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[Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews


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Hi First of all thank you for offering a great plugin, you are very generous.

1) How to change the color of review form i.e in magenta, to adapt according to theme. Could not find to change within the Css. 2) In product list review displayed upon hover other wise hidden. How to do that. 3) Can you add a feature in review display tab for customer who have made a purchase as "Verified Buyer" below name. (It is going to make review more trustworthy). A small feature but very powerful. 4) I see in setting tap Review request. did not understand what it does. Does that send review request mail to the customer. If it is so, this module is a gem. If not please consider adding.

Thanks in advance.

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@slick_303 said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews:

@datakick Is there a way to change the css look of the js popups? You know, those grayish/rose colored guys...

the js app depends on this library that uses jss instead of css. So it's not possible to extract css, but we can set palette for the components. I plan to add this option to settings page. I think normal users will prefer to set colors in UI instead of via css. It's definitely not a best way for power users, but they have an option to rebuild js app with their own settings if they wish.

@luv said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews:

2) In product list review displayed upon hover other wise hidden. How to do that.

You can copy css file /modules/revws/views/css/front.css to /themes/<THEME>/css/modules/revws/revws.css and modify it as you see fit. For example you can try to add this to the end:

``` .revws-product-list { transition: opacity 200ms ease; opacity: 0; }

.product-container:hover .revws-product-list { opacity: 1; } ```

3) Can you add a feature in review display tab for customer who have made a purchase as "Verified Buyer" below name. (It is going to make review more trustworthy). A small feature but very powerful.

Sure, nice idea.

4) I see in setting tap Review request. did not understand what it does. Does that send review request mail to the customer. If it is so, this module is a gem. If not please consider adding.

Sorry, not a gem yet :) When logged-in customer goes to My Reviews in My Account, he will be asked to review recently purchased products. This option only limits max number of displayed products.

Revws module will never contain ask by email functionality. But I'm (slowly) developing another module for this.


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@datakick said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews:

the js app depends on this library that uses jss instead of css. So it's not possible to extract css, but we can set palette for the components. I plan to add this option to settings page. I think normal users will prefer to set colors in UI instead of via css. It's definitely not a best way for power users, but they have an option to rebuild js app with their own settings if they wish.

Sounds good to me, thanks

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I'm trying to modify my dashactivity module to find and count the number of Unapproved Reviews, can you tell why this isn't working?... $productReviews = 0; if (Module::isInstalled('revws')) { try { $productReviews += Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue( (new DbQuery()) ->select('COUNT(*)') ->from('revws_review') ->where('deleted` = 0') ->where('validated` = 0') ->where('`date_add` BETWEEN "'.pSQL($params['date_from']).'" AND "'.pSQL($params['date_to']).'" '.Shop::addSqlRestriction(Shop::SHARE_ORDER)) ); } catch (PrestaShopException $e) { } }

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@slick_303 you didn't properly escape deleted and validated fields. Use this sql:

(new DbQuery()) ->select('COUNT(*)') ->from('revws_review') ->where('`deleted` = 0') ->where('`validated` = 0') ->where('`date_add` BETWEEN "'.pSQL($params['date_from']).'" AND "'.pSQL($params['date_to']).'" ')

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Now how about the link to it in tpl file that displays it? This brings be to it's settings, I want to bring it to it's Unapproved Reviews (moderations) area. Sorry you have to hold my hand here..... {if Module::isInstalled('revws')} <li> <span class="data_label"><a href="{$link->getAdminLink('AdminModules')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}&amp;configure=revws&amp;tab_module=moderation&amp;module_name=revws">{l s='Product Reviews' mod='dashactivity'}</a></span> <span class="data_value size_l"> <span id="product_reviews"></span> </span> </li> {/if}

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Ok, so the first time I go into a product that has a review, and click on the stars, or read reviews link (the one after Rating:) I get the 'This comb does not exist box'. If I refresh the page, it works after that. It's only when you first view the product and then click the link. I just looked at your test fronend, and it happens there too. 0_1518232363464_Capture.PNG

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@wakabayashi hmmm, productcomments module doesn't save emails for reviews created by guests, so when I import these reviews I don't have anything to store to email field. That will later cause this problem.

I'll come with some solution. Meanwhile, you can edit file sql/migrate-productcomments.sql and replace

COALESCE(`cust`.`email`, '')


COALESCE(`cust`.`email`, 'my-email-address@gmail.com')

And then reimport product comments reviews. This will associate guest reviews with 'my-email-address@gmail.com'. Replace this email with your own, or use some throwaway

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@luv said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews:

Hi First of all thank you for offering a great plugin, you are very generous. 1) How to change the color of review form i.e in magenta, to adapt according to theme. Could not find to change within the Css. 2) In product list review displayed upon hover other wise hidden. How to do that. 3) Can you add a feature in review display tab for customer who have made a purchase as "Verified Buyer" below name. (It is going to make review more trustworthy). A small feature but very powerful. 4) I see in setting tap Review request. did not understand what it does. Does that send review request mail to the customer. If it is so, this module is a gem. If not please consider adding.

Thanks in advance.


Thank for your solution.

To show review on hover in product list. below is what I did.

.product-container .revws-product-list { display: none; } .product-container:hover .revws-product-list { display: block; }

As your solution did work well but other variables below was not able to regain the place of review spot.

So a bit of turnaround did the job.

Option to setup color preference any way is a better idea.

Looking forward for Verified Buyer feature to be introduced.

It is indeed a great module, not only because of functionality it has, but also because of effort you have made and offering it to the community for free.

How to show unapproved reviews in the main bashboard?


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@luv said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews:

How to show unapproved reviews in the main bashboard?

Ok, this is what you do, which involves editing the core dashactivity module, which means if they ever do an update to this module, you'll loose this hack.

Edit /modules/dashactivity/dashactivity.php. Replace this.. ``` if (Module::isInstalled('productcomments')) { try { $productReviews += Db::getInstance(PSUSESQLSLAVE)->getValue( (new DbQuery()) ->select('COUNT(*)') ->from('productcomment', 'pc') ->leftJoin('product', 'p', 'pc.id_product = p.id_product '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p')) ->where('pc.deleted = 0') ->where('pc.date_add BETWEEN "'.pSQL($params['datefrom']).'" AND "'.pSQL($params['dateto']).'" '.Shop::addSqlRestriction(Shop::SHARE_ORDER)) ); } catch (PrestaShopException $e) { } }

with this.. if (Module::isInstalled('revws')) { try { $productReviews += Db::getInstance(PSUSESQLSLAVE)->getValue( (new DbQuery()) ->select('COUNT(*)') ->from('revwsreview') ->where('deleted = 0') ->where('validated = 0') ); } catch (PrestaShopException $e) { } }

Now edit /modules/dashactivity/views/templates/hook/dashboard_zone_one.tpl, and replace this.. {if Module::isInstalled('productcomments')}

  • {l s='Product Reviews' mod='dashactivity'}
  • {/if}

    with this.. {if Module::isInstalled('revws')}

  • {l s='Product Reviews' mod='dashactivity'}
  • {/if}

    ``` Might wanna clear your sites cache after, and do a refresh in your browser of your BO main page.

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    Thanks @slick_303 for sharing this. I think that date condition shouldn't be there at all, though. Number of unapproved reviews is a snapshot metric. We can't really create a sql to determine how many unapproved reviews were at any given time (or time interval). It doesn't make sense to filter on review date here. Different situation would be if we were interested in number of newly created reviews. That we can measure for any time interval.

    This date condition will filter out unapproved reviews that are older than from date. So the metric can say there are 1 unapproved review, but in fact when you click on the link you can see more. The same applies for original code for productcomments reviews.

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    @datakick thanks for the input, I'll leave it at.. if (Module::isInstalled('revws')) { try { $productReviews += Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue( (new DbQuery()) ->select('COUNT(*)') ->from('revws_review') ->where('`deleted` = 0') ->where('`validated` = 0') ); } catch (PrestaShopException $e) { } }

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    @slick_303 said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews:

    Ok, so the first time I go into a product that has a review, and click on the stars, or read reviews link (the one after Rating:) I get the 'This comb does not exist box'. If I refresh the page, it works after that. It's only when you first view the product and then click the link. I just looked at your test fronend, and it happens there too.

    @datakick thanx for the prompt resolution of this matter, as always, you da man!

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    The review tab shows, even when there are no reviews, with the button to create a review, even when visitors cant write a review.

    The top shows that the customer cant write a review with the message, ‘No customer reviews for the moment’ (because there no review for this product, and the customer isn’t logged in) but the review tab is showing, and the button is showing and working like they can.

    It would be nice that if a product didn't have a review, and you were not allowed to write one, that the review tab and button would not even show. 0_1518326577710_Capture.PNG

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    @slick_303 said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews:

    It would be nice that if a product didn't have a review, and you were not allowed to write one, that the review tab and button would not even show.

    Done, will be released in upcoming version.

    I've added new settings option that is available only when you disable guest reviews. You can now choose one of the three behaviors:

    • show empty reviews tab -- this is current behavior. Review tab will be rendered with No customer reviews for the moment message
    • hide reviews tab completely -- this is what you've requested. All references to reviews will be removed from product page
    • show sign in button - I vaguely remember that someone requested this one. If there are no reviews yet then we will render Sign in to write a review button.


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