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Migrate Prestashop to a new thirtybees installation



I have used a prestashop module from presto-changeo to create a backup of our prestashop 1.6 and then upgraded that to thirtybees. It shows I could have some problems (not least two major modules we use, a quoting system and m4pdf)

So I need to work harder at this. Now, our prestashop is quite old. It has had so many themes, modules, upgrades that it is full of rubbish. I want to start again

What I would like to be able to do is

1) Create a brand new thirtybees installation locally on my windows 10 laptop 2) Copy into that installation all of our customer data and product details, images etc. Maintaining all order details, passwords, customer service records etc 3) Modify and test thirtybees to get it exactly how we need it, while periodically update the tables with the new customer and product details so it is kept up to date 4) When we are satisfied thirtybees will do what we need, move all the files and databases across to our current installation

Is there a way to do this ?

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@haylau Hi, during the migration process the module automatically keeps customers passwords. When the customers try to login to the new shop, the login process is going over our module. That’s why you must not disable or delete our module.

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OK, so I bitthe bullet and finalised the migration

I can't log into the back office using my superadmin username and password. Luckily I had createda temp one n 30 bees and i can still log in with that

I tried coping the keys from settings.inc across from pS to 30bees and I can now log in again

So question: is it save to copy these keys across and keep using them?

Edit: Switched them back and now magically all seems to work. I will check tomorrow with other admin logins. Fingers crossed

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Oh no

Problems for everyone. Staff cannot log in. If I switch the cookie keys back they can log in, but that makes other things not work. So after logging in, I put the keys back to the 30bees keys and they can still log in, and stuff seems to work


I am now nervous about returning customers

What should i do? Keep the module installed? Keep the PS 30 bees Keys? Something else???

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@wakabayashi No, the purchased one. We created a subdomain and installed 30bees fresh Used the migrate module to transfer all data into 30bees. played with 30bees to get everything working Used ftp to move the 30bees files back across to the main domain changed the URL's in the 30bees database to reflect tehe new domain

The migrate module is supposed to maintain employee and customer passwords. But someting has gone wrong. and we could not login after the move. With our without the module enabled I am having to manually change passwords in the back office. We are live now, o not much we can do about it. I will just have to deal with the customer complaints if they can't log in

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@haylau I understood you.

1) For employees: you must use the "Forget Password" option in the Admin Login page.

2) For customers: module automatically copies COOKIE_KEY, and use it during the login process. Because migrated customer logins in over our module. When migrated customer logins over our module next time, the login process goes over TB.

that`s why we did not recommend our customer to disable or remove our module immediately after the migration.

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Hello everyone,

I want to go exactly the same way as described by haylau.

As far as I have understood correctly, the migration module must remain installed until the first login of the customers. Does this also mean that the "old" PS must remain active for the calculation of passwords or are the required keys stored in the migrationpro module itself?

@haylau: Have you been able to successfully migrate your store to 30bees?

@Araz: I need to migrate 2 Prestashop systems. Is the license of the module limited to 1 or more domains? An does it support the migration from PS (latest PS version stated is


Edited by ALM
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4 minutes ago, ALM said:

Have you used the discussed module or anything else?

Btw. is there any application to be suggested for the default theme modification?

Yes, this module

Not sure what you mean about modifying default theme, works exactly like PS that you are used to. We purchased the Panda theme tough which is great

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I can confirm it seems to be migrating fine with   it did stall a couple of times with customers and orders  but to be fair on this particular project I have 23,000 customers and over 200,000 orders aross 4 stores I guess this is quite a chunky site migrate, However its picked up where it left off and is in its final stages.

I havnt had time to anylise the data yet  but will crank some numbers tomorrow to see if the financials from the orders on Bees match the original data its worked a lot better than CS Cart to Bees migration Pro module I used for the last site, where the structure of the catagories had to be rebuilt  and many products didnt move across

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I completed a migration last year that took a whole week on a PS1.6.1.4 / Panda 1.2 site that I ultimately rejected because the presentation was simply NOT reliable (images mostly - sometimes appeared correctly, sometimes not, etc.), anyway I just started a new attempt to migrate from PS1.6.1.4 / Panda 1.2 to TB 1.4 by cloning the production site (which I checked after the cloning process thoroughly to ensure it was complete), but after installing the psonesixmigrator.php module, I still get this:


...even though my php.ini does contain "allow_url_fopen = On".

magic_quotes_gpc = Off
allow_url_fopen = On
expose_php = Off

post_max_size = 8M
upload_max_filesize = 8M
max_file_uploads = 20

default_socket_timeout = 180
mysql.connect_timeout = 180

memory_limit = 1024M
max_execution_time = 180
max_input_time = -1
max_input_vars = 5000
suhosin.memory_limit = 4096M
suhosin.post.max_vars = 5000
suhosin.request.max_vars = 5000
display_errors = Off
enable_dl = Off
file_uploads = On
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440

That said, when I view the configuration page for both sites, I see this:


...So I have to assume it is a setting my hosting company will not change...

Any way to get around this??

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1 hour ago, nickz said:

Try it with php7.4 and TB 1.3 - I think that runs better, at least when installing in locally.

You can't run Prestashop 1.6.x on php7.4 and the migrator doesn't give you an option on the version of TB either.

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On 9/20/2023 at 2:29 PM, nickz said:

I didn't say to try a prestashop with php7.4 try the TB installation with that php version.

C'mon Nickz... I specifically said that I am migrating from PS 1.6 to TB 1.4, which inherently means I am running PS 1.6 and have installed the psonesixmigrator module on the PS 1.6 cloned site but cannot proceed because of the fopen error on the PS 1.6 clone site. 

IF, on the other hand, your comment above was to imply that I should install psonesixmigrator onto a TB 1.4 site and attempt to clone the data from the cloned PS 1.6 site, according to the psonesixmigrator description that isn't the way the module works - it requires that it be installed on the PS 1.6 site so that it may CONVERT THAT site TO a Thirty Bees installation - quote from github (first emphasis mine):


The thirty bees migrator module allows you to migrate any version of PrestaShop 1.6 to thirty bees quickly and easily. The module installs like a normal PrestaShop module and converts your existing shop over to thirty bees, making all the changes needed and applying the over 2000 bug fixes and speed optimizations to your shop.

This module is not to be used with PrestaShop version 1.4 or 1.5. For updating these versions, update to PrestaShop 1.6.1.x using the PrestaShop updater, first.

So my question again is: Is there any way to get around the fopen error using psonesixmigrator module to convert my PS 1.6 shop to TB 1.4?

Edited by Obi
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