I wish I knew how to encourage them to test their system on Thirtybees, which they don't. The other problem is that they are cheap. Well, that's not a problem but it means that their replies have to be short and you have to pay for updates if eBay changes: The Store Manager can handle extensions that do not influence the database integrity (database structure). Store Manager is intended to manage only default databases and it may be not compatible with any extensions, customizations, or any other integrations of third party companies.We did not test the compatibility of Store Manager with Thirty Bees. We work only with default Prestashop. Although I saw on some forums that people use SM for ThirtyBees, but as far as we did not test it I can not guarantee proper work and compatibility.What about eBay, updating your eBay Integration to v. is a necessity as starting April 20, 2022, eBay will only support Taxonomy API. https://developer.ebay.com/docs/api-deprecation So the issue may be bounded to it. Please update your Store Manager along with eBay. https://www.prestashopmanager.com/prestashop-services-on-demand/update-services/
  25. I have eMagicone. It's cheap and works for other people, but I have not learned to make it work for me. I don't yet use Involic. Is there a thread for eMagicone? Or could there be? I am probably missing something about what it's good for, and what's more tricky to achieve with it. ---13.02.2022 My hunch is that Prestashop Manager from eMagicone mainly works, but the ebay integration module for it is a bit of an afterthought and has some un-fixed glitch, so nobody uses it for Thirtybees. Can anyone prove me wrong with a working instance? --- Their support desk tells me that the problem is usually a non-standard database but that the version I bought was due to stop working in a year or so anyway.
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