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Landing pages


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Hallo their.

Is their anyway, or do you know a cms system/module that we can add to our page to make a landing page for some of our products.

We like to make a better page for like a product where we have 2000 other products that are the same. So we need to be able to make some kind of landing page for this products.

What do you others do. ?

So what i need is :

  • A CMS system that allow me to add products where i want them.

  • Simple to move around

  • Drag and drop function to move and edit the elements.

I have been looking on this https://addons.prestashop.com/en/page-customization/19835-advanced-cms-contenmaker-for-landing-pages.html But it don't look to be able to do that. (the demo is full of bugs) so not every comforting.

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I have bought the module above. It wasn't long in use. I was never comfortable with it. But I agree it's an issue to make easy and nice looking landing pages. Since I know php, html and css I can handle it. From the backoffice you would need to go with the cms pages. Maybe a shortcode nodule could help you...

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@snowycat said in Landing pages:

Hi @Cassim , https://codecanyon.net/item/visual-composer-page-builder-for-prestashop/11336599 Regards

I used that module before, and it did destroy my page fully. Like in really. I had to start from 0 after i did install it.

But yes did think about it.

@wakabayashi Yes i did think about that. Im sure that my developer can create sites for me everytime, as i want it. But he also wants money for making it.

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I can confirm the visual composer module is a disaster. It has cost me also loads of time to get my shop back after installing it. The only comment you get if you ask for help; we have 1000 satisfied customers (so your complaints are fake). Thanks for the link @SnowyCat i will also try thatone.

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@snowycat said in Landing pages:

@vincentdenkspel @Baarssen @Cassim @Traumflug @lesley ,

I've just put this "layout module thing" on my todo list to create a working module which offers a basic functionality to create a proper layout. When it's done (no idea when yet....), it shall be placed in the TB marketplace.


This sounds great. And i think if you make something like what @smartdatasoft made, just better you even will be able to get payed for it. Thats a module i like to pay for. The same with the @smartdatasoft's module i wanted to pay for that, but again last time i did try it, it did work, but was not really great.

But i will have a look on it. If im lucky my developer will be able to get it working. Without losing loading time and stuff like that.

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@baarssen said in Landing pages:

he visual composer mo

hahahha same for me. Everyone is the only one of their 1000s customers. If you see a review saying exactly this in code canyon, that is my review. There is also a topic in this forum talking about visual composer because indeed they have an account here.

Smardatasoft is a Shi*y company, the worst in PS environment without any doubt.

I use the module because I am use to do workarounds to jump over the bugs but It is horrible if you do not know them. Even if it is a nightmare module is the only thing it is usable for non-developers.

If there were another module, I would pay for it without even thinking it: happy to pay 300$ if it is bugs free. I already said once that CMS and landing pages is the biggest hole (not taking in account bugs) in PS. If TB would have this feature you could say to PS users: ey! here a better PS where you can create beautiful pages as easy as in WordPress. Killer-feature

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@rubben1985 said in Landing pages:

I already said once that CMS and landing pages is the biggest hole

That is very interesting information for us, developers. Although I'm not sure if it's really so requested feature - when I did the poll about what free module to develop, nobody suggested this functionality.

...which is a shame, I'd love to work on something like this. That's exactly in my wheelhouse...

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I always thought thirty bees has CMS pages already. Not exactly prominent, but existing. One needs them e.g. for the legal fine print or shipping fee explanations.

And then, what's the distinction between a generic CMS page and a landing page? It's URL?

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@datakick Yes, a pity that nobody suggests it (strange i didn't :S) but you know what people vote it is not always what they want or they are not well represented by the persons more motivated to vote. What it was the most voted featured. Elastic search. Do you think most of the people REALLY need it for a common store?

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@traumflug To be honest I did not try TB CMS because I migrated from PS but it is really different?

What is the difference between PS CMS and a module like visual composer? With VC you can create in minutes (maybe hours to do it really well) very beautiful pages, responsive and visual without any html knowledge and drag and drop.

Landing page it is indeed a CMS but with an specific need (I call myself CMS to information pages and Landing to a page that I create with a purpose like destination page of an adword ad for example)

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I rode again your message. a CMS is not always just to legal or boring information. It can be used to show attractive information when your page is not only a 100% pure ecommerce. For example my web: https://www.lesielle.com/us/info/concentrated-custom-skin-care-actives I used a CMS to explain what are "actives" a part of my skin care concept.

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@rubben1985 said in Landing pages:

I rode again your message. a CMS is not always just to legal or boring information. It can be used to show attractive information when your page is not only a 100% pure ecommerce. For example my web: https://www.lesielle.com/us/info/concentrated-custom-skin-care-actives I used a CMS to explain what are "actives" a part of my skin care concept.

I agree! Nowdays content is so important, that you want to build nice looking landing pages quickly. (The content creation takes already enough time). Your example looks really good. Congrats!

I still would love to see a shortcode system, which is supported by the core. Imagine you can insert this in your cms page: [teaser id_product=23]

And it will just output a nice product ad. That way you can also make your content dynamic. The product is no more active? So just show an alternative.

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Would smartdatasoft accept to give you a licence to use their code by an amount of money? Then, you just have to correct the bugs (a lot of work but less than creating from scratch) Or maybe it is just so full of bugs that would be better to create from zero?

If they accept a reasonable amount to just allow you to use the code as a starting point, you could propose the community to pay the amount. I would collaborate if you are behind that. Just an idea

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The library we plan on integrating in the future version is this one, https://elementor.com/ There are several page builders, you would just need to buy an extended license like smartdatasoft does. That is why we want to use an open source one.

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